Money free inflation …

“Funny thing about inflation: it doesn’t mean much if you don’t have any money.” – Dr. Freckles

Yes – there’s been inflation.

No – I can’t say that the amount of free cash out there has been very extensive. Seems like poor folks still don’t have any cash – so if you have nothing, it’s kind of irrelevant what the price is.

When is the hyperinflation coming?

“The hyperinflation already happened, the wheelbarrow was your home.” – Dr. Freckles

THEORY: that the US, and much of the developed world, has already experienced the “hyperinflation” phase of monetary collapse, but because the US economy is planned at this point, the money was directed towards mechanisms that impacted “expected value” without resulting in the expected increase in money velocity or consumer prices. Simply put: the Federal Reserve discovered a set of money-dumps that allowed them to forestall the inevitable, but the inevitable is still coming … the Great Depression will look like a “soft landing” compared to what is coming.


US GDP in 2021 was 23 trillion in $USD and change … US homes are valued, still, at two times this amount …

Apply just a 10 times derivative product valuation on top of the present home “value”, you’re looking at 1/4 of a QUADRILLION $USD …

(now tell me about hyperinflation)

… there were other money pits too, other ways to hide the hyperinflation …

  1. wars
  2. China
  3. cryptos – basically a big make-work Keynesian project
  4. stock buybacks
  5. healthcare
  6. education

Lots of money pits, or black holes, to dump inflation into …

But I think we had the hyperinflation …

What’s coming next is going to be different.

It didn’t work like Weimar because the cash was targeted, not random distribution …


  • Jerome is running from a Bear and chasing a Tiger (sort of impossible long term)
  • The regime operates like a form of Austerity that began in 2020 and continues in various forms. But the money-pump, in many ways, must continue in some form … you can’t afford to blow out the bouncy castle, but you can’t afford to let it implode either … conserve that gasoline, save the pump, notice the holes in the castle … GREECE was one of their test programs.
  • When the “hyperinflation” does hit, per se, it will be so fast that you will simply end up at shortages and nothing, you will wonder about the wheelbarrow …
  • Your home was always the wheelbarrow.
  • You will get very little warning when the worst of this hits, and then it will seem like the world flipped over.
  • Inflation will “creep” until the end …
  • Don’t expect a signal for when you should sell your home … just get out of the cities.
  • This austerity regime matches the general strategy of “keep the plates spinning” until the end, and then let ACT 3 take care of the rest … What’s ACT 3? (we’ll find out together)

Bouncy Castle: A discussion of EMPIRE, or a random walk around it …




Implode or Explode —

Implode vs Explode is NOT all or nothing, it’s always a hybrid.

Implosions: tend to be less catastrophic in terms of EXTERNAL war, and more catastrophic internally.

Explosions: tend to be bad internally, but as bad or even worse in terms of neighbors.

Short, incomplete, list for discussion.

*** empires can also be destroyed by BIGGER empires … “consumption” or “subsumption” … this is a different topic …

  1. Explode: Austro-Hungarian
  2. Explode: Ottoman Empire
  3. Implode: the USSR
  4. Implode: the Spanish Empire
  5. Explode: Alexandrian Empire
  6. Implode: Roman Empire (multi-century implosion)


What I’ve said …

This is what I said in 2015, basically during a lunch conversation with other computer programmers:

There’s too much fear mongering, too much manipulation, not enough good information. That’s where we’re at … I saw someone on social media posting some more fear porn today, a new thread, and it made me want to outline PRECISELY my position:

  1. TPTB are managing a fuzzy event which was/is expected to occur in a five year window, starting in late 2019.
  2. BEST CASE: the “fuzzy event” is the collapse of the USD/Petro-Dollar empire … this will likely trigger a worldwide depression lasting a few decades. It will be pretty bad, but not the end of the world. Just really fucking horrible. I think a worldwide famine is baked into the cake for the best case.
  3. WORST CASE: something, I don’t know what for sure, so bad that you’d gaslight billions of people for 3+ years using multiple high intensity military psychological warfare operations. The flavor of OP? – trauma based, mainly. As such, it’s a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sale, setting fire to the restaurant, cover the escape and final thievery … and then what? – the elite are safe in their compounds, and the rest of us likely battle each other for scraps until something more awful than starvation kills us.

YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS – I’ve also said this.

YOU CONTROL your fate – even as a Christian, knowing GOD has a PLAN, I believe this.

And the ONLY WAY to manage the worst parts of what I describe? – liberty.

Liberty is not the “nice to have” later …

Liberty is how we avoid, possibly, an extinction level event.

Tyranny? – this is how the human race dies … not with a bang, but with a whimper.

But what WE DON’T NEED is more bullshit fear …

I don’t know for certain what is going on …

And, I could be wrong …

(something, below, from November 2019)

Poor …

I am poor – and neither proud nor ashamed.

I’ve met rich people, having worked in healthcare, who are evil shit heads and still make millions … not poor.

If you think people are poor in America mainly because they are shit heads – good luck bro … Good luck … I mean it.

CRAP CHUTE PILL HEAD America has a LOT of people who “make money” grifting – and if you choose to avoid industries that grift people, you will probably end up poor.

And since I think this “game” is almost over? – it doesn’t matter …

No matter where you live …

No matter how many ounces you have stacked or food in your basement …

We will all be visiting the poor-house soon enough.

Beating up on poor people has to be one of the lowest energy shitty things to do …

But people no longer know the difference between kindness and communism – so here we are …

A lot of rich commies, mocking poor anarchists …

A lot of grifters and crooks, mocking the moral.

Helicopter Money

Chairman Powell’s Job: mediocre dollar AND slow/manage the rate of increase in inflation

Helicopter money?

That’s the money Powell will be tossing out of his hot-standby helicopter on his way to the airstrip to be taken to a bunker-condo in Antarctica …

(that’s what “helicopter money” really is)

(it will cover the escape)