SANTA UNCHAINED! (from Dec 25th, 2016)


Once upon a time, in Grinken Town …

There were two travelers, making their way in the world …

“Chembliss is falling this time of year”, Old Trolli said to his friend Blymph.

“Yeah, it’s trieggen-dust, to give us the blue snow this year …”

Old Trolli and Blymph lived in a shack not far from 3rd AVE. It’s near that place where those nuns were murdered last year, and their bodies were dumped. They had shared a small room, near Vleed’s TAVERN, and it had a microwave and a sink to clean yourself and water 3 hours a day. “It was good living” Blymph said, he made enough money to share the rent – he had a great job: he chucked bodies at the TACO TIME dump in Maple Leaf.

“… you still got the SKOGH-worms?”, Trolli asked Blymph.

“Doc Grunkis gave me the the wood pulp and the diesel fuel, so it seems to be improving …”

A lot of folks had SKOGH-worms, at least the folks that live on the streets. You’d fall asleep, too close to one of the sewer manholes or gutters, and them things would just crawl up and lay eggs in a person’s ear … You’d wake up with a headache and if not treated you would hemorrhage into the brain cavity, dripping white pus and a pinkish yellow substance …

“That’s good man … them things are bad news.”

It was December the 24th 2028, and Blymph had heard that everyone gets a protein treat this year! Mostly it’s been cricket-flour and bacterial paste. You’d get some can of “purple” and it would have vitamins, but no one could tell you what was in the “purple” … but this year?


A protein TREAT!

A chunk of lab groan goat meat!

(at least that’s what they said)

So it was a Christmas, something warm for the pot.