I came across your mail contact prior to a private search while in need of your assistance. I am Princess Leia, the only biological Daughter of Former President of Alderan. I am single and WILL fuck YOU and your HAIRY FRIENDS. I have apple sized titties and a nice snatch. MOAR PICS HERE, CLICK ON THIS!
I have investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand IMPERIAL CREDITS (27.500.000.00 IC) and I need a trusted JEDI or mercenary because of my current refugee status, however, I am interested in you for your honor and JEDI CODE bullshit. I'll give you blow-jobs.
UPDATE: there might be UP TO 3 inches of snow, somewhere in Minnesota, as of the last RAYTHEON-LOCKHEED spraying campaign … 3 inches of fucking snow … in Minnesota … in February … what a fucking joke. (keep FREEDOM’ING MAGA-MAN, ignore the pillars of smoke in the distance)
“POPPING SMOKE” theory from January 2020 (revisited again):
a) Q-ANON is REAL, TRUMP loves us, and the good guys and deep-state WHITE HATS are winning.
b) They are dumping truth on you as SMOKE to cover/conceal THEIR escape, implied in this option is that it no longer matters, anyone actually responsible is BEYOND THE REACH of any “justice.
c) you can believe there is a civil war among the ELITE, and they are data dumping each other, and that our government is in a state of pure chaos.
“… and while people are busy doing THIS, the ELITE are preparing for the DARK WINTER to come.”