It could be a ZEBRA …



QUICK NOTE: my BlueHost WordPress site you are reading RIGHT NOW is crashing almost daily … it started getting bad after I paid for my second tranche of 6 months of hosting, I paid in May … an then MAGIC: my site starts failing in the same way it failed when Go Daddy was my host. If you send me a fucking email recommending a “trustworthy” hosting site? – how can I put this FUCK OFF … EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART … or, I’m special, or both. But fuck off.

A wise man said:

“If you hear the beating of hooves on the road, it’s probably a horse and not a zebra …”

But sometimes, it’s a ZEBRA.

If you see 3 crosses on the STREET CAR in October 2019? – it could be 3 construction cranes accidentally aligned … or …

It could be a ZEBRA.

I have 3 major depressive episodes in my life …

  1. 1990 to 1991.
  2. 1999 to 2000.
  3. 2009 till WHEN?

I say 2009 till WHEN because I mostly recovered from the last episode, but it still lingers, like a scar that won’t heal.

IT COULD BE ZEBRAS … but what if it’s not?

What if I, like many, have felt the waves, the turbulence, of a future not yet arrived?

What if I, like many, sense the foreboding, the pain to come, the screaming?

What if it’s a ZEBRA?

(what if the FOOL thinks it’s a horse?)

In 1996 I was driving to OBC at Ft. Bliss, TX, Air Defense School …

I stopped near the Navaho Reservation, briefly, to gas up – and it was a gas station with a cafe.

An old native American dude came up to me and said:

“You need to follow me up into the hills …”

Back then? – I was an Atheist, a rationalist.

But now I wonder about my crooked broken path to God, and I wonder about the choice I made that day.

What if I’d followed the old man?

What if he were more than just some random old man?

(what if he wanted me to follow him into the hills to kill me?)

Sometimes a ZEBRA is a ZEBRA …

I interviewed Guy McPherson twice – since then I’ve removed the interviews … he has copies.

In the second interview I catch him in a lie – not a big deal, just a simple lie.

Guy McPherson promotes a death cult – “planetary hospice” – and VERY SOON he, like the false prophet, will be selling this EN MASSE to folks … like folks in Canada, who can now have themselves killed if they’re depressed …

The lie? – he said there’s “nothing” we can do …

Then he says at the end of the second interview: “But” I’m working with a guy on something …

Be careful of the death cults – they will be very active in the coming months.

Another funny thing about the Guy interviews: after the second one, some rando “witch” from Portland sent me an angry email … probably because I caught her man in a lie.

I think the Lord has been leaving me breadcrumbs to follow for a LONG TIME …

The Lord has been sending me ZEBRAS.

In 2016 I met, online, a shit head named Jarrod Fidden.

I don’t know if that’s his real name – but he’s a grifter, a con artist.

He ripped off my money, but he did worse – he terrorized me, and my family.

Jarrod told me once: “you know Dan, I think I’m a sociopath” (this I found out AFTER getting to Ireland)

He told me once: “Dan, my wife and I met doing METH while teaching English in China.”

He told me once: “I have this plan, HUM (Human Unity Movement), and I want to get EVERYONE TO HUM at the same time …” (also, told to me in Ireland)

  1. he said Hitler wasn’t so bad
  2. he said he wanted to bring back gladiatorial battle
  3. I think he and his wife dosed me with methane – his wiccan wife made me a special TEA
  4. I did FREE WORK for the fucker on his shitty dating site AWAKE.DATING …
  5. I lied to a journalist for him, taking BACK an honest statement
  6. I saved his ass, because he didn’t know enough to investigate the database

FUN FACT: his shitty site was hosted by BlueHost …

I was in Ireland for 5 days … it was a blur.

The day before I left: the fucker blew up at me, screaming, then said “let’s meet for breakfast in the morning” – I was living in a cabin I “rented” down the hill from where He, the GOAT KING, lived.

I didn’t even know about PUCK or the PUCK FESTIVAL when I named him the GOAT KING …

When I was in Ireland, I would walk down from his cabin at night – back to mine.

I would pass a paddock filled with sheep …

I would swear before God that the sheep were bleating “DANNNN, DANNN …”


Glen Osheen …

I stayed up all night trying to get a taxi – the fictionalized (slightly fictionalized) rant is below.

THE GOAT KING … and there’s to this story.

A “christian” I trusted to “watch my stuff” had stolen ALL MY STUFF … he was a meth head too.

Sometimes a Zebra is a Zebra.

Sometimes the LORD needs to teach us lessons.

My lesson? – “there’s more going on than you can see”

I hope I’ve learned.

After the GOAT KING I hoped I was safe – but I had a SUMMER of gaslighting to come, from the “friend” who took advantage, took my car, smoke meth and left a rock of meth in my car.

The Lord said near the end: many will claim to follow Me, very few will

In late 2016, the pain didn’t end … another group of “people” entered my life.

Interestingly, it was after I figured out my TRUTH: I am an Anarchist.

No more voting.


And then THEY CAME … at first – one and two, a few …

Then I met the Goat King’s replacement.

And I won’t say much more on this, because EYES ARE WATCHING and the DEVIL is a keen grifter …