I take a pill …

I take a pill once daily …

It’s red and green and blue and mean.

I take a pill and it cleans out my stomach lining and burns away my herpes.

I take a pill for my low blood sugar, and one for my high blood sugar, and one for my cock and one to kill all the crabs in my jock.

I take this pill for my hernia …

My insides are GREEK and CURLY and my girlfriend left me for the guy that cleans roaches out of the septic tank.

I take a pill for my kidneys … my urine is red and black and filled with GAS NODULES and cocaine dream tarts. Hookers know, man.

I get this injection from the CHARLIE ROBERTS BRIGADE to crystallize my skin and turn my blood into boiling oil.

The injection widens my gaze and provides a green pasture style love-making experience to those of us from WESTERN TOOB-TOWN.

It cures my shakes and sadness, envy.

They gave me this “special sauce”.

I was tricked into having four delphi-tubes inserted into my rectum, while I was driving my Ferrari to RENO and doing coke off the butt of my stripper girlfriend, “Sanctity”.

We were 8 miles from Gypsum Town, when the SALT TRORG FIGHTERS began chasing us.

The doctors kept cutting into me …

They removed my heart and liver …

They extracted 20 miles of veins and arteries …

They replaced what was THERE with sawdust and broken glass and metal shavings and diesel fuel and tired remembering …

Remembering the stolen bone cart.

After they broke my legs and severed my thorax, I had a whole bunch of digestive issues and lactose intolerance.

They shoved asbestos stew down my gullet and watched as I ate all my cricket flour sundae …

They took turns ANGRILY tightening the cables on my spinal implants.

They got scared …

So the surgical team brought in DOC CHAINSAW and his TIGHT JEANS CREW of sexy nurses with untreated genital herpes.

They began massaging my glimptic-zone and relieving my main squirt pipe of pressure using an air lance.

After 5 hours, they stopped, chuckled.

I spent MONTHS doing physical therapy at the CASTRO GYM where the old FIRE GENTS would run sad-wax on their junk and murmur in the darkness.

They would scrape the TIG-MOLD off of the showers where the FROG-JUMPERS would swap gelatin. That stuff would sever connections between the different lobes of the brain and allow the THIRD EYE to glow in the veil as the MOGH-DEMONS roam the world.

STAG-FORGERS gather the salt-copper from the operating room floor, after the surgeons get done mopping up the viscera and clearing the blood flue …

I ate stolen blanche sandwiches and the sorbet of marrow.

KEVIN left me at the emergency room after the 4th overdose from Fentanyl …

I would switch to KROKODIL, but my heart muscle is weak and the bite marks on my spleen have not healed.

I skipped out on my last doctor’s appointment …

They wanted to check my pulse and verify my temperatures …

They spent time poking me with a iron rod attached to a car battery, they kept laughing and mocking me as I shook and twisted …

I lay broken upon the table, and the healthcare team NEVER let up …

They took gravel and pounded it into my wounds …

They took gasoline and put it in an IV bag and shoved that damn thing into my vein.

I turned blue and sought the hard LIFE on the outside, as I slit their throats and escaped through the laundry chute.

… all because I took a pill …

… all because I’m tired of feeling sick …