MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220511_IN_THE_FUTURE.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Some good news …
- Jingus meat will be on sale, soon … at spronctos.
- I discovered a new kind of shame and self-loathing … I call it “brodayme”.
- You will be able to start splitting covid payouts, with your doctor … seriously: the system is a breeding ground for fraud, so why not.
- There will be a NEW “CRISPY CHICKEN SANDWICH” war … like CCSW2 … or maybe we’re on 3 now with this also … ? … It will be amazing, and the sandwiches will contain mostly chicken.
- Aliens will arrive by July. Their starships will be powered by love and trignum-grease. The alien-queen will be revealed to be a busty wench, carrying steins of beer … just for me. This is how I imagine my stroke or other cadio/cerebral event.
- I have this new character on Zero Hedge that I love until ZH bans/blocks/deletes this one:
BAMAYC: “Buy as much as you can …”

Almost like coupon’ing … and shit …
Random Zero Hedge context ads … wow … hookers.

Cult formation, propaganda, and military psychological warfare …
For starters: humans mind-fucking others goes back a long ways … perhaps to even pre-human times … perhaps consciousness itself has the temptation of psychological manipulation baked in … think “native peoples scaring buffalo into cliffs and drop offs”.
BTW: these concepts can be used in sovietology or the breaking down of propaganda into things you could say “might be true” and for the discovery of outright contradictions. Not a perfect science.
Key propaganda theory roles:
- The Sheep Dog: allows people to wander a little bit astray from the region of the Overton Window … but not far from it. Alex Jones is a great example, I fear Dane Wigington may be another.
- The Fool: Greta, Biden, Al Gore – the fool’s principle role is to take any real and serious issue and make it look stupid and corrupt.
- The Expert: Paul Krugman, Powell, Obama – they assure you they know, understand, and can provide guidance you must not question:
- The Leader: Reagan, Obama, Hitler, Stalin – is often connected to a cargo-cult or a “cult of goods and values” that the Leader promises, as long as you follow.
- The Enemy or Villain: Russia or Putin, China, Japan, Germany, Vietnam … I can keep going.
- The Savior: think Elon Musk, Anthony Fauci (to some), Obama, Steve Jobs … (this can also be seen as a quasi-shamanic role per CG Jung’s view of the “savior” or “leader” … Joseph Cambell’s work with comparative mythology points in the same direction.
Key propaganda narratives:
- The Mistake: think pandemic, 9/11
- The Unforeseen: think 9/11 or the fall of the Berlin Wall or the Housing Crisis
- The Great Tragedy: think 9/11
- The “Stab in the Back”: Hitler and the Jews
- The Achievement: Apollo, Manifest Destiny, Pyramids, etc … sometimes these “achievements” are based on real things … sometimes they are 100% bullshit.
Key Tools:
- Temporal and Spatial Disorientation: impacting people’s ability to know WHERE they are and WHAT time it is … CIA/NAZIs pioneered this with isolation chambers and total sensory deprivation. But less totalistic versions involve placing a person, in the middle of nowhere, with limited access to time keeping systems.
- Cognitive disordering: think reversals of number systems, standard order of interpretation, changing reading from “top to bottom” to “bottom to top” for key documents … etc.
- Jargon: the use of specialized terminology to widen insider/outsider distinctions.
- Divide and Conquer: separate the population into arbitrary groups, reward some, punish others, create tension and conflict.
- Gaslighting: reality manipulation via false information, projection, and victim blaming. The key is to substitute an alternate reality to the one provided by logic, commonsense and what can actually be proven.
- EGO PUMPING: typically used in insider/outsider group dynamics. Typically the “Savior” or the “Leader” will use neuro-linguistic programming and other less precise techniques to build up the sense of worth in an individual, but in this context, a whole group.
- Drifting Principles: a “leader” sets some guideline … like let’s say Obama says “I never did drugs” or “drugs are bad”, and then you find out he did and probably does … while at the same time sicking Treasury agents on the medical cannabis places … these moving, drifting, adjustable principles create confusion.
