



The Transantarctic Mountains bisect a 3rd of the Antarctic continent. McMurdo station represents one of the entry points to this alpine chain …

But wait a minute … let’s back up.

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in WA DC in 1959, by 12 nations – Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States and USSR …

You see, in 1945, at the end of WW2, the allied forces, working with a THEN still allied USSR, began a weather study project – Project Cassandra. The purpose of the project was to determine the current state of the Earth’s geo-climactic systems with a special emphasis on the impacts of the Arctic and Antarctic regions on these climate phenomena …

By 1955, “Cassandra” came to some interesting conclusions …

  1. That the Arctic Ocean and permafrost system served an essential role in maintaining the Earth’s temperature – even driving great oceanic pumps that would allow heat exchange.
  2. The Arctic System was in the initial stages of failure, from the perspective of humans who have lived in a unique climate nexus for nearly 10,000 years – barring periodic shifts, it has mostly been stable and cooler. But now that balance has changed.
  3. That under the Arctic Ocean, in a frozen and stable state, there was approximately 3.4 trillion tons of methane. Within the arctic permafrost system, there was an additional 2 trillion tons (after microbial life begins converting formerly frozen permafrost), and nearly 100 billion tons of nitrous oxide once the frozen organics begin thawing and converting.
  4. The rate of permafrost failure would be slow at first, and then accelerate through building positive feedback loops.
  5. The whole process will result in a new equilibrium climate for the planet, warmer, many regions uninhabitable because of heat and humidity. Ocean levels would go up approximately 50 to 100 meters, with an end to permanent ice.
  6. The final stage would result in rapid warming, worldwide, and though the event itself might only last a decade or two – the transition period might be so cataclysmic, that very few if any humans would survive.
  7. That the use of geoengineering technology might slow the process, the process itself, best case, would be in final stages approximately 7 decades in the future … but it was a range prediction based on what computers were capable of in that day and age. Sometime between 2010 and 2030 was the high likelihood window.
  8. Finally: this was always going to happen. It was possible a tipping point was crossed with human activity, but some other actor, in nature, might have done the same thing.

Project Cassandra’s report was CLASSIFIED Q-CLEARANCE TOP SECRET – only the leaders of certain nations and vetted advisors were allowed copies …

A secondary project, Project Noah, was kicked off to determine IF there was anywhere on Earth where some portion of humanity might survive. Some of the scientific team from Project Cassandra were also Project Noah analysts, and they already knew the answer – Antarctica.

Because of the tilt of the Earth, and the Earth’s orbit, Antarctica is nearly in a permanent frozen state – although the humidity might match that of the desert, the temperatures are almost always at or below freezing, year round. Even in a worst case scenario, the Trans Antarctic mountain chain would have areas above oceanic sea level rise and capable of housing large bunker projects, landing strips, nuclear power. A large Uranium deposit was discovered in the Transantarctic Mountain Range, only 200 miles from McMurdo Station, so the recommendation was to build the complex close enough to this deposit that they could use electricity from the bunker complex to power equipment, trains, and other resources needed to mine and refine uranium. The reactors would be built near the deposits, with transmission lines, above ground, from the power generation facilities to the bunker complex.

Despite generally arid conditions, there was a great deal of underground water, ready for human consumption.

With hydroponics and artificial light, much of their food could be grown and they could use green areas to assist in cleaning the air of these bunkers.

The expectation would be a need to house between 10 and 20 million people. In 1955, this number would have been a significant portion of the US population. In 2023, this represents a mega city.

Project Noah began to implement items from the overall plan in 1956, with the following sub goals to be achieved by 1960:

  1. A worldwide treaty restricting access to Antarctica, under the guise of “peaceful research only” (approved research).
  2. A military psychological warfare operation to direct “blame” regarding any climactic impacts at consumers – car drivers, people that eat meat, just about everyone. Make humans feel guilty about the modern life they live, and blame them for any climate disasters.
  3. Begin a crash geoengineering program to manage solar radiation and to enhance chemical ice nucleation to support the Arctic and Antarctic and increase the longevity of the ice pack in the Arctic Sea.
  4. Direct a campaign to downplay and ridicule topics relating “geoengineering”, “methane”, and “permafrost collapse”.

