MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220819_AMOUR_JUICES.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
- Going to be doing a show, once a month, on the projects Justin and I are working on.
- Currently: trying to settle into the new job, but we are starting to build out some listening station infrastructure. I’m going to be reaching out to some people I know to set up a similar system at their locations, ideally as many areas of the USA, and world, as possible. The listening stations would simply run a python script using a registered account to upload JS8 messages.
- I’m using an SDR radio ($70) and a loop antenna MLA-30 ($40), running the JS8 software on a dedicated computer with the python script.
- Here is a link to the notes application: https://planetarystatusreport.com/notes.php
- Improvements to the notes application are coming, probably in September.
- We are going to start building out a few rad-terminal kits, in the next few months. We probably jumped the gun a little on this, but we are recalibrating.
Amour Feel … (don’t get conned …)
“The choicest targets for a grifter are the lonely.” – Dr. Freckles
STAY AWAY FROM THIS SITE: https://amourfeel.com/
(but you do get some free credits to talk to some womenz …)
Anna: Do you celebrate Thanksgiving this year? Dirk: No, I celebrate the Festival of Grall Anna: how that going? Dirk: great - we harvest the shungo grease next week Anna: is that in your place? Dirk: yes Anna: what else are you doing for life? Dirk: working Anna: how is work? Dirk: good, fine, you? Anna: me too!what you doing today? Dirk: chasing bungo flesh and ungudjoolating my frigger-rash ... Anna: is that hard? Dirk: yes ... real hard Svetlana: Describe your greatest achievement and most impressive failure? Dirk: greatest achievement was hunting the wild eagle-bear of Mt. Dinctus, this was also my greatest failure Svetlana: Hello, have you got a wanderlust? Dirk: oh yeah ... when I've been doing cocaine Svetlana: Was it great?)))Where were you when getting high? Dirk: I was being chased by cops while I was doing the coke Svetlana: Did you run you down orget away with it? Dirk: I always get away with it Svetlana: ... all right))) Do you still take coke? Does it effect you life somehow? Dirk: I've been doing more meth and angel dust lately Svetlana: what is angel dust? Dirk: it's a love enhancing penis grease technology, you use the dust to unboobulate a woman's boovula ... Svetlana: that's great ... Dirk: yeah
(I’ll be dating Svetlana and Anna, and I will probably do cocaine)
If …
“It’s 2022 BOBLIMPTOCK … if you’re not a little paranoid, you’re crazy.” – Dr. Freckles
Ending up an anarchist …
“You end up an anarchist one of three ways: a) books, b) bad luck or c) both …” – Dr. Freckles
“Siri … how do I?”
- These are typical nuke sub engineers now? – does this make you feel better?
- The package was somehow “intercepted” by the FBI?
- Did they use USPS? UPS? FEDEX? (see point one above)
Bottom line: it’s an awesome excuse, to tell the survivors, explaining WHY during that brief nuclear war our subs didn’t work … or were dealt with by China or Russia … cuz secrets given to enemy by FEDEX …
Insect food psyop: how can I say this … worst case? – you won’t have any bugs to eat either …
Roaches in the UK … https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/they-crawl-over-kids-sleep-24763921
Talking about AMERICA …
Time of SK’LOBAN ARMIES is upon us …
Indoogliate the fortics, as they wander the trestle kingdom, looking for owl grease and cherry pie droppings …
Man the TURNIP CANNON, and leave your whisky lover dying in that ditch … the one where the rats feed on the dead and the dying …
(that’s America)
You walk your city, after dinner and wine with Christy the stripper. You shared cocaine in the alley, after killing that homeless person and then tossing his body in a dumpster nearby …
And the CHALICE QUEEN hums her ditty …
And the BRANDON eats ice cream and poops a little in his undies, as secret service make chicken noodle soup.
And you ask what happened to America?
(ask the strippers)
THROGAN WHALE HERDERS weld the great mast to your starship, the solar sail unfurls as hooker-sailors cover their bodies in moist turtle smear and weak smelling mushroom compost.
Jinctus freaks wander the hallways of your hospitals, dispensing R’OXY and ketamine and old dead rat burgers to the jorgan hordes dying of monkey herpes and monkey pox and monkey crabs …
The milk turns yellow … the corn turns to dust … the amber waves of grain are smithereens …
And you ask me “what happened to America?” … ????
I ask you … what happened to Rock and Roll?