- Band Wagon: “everyone is doing it”
- Peer Pressure: “why can’t you be like us”
- Group Punishment for Individual Acts: basically the only real function of voting in a “democracy” like ours. Whether it’s abortion, gun control, free speech, or the abolition of the IRS, topics are used as “blame” for failure … and then those sub-groups are labeled and abused.
- Argument from authority: the only real value of PhD.
- Group burden: we’re all in this together … think about that wretched Bon Jovi song/video from the Spring of 2020 … “Do what ya gotta do …” pretty much says it all.
- Ad hominem: this is often used with “appeal to authority” arguments, and the conclusion is “you must be stupid”. And this is one all humans kind of do … pretty much, all the time to each other … even Dan. When coupled with appeal to authority, it can have greater psychic weight and penetration.
- Cult of the Personality: think Walt Disney, Werner Von Braun, Hitler, Stalin, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs
- Hijacking: like how cults, propaganda systems and PSYOPs will take an ingrained psycho-cultural artifact, like a religious concept, and re-purpose it the needs of the propaganda/cult/psyop.
These “roles and narratives” apply to grifting or conning, to military psychological warfare and cult recruitment/formation.
Now let’s return to the “fool”.
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bayer-shares-tumble-white-house-urges-scotus-reject-appeal
Link: https://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/175290/god-throwing-asteroids-at-earth/
In the future …
… women covered in cast iron armor will scour the countryside in search of female hygiene products … sweaty and busty and full of sexy rage, they will nominate PAM GRIER style super leaders to lead them to their ultimate destiny of total orgasmic victory over the swarthy man-splainers of sector-45TANGO …
In the future, GRINKEN TOWN will be a capital … dingus beasts will consider their minds bent by the perpetual ravaging of spider-pigs and their bedazzled outerwear comfort zone sport jackets … GRINKEN TOWN women will congregate near MC GIZZLY’S … not far from the train to SCOMPTON … just down the road … in the future.
In the FUTURE, “BOBLIMPTOCK” will become a national holiday, celebrated every December 2nd … assuming their is protein available … and some kind of decent craft beer … in the future.
In the future, JORGIZ-HOOG, the SCARLET ONE, the DRANGUS-LORD and second tier gondo-lord to the GRONKIS KNIGHTS will lead a massive invasion of IKEA ZONE 33 … IKEA ZONE 33, being the largest IKEA ever created, roughly the size of New Jersey, will have the last supplies of decent meatballs made from horse. Plus, lots of great choices for home decor, assuming the SWEDES don’t use their HUMPTICK-BOMB and vaporize your testicles … in the future.
By the AGE of IMPORTASL … the LAMARK shall RULE … moving at speeds exceeding 45 times the speed of light, their loin sauce will be prized – but have fun trying to catch one … You won’t see it coming, not by a long shot … in the future.
QUEEN REN-DU-LOUR, last SPINCTUS RULER of Region-W, merging forces with Bishop Skippy, the under-realm toobis-worm, whose own brinkton-folk are weary of his command. And yet, given the last remnants of DORG, we cannot forget … nor remember … the GREAT WAR of 7822 … when the wolf-pigeon became extinct, and the skunk-crocodile wept for lost hooker midnights … in the future.
Food will be mostly composed of sawdust and metal shavings and broken glass and coal dust. It will taste like pain, and poop like fury. Your bloody stool will drain out of your tore up anus pipe, with the features of strawberry jam mixed with cat vomit and sorrow … You will save this slurry, in the future, because it is also tomorrow’s breakfast …
- Your cat will sell aluminium siding … to dogs.
- Food will contain 0.3% food.
- Mechanical penises will be powered by compact nuclear reactors … none fear this.
- Your YINGUS-PIPE will become infested with nob fly larvae … and this will have only one treatment: chainsaw enema
- BOOBS will be JUGS and JUGS will be KNOCKERS and KNOCKERS will be breasts.
- Hookers will take bitcoin … as a joke.
- A DARKER WEB will emerge … more dark than the DARK WEB … using trans-temporal-reverso-quantum-entanglement …
- WEED will give you the power to destroy the 8 DORITO-TACO-BURGER-PIZZA-FRENCH-FRY ARMIES … maybe this even happens tomorrow.
Musings concerning the future from December 2015 …