It became obvious to the managing projects, regarding the use of geoengineering, that there would inevitably, especially in the last few decades of such a program, be toxic effects. At a certain level of concentration, the toxicity might be immediate in many cases, resembling illness and death from respiratory diseases or infections. It might become necessary to manage the impacts of geoengineering by implementing a PSYOP program, amping up a fear of “viruses” and “bacteria” … support creative people writing stories about epidemics and viral outbreaks. This way, towards the end, toxic shock and exposure to geoengineering compounds can be managed as some kind of “pandemic”.

Another thing they realized was this: they would need to regulate economic activity, in the world and local economies, to enable periodic testing of atmospheric conditions. They did not believe the human component was directly contributing, beyond possibly triggering the event, they did believe human contributions impacted calculations about “when” the final stage of permafrost collapse would be reached, when the first “blue ocean event” would be seen – that is an arctic sea free of ice. When the Eastern Siberian Arctic Shelf, and other regions, would begin belching up destabilized frozen methane. So, every 5-10 years, they could re-calibrate their model, and have a more precise idea of the time frame for these events.


Project Noah began building the main bunker complex chain in 1961 …

At first, it was hard – to get the materials needed to Antarctica, to conduct operations year round in impossible conditions. Digging out and hauling out rock and debris from the bunker construction went well, developing the logistical models around the nuclear reactors and electrification took a lot of work – and adjustment for extreme conditions that might get even more extreme in the future. It was decided that over-ground power transmission and communications linkages was preferable to buried, given the rapidly changing nature of geography in the expected catastrophe scenario.

Because there would be a great deal of transitory instability around the time that the complexes are filled and prepared, they decided to create a modular and nested, hardened model for each sub complex.

Each module would be a high integrity reinforced area, with its own access to the main air and water resources, and with its own access to the surface. Each module zone, housing approximately 10,000 people, would have all equipment necessary for repairs and for exiting the complex in the event of adverse external conditions – persistent high temperature and high humidity conditions, extreme cold, potentially low oxygen condition.

Each module would generate and manage its own oxygen, air … as such, they would be capable of operating, sealed off from the outside, for up to 50 years … longer possibly.

The US government, and other participatory governments, began tracking key individuals in 1965. They looked to high IQ, socially functioning individuals – in many disciplines, areas, as potential enlistees to the SAFE ZONE … Scientists, doctors, sex workers, entertainers, managers of industry and engineers. Up until 2015, the list was still open. By 2015, they figured they were reliably in the 10 year window, and they had, for 20 million spots, 60 million on the waiting list alone …

It was recommended that high profile enlistees into Project Noah fake their deaths – helicopter crashes, planes, ships sinking, drug overdoses, suicides. By faking their deaths, their disappearance from public life would be mostly ignored by the majority, leaving only a minority of conspiracy theorists actively looking into these scenarios.

The 9/11 attacks were set up to create a “super window” for base-lining the state of the Arctic system – it provided an economic slowdown and a shut down of air traffic. This allowed all particulate matter, to include geoengineering particulates, to fall out of the air column and this provided a better view of the state of the atmosphere and arctic cooling system. By 2003 it was determined that the final stages of Arctic collapse would begin in the 2018-2022 time period.

A final super-check of the state of things was done in 2009.

A massive global economic crisis triggered an extreme shutdown in industrial activity, allowing for another look at the numbers/metrics and to update a decades old but still used and modified computer model.

The model verified the 2003 conclusions, and determined at 100% probability window for the worst of the catastrophe between 2019 and 2025.

