“Zbigniew Brzezinski once said it is EASIER to kill a million people today than to control a million people. But you know what’s easier than THAT? – to let some calamity take out the millions for you.” – Dr. Freckles
(number one hit going back 7,000 years, especially when the elite are blaming the poors for “burning Rome”? – FAMINE)
Could be a “thing” that they know is coming and are covering up, could be a thing THEY triggered, and they don’t want you to know … could be the THING discussed in Matthew 24:22, who knows …
They are NOT known for hard work, so LITERALLY the easiest fucking thing for them to do is to let NATURE wipe out a shit ton of humans.
Next easiest and most likely historically? – to STARVE a bunch of humans out of existence. Especially if your safe zone for the elite is in Antarctica.
MICRO PLASTICS: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16495