“If you accidentally eat semen out of your woman’s vagina that was placed there by another man? – your relationship has problems.” – Dr. Freckles

Definition – “SKANK”: any woman that would let you eat another man’s semen out of her vagina without you knowing it

Synthetic End Times

“Synthetic End Times” Theory: the belief, similar to “blue beam” and not mutually exclusive with it, that TPTB or deep state would fake the end-times narrative to hoodwink Christians.

There are a few implications, including God does not exist or God is not Who I think He is …

But I don’t believe God is a deceiver, and I think there are many hurdles to disrupting God’s plan.

And if I believed in this theory? – I’d skip the hump and go directly to “Simulation Theory”.

Where did FETTERMAN come from?

Where did Fetterman really come from?

(he looks like he came from some crooked bio-splicing lab)

It makes me think of Lennie from Of Mice and Men …

I’m working on a sequel/fan-fic to Mice and Men …

“Of Mice and Men 2: Lennie’s Bloodlust” …

The premise …

Lennie IS NOT dead … the gun George used was old and had bad ammo … and Lennie’s head was thick, so he was knocked into a deep coma …

But Lennie comes out of the coma, and seeks revenge on Curley and his wife and Slim and George …

“Lennie” is like government …

(it means well, maybe)

(but it WILL crush your dreams, like a mouse in Lennie’s hands)

I don’t know the REAL ORIGIN STORY of Solomon Grundy – but LENNIE’S STORY would be LIT.

Be like: Marvel calls me …

I like: sure, give me a million.

It’s a movie in 2 years … or less.

It do.

I heard you last night …

I heard you, my pussy willow … I heard you last night.

I heard you last night, in your bedtime sweat …

You got home late from work, and turned on the “personal massager” …

You thought about our time in Splunkton, and how I ungudoolated your boovula …

I heard YOU harlot woman …

When you spoke your sour words into the phone and broke my heart into pieces …

I heard you when you got that restraining order, and I sort of didn’t hear you … you know what I mean?

But I stay there, in the woods by the river, not far from where you live baby … and I’m waiting.

Waiting for love.