Project Alpine, the coordinated use of geoengineering to manage and slow the rate of Arctic and permafrost collapse, began in earnest in 1959 … there was a secret treaty signed by the same signatories of the Antarctic Treaty – the secret treaty described how aircraft and other technology, to include weather tracking and model development, would be used to manipulate the Earth’s climate. Since the main focus for much of this time period would be the Arctic system, it was believed it would be unnecessary to expend many resources managing public perception at first. Post 1990’s, they would need to begin geoengineering at a large scale over populated areas, and at this point some kind of cover story or military psychological warfare program would be needed to managed public perception.

Project Alpine would run the disinformation sub-projects, geared towards discrediting critics of geoengineering and anyone raising an alarm related to methane or permafrost degradation. They would control access to graduate programs in related fields of study, and actively manage researchers, using carrots and sticks, to keep the RIGHT perspective out there regarding the climate. Once active geoengineering began over populated areas, they would need to change the story from “global warming” to “climate change”


Final stage geoengineering, to begin (as predicted) in 2015, would be highly toxic – so toxic that many people suffering from autoimmune and allergic disorders would have immediate reactions and in a significant number of cases (5%) would simply drop dead from respiratory failure. At this point, a concerted effort would need to be made promoting “new diseases” and “bird flu” other “severe or acute respiratory disorders”.

Because the geoengineering program would degrade the ozone layer which protects the Earth’s biosphere from UV-C and much of the UV-B, there would need to be a program managing people’s views of sunlight – to include development of more powerful sunscreens.

The “alarm” was raised, secretly, among world powers, in 2018 … this also coincided with a Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation program promoting fear of some “new virus” they called ominously DISEASE-X. It was decided that a multi-layered high intensity military psychological warfare program would be kicked off in late 2019 with some “exercise” known of publicly, to feed all limited hangouts of the coming PSYOP.

The kind of psychological warfare being used to managed this period of “alarm” would be geared towards the following compound goal:

  • keep people at home, mainly
  • keep roads clear
  • keep people divided and in a state of fear
  • impact intuitive types by carpet bombing their unconscious with pseudo-disasters and lesser catastrophes
  • keep people traumatized

Mainly, they needed to keep people under control, so that it would be too late for them to impede Project Noah, by the time they figured out what was going on …

They understood from NAZI experiments, that the mainly trauma based mind control at a population scale would trigger adrenal fatigue and other chronic illnesses would be made worse. Trauma based mind control at this scale would cause plagues of madness and insanity. The longer these operations lasted, the more severe the damage to civic society, and it was expected all the programs would lose their respective power after 5 years.

The principle operation, Project King, would focus on a cold or flu virus that originates in China. The back story of labs and wet markets would be maintained to keep people in one limited hangout or another IF they asked too many questions.

Secondary to this was Project Schism – a multi layered program to keep people in divided subgroups, making it much easier to control the whole population. NGOs and various groups would be used to foment street violence, and race, sexuality, wealth and other points of division would be accentuated and focused on by the media.

Project Wall was the project to limit access to the Arctic Circle during the final stage of arctic system collapse – the core of this program would be a limited and localized war between Russia and one of its neighbors, ideally a US ally. This would allow the shutdown of 60% of the arctic system, in order to block independent researchers. The rest of the Arctic Circle would be policed by NATO/UN forces, and that would enable an information cordon around the entire Arctic.

Based on monitoring, it was clear members of the uniformed services of several allied nations were likely to mutiny at some point near the end. Another side mission of Project Wall was to use up as much small arms, anti-tank, anti-aircraft, and other munitions from the arsenals of these nations – the net result would be stealth disarmament of the populations, excepting private ownership of small arms.

When the green light was given in 2019, many people in positions of power resigned from their jobs, left their occupations. Some of these were normal retirement events, some involved aircraft crashing. Project Noah expected to have 100% of all enlistees, in the bunker complex, by Jan 2023.

Project Dark Winter would be the final stage of geoengineering before the evacuation of “enlistees” is complete. This would involve massive solar radiation management, the use of magnetic field generators to distort the Earth’s ionosphere and thereby create atmospheric gyres to direct the jet stream and to circulate what was left of cold arctic air. The program would be so toxic that the population would need to be in the state of confusion to not become suspect, Project King would use disinformation around respiratory illnesses, and their “cures”, to managed this wave of deaths in terms of public perception.

