If you think it’s real …

I talked about this when the “Ukraine War” began:

If you believe:

a) nuclear weapons are real
b) the conflict is real, and not staged
c) that Russia and China are independent actors

Then MAD theory (Mutually Assured Destruction) DOES NOT HELP YOU …

TWO-PERSON GAME THEORY assumes rational actors. NOT GOOD … they can be evil, but they have to be rational.

What kind of lopsided motherfucker could look at the shitheads, GOP and DEMOCRAT, in WA DC and say “rational”.

Because Russia and China at this point can presume the USA is NOT lead by a rational agent, but rather a confederacy of shit heads and crazy people? – then their best move is a decapitation strike:

Take out WA DC, command and control nodes, with precision nuke strikes …

Our next best move, after that, will be to sue for peace. Assuming someone rational takes over the USA as an interim government.