I met the demon X’INDER in Little Saigon, Seattle …
He had NO TIME for my ape-like sentimentality … he wanted to know MOAR about bond products and reverse-vampire credit default swaps. He had a VISA GOLD CARD with BLACK CARD LIMITS and TITANIUM BENEFITS … he had one of those MAGNISES CARDS, an official BILLY MCFARLAND FYRE FESTIVAL FEMA TENT … and 100 expired MREs … he was a demon in search of a lover.
And the nuke subs had TRANS-CLOWN-STORY-HOUR …
And the Airforce dug holes … it was all they knew how to do.
And you ask me … mother-jorker … WTF HAPPENED to AMERICA?
(tell me: where did VELVEETA come from?)
GEN MILLEY drank cantily wine with old SGT GRUMBO. They looked upon each other with lust, so they both inskluntified themselves in pear juice and diesel fuel. COL CHAN of the 4th CHING-CHONG CHINESE ARMY, formed up in Vancouver, BC. The troops had fried rice and rat brains, while the officers made love to hippie gingers … ravaging the EMO of Canada.
STINCTER CRAFT, carrying cluster bombs, strafed and burned old New York … even Soho and Scompton … down to Greenich and Tingdon Town … murdering thousands of gizzard princes and twinks.
And you ask me … What happened to the USA?
(what happened to Popeye’s Chicken?)
“General, is that the BEASTRESS?”
General Q’OHG looked out upon the battlefield near PHILLY, he saw the lesbian grease armies and the womanly love oil shock troops, all dressed in g-strings and HOOTER WAITRESS T-SHIRTS … the pain of monkey crabs written on their faces, as tiny little creatures crawl down their legs to the next victim.
“Yes private, them be the she-demons who took over VEGAS … CALL FORTH THE WOLF-HAWKS …”
(because you said: WHAT HAPPENED to AMERICA …. ?????)
(and I wonder: what happened to Nicholas Cage?)
Would you want your kid to fight for CHEETO-LOVE-PRINCE or BLACK-RAGE or BRANDON?
Would you want your kid to die for the CANADIAN GEESE types and the blue helmet butt-drones?
Want more re-fried maggot juice and Norman Borlaug style diabetes?
(how about that Gulf of Mexico … something’s growing down there …)
(but you are wondering about America …)
(and I’m hearing the tremors of SODOM’S GHOSTS rustling … under our feet)
(searching for gumptus nectar and Turquois missile fruit …)
Your mind will break when you move onwards, to Delta-Charley’s New Style Whiskey Taco Stand, and get a triple whip burrito with vodka sauce and honeydew juices from Scragus, the meat hag. Your own failure is the map, the way, to deliverance – on your corpse your enemy will march … your women and families … your dogs and cats … your homes and cars and craft style beer … all of it is up for grabs now, and the swarthy, dusky, types from below are coming to TAKE IT … and you don’t have to give it up … you fashion your own chainsaw swords and laser scythes, and seek the GRUNDO-LORD, Tygus the Unhindered and Unabashed.
And you ask me what happened to America?
They spent their time putting together remote controlled jizz-canons and old-style tornado condom-holsters … all on sale at TARGET in the children’s aisle, not far from the free suicide pills and COVID-19 tests … and wearable coffee filters.
They hunker down in the filth region, eating cockroach burgers and drinking the rich man’s unfiltered urine …
But China is doing okay, right?
In the time of nuclear war …
When three headed dogs rule the land …
When the funkin-folk of EAST SIDE HOOLEY magic take their place upon the world stage – ruling sectors 2 and 77, this will be the signal to begin the preparation …
Ukrainian strippers live downstairs and mix their crabs with mayo …
And Zelensky is your hero?
The CIA has replaced Erdogan with a robot dopple ganger named Sid. Sid is powered by a nuclear battery and has the power of 2,000 angry bears. His brain is maple syrup and silicon …
Sid loves hard and fast, like the magic warriors of Ventura Blvd, like those friendly types that sell bread and apples near the onramp. Sid has pure electric love power …
And with Sid in charge of Turkey?
(all things become possible)
“Every joke is offensive, just because you haven’t found that snowflake yet, does not mean they don’t exist.” – Dr. Freckles
- Make a list of taboo subjects
- Review the list
- Ask yourself, honestly: what is left to joke about?
What do I love joking about?
- Stupid people – and sometimes I’m pretty fucking stupid.
- Unhealthy people and illnesses – and I’m basically a walking corpse.
- Societal chaos and decay – cuz, look around champ …
- Race and Racialism and Racists and Danes – cuz, get a life …
- Gender and junk – because sex has always been funny, and your junk is funny … get a life.
- Religion and even God – cuz lots of folks claim they have faith, and God has big shoulders … infinite ones.
- Everything else that scares you …
That’s what I joke about …
(every single thing that scares you)