“Cherry picking government data is like picking undigested kernels of corn out of your shit.” – Dr. Freckles
Something for the Sovietologist to nibble on …
Success and its critics …
“People that succeed are not afraid of their critics, people afraid of their critics are doomed to fail.” – Dr. Freckles
Venture-Capitalism / Venture-Humanism
“Venture-capitalism and venture-humanism are orthogonal and complimentary.” – Dr. Freckles
Trapped …
“Don’t be trapped by your money.” – Dr. Freckles
Late Soviet Behavior
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/job-openings-tumble-500k-even-number-quits-unexpectedly-soars
- absenteeism
- hard drug abuse and alcoholism
- low productivity
- low employment
- random logistical “boating accidents”
This is what was happening in the USSR prior to its collapse.
Satan gives you an endorsement …
Debts …
“If a debt CANNOT BE repaid, it won’t be – no amount of prison space changes this.” – Dr. Freckles
Debt and cancer …
“Debt is cancer.” – Dr. Freckles
Some truth about the job market right now:
Online Job Engine User 1: “A lot of great jobs in New York, too bad I’m in Utah …”
Online Job Engine User 2: “A lot of great jobs in Utah, too bad I’m in New York …”
(and does it work like that dating site when you first log on?)
Bulls are mostly in charge, till the end …
“I’m not a bear or a bull, I’m a realist.” – Dr. Freckles
- tantric hyperinflation
- plates spinning
- one week crack up boom
- clown show continues
Jerome Powell:
- being chased by a BEAR
- while he chases a tiger
The US economy …
“The US economy isn’t really a ‘free market’: it’s a network of linked and crooked casinos, the games at each casino might be sort of honest, but the linkages are corrupt as hell.” – Dr. Freckles
It’s not that traditional tools for financial analysis don’t work – they do: but if you disregard the crony nature of how things work, you are unlikely to make wise bets.
The TINA/FOMO BTFD folks were right all those years, and the rest of us screaming “bloody murder” were wrong – principles be damned, the death star economy is not about principles.