“The truth is easy to speak, whereas lies rip at the tongue.” – Dr. Freckles
God does not want slaves …
“God doesn’t want slaves, Satan can’t have enough of them.” – Dr. Freckles
The show “Manifest” (2018 to Present)
A lot like the show “The 4400” 14 years earlier, this show presents a counter-Apocalypse, filled with Masonic and Kabbalistic and Satanic imagery and symbolism …
- Many random folks, throughout the series, are resurrected
- Lots of people with super-powers, performing confusing miracles – because God always sends bad instructions …
- You need special crystals to talk to God.
- That man can make a miracle, just like God.
- One of the characters, Cal, is associated with the symbol of a DRAGON: and a character says “The Dragon Will Save Us” (not Christian, not even Orthodox Jewish)
- God is referred to as “She” more than once.
- The “evil” characters in the show (and they are depicted as evil) are Christians, wearing crosses.
- Throughout the series, they consult EVERY OTHER BOOK BUT the Bible, mostly. With rare exceptions, one solitary Book of Romans quote … and towards the end of the series they circle back on the Bible … a new age REVELATION.
- There’s a Jewish cop that keeps bringing up the holocaust
- “a 20 year old without a phone” – as if it’s almost verboten
- The timelines don’t remotely match prophecy, and their are no real punishments from God, other than this nebulous “death date” in 2024 …
- A death date, in 2024. (meditate)
- At one point, in season 4, the good guys “save” a kid from a child trafficking ring, only to hand the kid over to CPS … (smh)
- At the end of each episode “this episode made according to COVID protocols” – we know which god you worship.
An “angel” wearing a mask …
The Devil’s power …
“It’s not magic that gives Lucifer power, it’s all the humans who lack faith.” – Dr. Freckles
Fearing … (anything, but God)
“If you fear the Devil, or Man, or any ‘Tower of Babel’ Man creates? To include robots? – then your faith is in deep trouble.” – Dr. Freckles
The Word is a spark …
“The Word is a spark, and the spark starts a fire, so even if you have no Bible with you – the Word is always with you from the moment the fire starts.” – Dr. Freckles
The Devil prefers NOT to be seen … until he’s ready.
“The Devil, like table magicians, and con artists, performs BETTER if fewer people are watching.” – Dr. Freckles
The dogs …
The dogs have been extra on edge the last few months.
It’s like they see something, something humans can’t see …
It’s like they see, in the distance, that thing slouching towards us.
I’ve had a recurring vision for the last 4 years – started in 2019, before the “monkey herpes” showed up.
- a vision of service men and women, soldiers, sailors, airforce officers, from around the world, becoming possessed and starting a nuclear war
- same vision, moments before, the Lord in Heaven says to those who can hear: “it’s time to come home”
- When the Lord says “come home” and those souls resurrected to ride on a cloud with Jesus back to Heaven: I hear the son “A prayer for the dying …” by Seal
- and then, in an instance, wife is left without a husband in her bed, two friends walking, one is gone, one stands still
Lead by example …
“Lead by example, not by shame.” – Dr. Freckles
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230722_COCAINE_SHARK.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Cocaine sharks: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8558
Knowing what to leave behind: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8584
Drunkenness: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8580
INDULGENCES: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8542
NO SOFT LANDING: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8515
TSAR BOMBA: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8545
THE ANTICHRIST: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8549
Gaslighting …
“When a gaslight’r says ‘let’s keep this private’, you should probably let someone else know.” – Dr. Freckles
Vapid and Empty
“If you want a vapid and empty life? – tie it to earthly goals, vomit yourself onto social media, build an ego-ponzi.” – Dr. Freckles
When PSYOPs end …
“Even when a PSYOP ends, it leaves a residue. The residue can be considered the basis for a religious belief – sometimes even a cult.” – Dr. Freckles
- covid-19 and the “coffee filter” cult
- 9/11 flag waving
- the Moon Landings
All left a residue …
The residue create new belief systems, all of which is best dissected from the angle of comparative religion and mythology.
Think about the “moon landings”:
The “moon landing” is a BRILLIANT THING to lie about, if you’re a con artist or voter …
- It’s not as hard as actually doing it
- you can pocket a SHIT TON of money saying you did it
- it creates a positive mythology that buttresses state power for generations