By 2024, most of the world economy is in shambles, the rapid transition effects of arctic collapse become obvious even to the most blind. The Noah Complex is full operational and fully occupied, with some accommodation, on an emergency basis, for “waiting list” folks.


By the year 2026, most of the world’s boiling water nuclear reactors, despite being SCRAM’d, are in some state of meltdown, polluting coastal waters and estuaries. China, Russia and the USA and NATO decide to trigger a massive nuclear war in the futile attempt at triggering a cooling event, like “nuclear winter”. They even decided to set off a few 20 megaton bombs near some worldwide super volcanoes, again, for the stated reason: to trigger some kind of ice age. By 2028, it was clear that none of this would work, as what was left of the human population was dying of radiation sickness.

The Noah Complex was safe from the radiation – the amounts that reached the Antarctic were manageable by the system’s closed loop air generation and filtration.

In 2029, various gumptick tribes of North America, to include the swamp people of Oregon and WA states, joined forces as a “true revenge army” who’s purpose was to find those responsible and seek total revenge …

Many TOTALISTIC revenge armies were on the march in 2033 …

All the scum classes of sector-55GAMMA were sending their young men and women, covered in tumors and scars, to take on the automated defense fortress of Tierra Del Fuego – wrongly believing this was the SWEET SPOT for complete escape from the poison zones in the north … they were annihilated …

Meanwhile, The SCRAGEN-FOLK of POD-11 were in an uproar … Meat paste was being rationed, and the scare-monkey cadre were spreading rumors of a re-processor breakdown … Antarctica had seen scares like this before … the great toilet paper shortage of 2030 was bad enough … “All POD-11 must DIE” was the rallying cry of Jen Stoorg of POD-3 … He led the NORTH SIDE coalition of nomads and other pastry chefs …

In the 2040’s, most of the youth of the ANTARCTICA SAFE ZONE were into gutter-jazz and jizz-pancakes. They lived off of funge-mustrel, a new compound mixture from the “farms” where the old people were being taken – more and more often … They’d have some old “Uncle Dan” or “Aunt Frederica” they’d take down to the compliance station, at that point the old people get loaded on to trucks and just “taken some place”, it’s what people would say. “My ma? – she’s just going some place …”

In the 2070’s, the first revolt of the SKLAAG-JERGEN breeders began. They had been the primary sources of “taco meat” for a while, and they grew tired of their boovulas being used to create more … “Why can’t the JIZZ MASTERS increase their production of clam chowder?”, cried those blood harlots … A furious battle happened along all the main fronts, from POD-33 to POD-90 … the cream sectors were denied access to the main food caldron.

The “OUTER WORLD” as it was called, had fallen into a weird mixture of Mad Max and Miami Vice – various clan leaders sold a mutant strain of COCA plant extract, called SUPER COCAINE … it treated radiation and got you DAMN STRAIGHT MEGA HIGH. QUEEN LUSTRA had set up her home near VEGAS, but DUKE STARDOM was already ruling the mangy folks of the former California – they were dust eaters and dirt breeders and wicked weasels living on nothing but pain.

Juicing was the thing now …

Everybody had a juicer.

  1. The hospitals of the ASZ are scrumbly pits for jell style nurses.
  2. The food is mostly dindus-morg and triple style pork paste … some weasel mold.
  3. The sex is awful and degrading and disappointing …
  4. We sit at tables at night and gnaw on our stryg-bars with our two good teeth and a few tears roll down our faces and we stare intently into the darkness, towards some calm place beyond the seas …
  5. Bettle-moss pizza is on sale most nights, but it is made of crickets and mites.
  6. Your turntable mistress has a new position ready, just need more of the whale-grease from Teddy’s …

Everybody has a juicer …

(everyone knows what’s in the juice)