Let’s build a sovietology pattern:

  1. I propose Dane Wigington is a “sheep dog” (strike from YouTube)
  2. I propose that “Sound of Freedom” is also “sheep dog” bullshit (another strike from YouTube)




RANDOM 1: SOUND of FREEDOM continued, sucking all the oxygen out of the room.

RANDOM 2: CROW FUNERAL – I saw one yesterday.

Too poor:

Monetary Sickness:

Disney is a shit hole:

The Vatican and Child Trafficking:


“Many medical problems persist until you run out of money, or other people’s money.” – Dr. Freckles


There is no economically feasible way you can provide sexual transition surgery to EVERY PERSON seeking it today – not financially, not logistically.

It would require TAXES to pay for it that would dwarf those taxes funding Medicare.

ERGO: it’s a fear monkey

40-50 million surgeries in the US each year …

1.6 million young people needing transition.

4 surgeries, on average, per transition.

That’s between 6 and 7 million additional surgeries, an increase of 14% at least, likely an increase of 20% over current surgical operations.

Exactly what does this do to malpractice?

Assuming hospital systems survive the onslaught of the COMING COVID LAWSUIT TIDAL WAVE, there would be no way for the insurance companies to cover this – and they would not.

This means bankrupt hospitals and doctors …

(tell me more about the coming wave of trans surgery)

Surgery + hospital stay: $100K on average …

$100K * 1.6M * 4 (total surgeries) == 640 billion dollars … and plan on doing a similar cohort every YEAR.

In terms of EVIL AGENDAS:

a) vaccine mass murder

b) mass sterilization with surgeries

c) making medically assisted suicide available FOR ALL – which is where Canada is at

Which is cheapest?

Which, given the bat shit crazy state of things, is likely to work?


During 2019, when the economy was “so good”, the people of Seattle floated the idea of using McNeil Island as an internment camp for homeless people …

Ignore how small it is …

Ignore the dying sea around it …

Just dump homeless people there, and let God sort it out – that was the thinking.

1/4 Canadians support medically assisted suicide for those who cite poverty as a reason:



Catholic Church and Child Trafficking

“Talking about child trafficking and NOT mentioning the Catholic Church is like talking about auto racing and ignoring the INDY 500.” – Dr. Freckles

Prior to the Monkey Herpes / COVID PSYOP? – the Vatican was facing a lot of problems with child abuse, child trafficking … but as China and the Banking system were helped by the fake crisis, so also the Vatican.







Sound of Freedom: be careful … if the involvement of the Catholic Church in ritualistic child abuse is ignored or minimized, then you are probably being told half truths, and that would imply that Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel are “sheep dogs” …

Scantily Clad:

Shit is falling apart:

OWNING things:





Shit is falling apart …

I was at the grocery store and the attendant wiped her butt with a scorn rag, and then began checking me out. She smeared fecal matter and vagina butter on my eggs and milk and cheese, then she muttered “do you have a discount number”, and I said yes …

“My discount number is 28 …”, she just stared at me … I grabbed my hag food and left.

CHEEVUS, my friend at the Maverick, has started selling stuurg-corn after midnight out back …

You take this stuff and mix it with gasoline and dead penguins and you end up with FROOG-SKEIN, and this lights up your mind and allows you to commune with eerie forces not far from SKLEEVENVILLE …

CHEEVUS just got done with parole, he’d stolen a car and driven it into a rest home …

CHEEVUS was awarded a lesser sentence because the 12 old people he killed? – well, they had COVID-19 … he was flattening the curve, is what his lawyer said …

Shit is falling apart.

