“You should never eat a Little Debbie’s Nutty Buddy bar … you shouldn’t buy the box of them … don’t look at the ingredients.” – Dr. Freckles
- plutonium
- aerosolized death bomb
- why not dip them in Nalley’s Tamale paste?
- why do you want to die?
"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
“You should never eat a Little Debbie’s Nutty Buddy bar … you shouldn’t buy the box of them … don’t look at the ingredients.” – Dr. Freckles
“I bet the beer the Egyptians bought the slaves was about as good, maybe better than, Natural Light … without the luxuries of carbonation, refrigeration.” – Dr. Freckles
“If your church preaches POWER, MONEY, and hoarding those things? – it preaches the gospel of the desert Devil.” – Dr. Freckles
(Jesus knows these things)
Here’s the deal … if you just pick the radio button for “no, it’s not made for kids” – this does nothing … this is a trick and YouTube uses it to create account flags.
Make sure you open up the DIV and pick “yes, restrict my video to viewers over 18” – shouldn’t be necessary, but it is, or you run the risk of YouTube cancelling you.
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230521_MIDNIGHT_IN_BOBLIMPTOCK.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Here is what I believe is TRUE:
Given the above, it would imply that the REASON for the high level psychological warfare will reveal itself soon … for those willing to give up on the lies … for those willing to look at the sky.
Here are some candidates for this kind of event, being “fuzzy”:
That’s it …
“Shit posting on ZeroHedge … that sounds like a country song, written by someone from New Jersey.” – Dr. Freckles
“It’s not ALL or ONE, it is ENOUGH – enough people can change the world, for good or for bad, and only Jesus knows the number.” – Dr. Freckles
“You should laugh. If you don’t? – you should learn how, or learn how to cry.” – Dr. Freckles