Horrible suspicions …

I have horrible suspicions as to WHY they’ve been conducting strategic military psychological warfare, at a high intensity, since early 2020 …

I have these suspicions, in many ways logical – but not enough evidence.

And I fear shit will go sideways before we ever know why, for sure.

It’s a trap …

“Beware the limited-hangout sheepdog humans that say something right every once in a while: it’s a trap.” – Dr. Freckles


“People being ‘right’ once in a blue moon does NOT make them trustworthy, no more than a broken clock.” – Dr. Freckles

Pills …

“Forget white-pills, blue-pills, black-pills, and any other pills – instead: KNOW HOW TO IDENTIFY ANCHORED TRIPLE-STRAND CONCERTINA WIRE.” – Dr. Freckles