I met my old girlfriend DUNDY at the cafe last weekend. She got done washing pig trucks and was wanting a “nice date” – so we ate chicken-chunks and potato eyes … her eyes grew large when the TACO SURPRISE showed up …

Dundy got sick, real sick …

Dundy vomited all night and then started bleeding from her bonus hole …

She couldn’t stop thinking it was over … I told her, we didn’t know. No one knew, not when it’s REALLY OVER …

I told her they could replace her insides with PVC and old broken alarm clocks and empty spray cans …

I told her we could save up, and get her one of those NEW SYNTHETIC digestive tracts, the one with the cartridges and the gasoline flare mechanism …

I told her I loved her, and it didn’t matter that her ass-fire was bad, or that the gases were making me sick too …

She just wandered off later that night … into the alfalfa field …

Dundy was discovered, days later, in a dumpster – she’d blown her own head off with a shotgun … on a piece of paper taped to her shirt read “I DID MOST OF THE WORK FOR YOU …”

Crap is getting real.

I saw OLD SKLIG at the rail yard …

Sklig had been lurking near RAIL CAR 004, the one where the old hobos and wanderers congregate. He’d been working the EEK-MINES outside of Elko in Nevada …

Sklig was hired to set charges and drill holes and find chunks of hooker gold in the debris of every landslide. He worked hard and spent his weekends hiking around the hills and mountains and surfing the dingus-paths where old besto-wolves hunt the younglings, all huddled together in the fear cave.

Sklig was caught by someone serving papers, he’d left his 8 wives in Ohio, and never got around to updating his address … They fought hard for several hours, with rocks and knives and bats and sticks. When it was over, Sklig was dead and the land was drenched with NEW BLOOD – strange wildflowers began to bloom in the aftermath, and the desert thrived again.

Stuff is weird, mang …

Mexicans and Italians …

They don’t belong here …

They steal everything they find and set fire to all the old folks. They sell s’klink to kids at the blind school and mock the old gods and the new …

Sure … at first they seem okay, but after a while they’re checking out your stuff and measuring you for what they can TAKE … who they can SCREW …

The town was a good town before they got here …

Now the Mexicans and the Italians have destroyed it.

What are we going to do???


Danish people?

Everywhere they live there is nothing but poison and polluted lands …

They bring smiles and kringle and pasteurized diabetes dreams, marinating in Copenhagen nightmares …

“DANISH PEOPLE RUIN EVERYTHING” was ORIGINAL TITLE Shakespeare chose for Hamlet … the Jews in charge of England rejected this.

Danish people will smile and laugh and walk the streets with their blonde kids. They sell crack cocaine to the TURKS, and the TURKISH BIKER GANGS are their street lords – enforcing their RULE over the slime of the world …

DANES are RESPONSIBLE for 78% of all child trafficking worldwide, and 89% of all juvenile diabetes. They seem “so nice” while they are chopping up babies and feeding them to sharks for their holiday entertainment.

It’s fucked up what Danish people have done to the world …

What can be done?

Schrodinger was a DANE …

He was caught, torturing cats, in 1929 …

He claimed it was for “science” …

(but we know what DANES do with CATS)

Did you know that over 10,000 cats were killed to prove Schrodinger CORRECT?


White people?

Who the fuck are they?

All pale and ghost like …

Moving about in the shadows, afraid of harming their alabaster skin …

They mock the sun BECAUSE the SUN cures the disease – and the WHITE MAN holds his disease close to his heart …

He pretends to be so many things, but he’s a liar …

He speaks with many tongues, he sells diseased blankets to indigenous tribes …

The white man is the homunculus of twilight horror, and spends his days collecting objects and gold and other things to HOARD … He won’t share, he’ll watch your baby starve … that fucking WHITE MAN.


CHINESE PEOPLE? – can’t be trusted …

INDIAN PEOPLE? – happy and lazy …

RUSSIAN PEOPLE? – angry and drunk …

CANADIANS? – what do I need to say BUTT HOLE …

But the IRISH are cool …

The IRISH are good …

The world would be nothing but sadness, if not for our ginger smiles …

(and that’s still working)

(so you should thank us)


A new kind of air conditioner …

“Dan, we have this new kind of air conditioner …”

“Really, how does it work?”

“An electric fan blows a current of air over ICE …”

“So it’s a swamp cooler?”

“No … no.”

“Where do you get the ice from?”

“That’s racist …”

(and scene)