“Validating honey pots has been a big part of the manipulation since early 2020.” – Dr. Freckles
There are limited hangouts, honey pots, distractions.
“If my name were PROFESSOR CRAB-TREE, I would CRISPR engineer apple trees that grew Dungeness crabs.” – Dr. Freckles
“Be careful when looking for old furniture: old chairs have fart demons.” – Dr. Freckles
let’s keep it simple:
Boomers did a lot of coke back in the 70’s / 80’s.
(some laxative in it)
(many of those coke heads got super broke and had to sell all their furniture)
“If you don’t know the difference between freedom and physical assault, you will be treated like an animal.” – Dr. Freckles
Want me to blow your mind?
That bridge that was taken out by the container ship?
(it will NEVER be rebuilt)
(sklog-people will use it as anchorage for their Dyg-realm farms and jingus-toad abattoirs … in the time to come)
“Jesus was engagement farming.” – Dr. Freckles
“Spock would have been happiest as simply a software engineer. God forbid you enter that field AFTER 30, as a human, and KNOW the ‘squishy stuff’ that doesn’t fit into logic – then you are truly doomed.” – Dr. Freckles
“The world will be WOKE when I get to play Kunta Kinte in the upcoming ROOTS revival.” – Dr. Freckles