The show “Manifest” (2018 to Present)

A lot like the show “The 4400” 14 years earlier, this show presents a counter-Apocalypse, filled with Masonic and Kabbalistic and Satanic imagery and symbolism …

  1. Many random folks, throughout the series, are resurrected
  2. Lots of people with super-powers, performing confusing miracles – because God always sends bad instructions …
  3. You need special crystals to talk to God.
  4. That man can make a miracle, just like God.
  5. One of the characters, Cal, is associated with the symbol of a DRAGON: and a character says “The Dragon Will Save Us” (not Christian, not even Orthodox Jewish)
  6. God is referred to as “She” more than once.
  7. The “evil” characters in the show (and they are depicted as evil) are Christians, wearing crosses.
  8. Throughout the series, they consult EVERY OTHER BOOK BUT the Bible, mostly. With rare exceptions, one solitary Book of Romans quote … and towards the end of the series they circle back on the Bible … a new age REVELATION.
  9. There’s a Jewish cop that keeps bringing up the holocaust
  10. “a 20 year old without a phone” – as if it’s almost verboten
  11. The timelines don’t remotely match prophecy, and their are no real punishments from God, other than this nebulous “death date” in 2024 …
  12. A death date, in 2024. (meditate)
  13. At one point, in season 4, the good guys “save” a kid from a child trafficking ring, only to hand the kid over to CPS … (smh)
  14. At the end of each episode “this episode made according to COVID protocols” – we know which god you worship.

An “angel” wearing a mask …