GEO-ENGINEERING DETECTOR … (detecting a new massive OP?)

As a sovietologist, you should read these articles … then tell me what it means.

If you believe as I do, that EVERYONE is lying when it comes to the climate system? – then don’t fret or waste your time on fear. Like the “covid”, the “climate emergency” could be just more of that nonsense. But I have not come to any conclusion on this issue, mainly because humans have a way of combining denial, greed and technology, to the point of self destruction.




The narrative generators seem cool on “pandemic” and they are getting HOT on “climate event”. Bear in mind: the world ending climate catastrophe has been a building narrative for a long time, and it didn’t just start with Hansen’s famous testimony before congress in the late 1980’s. The story goes back further, and the history of “global warming” itself gets messy.