MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221001_CANAL_FOAM.mp3
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Mental Capture and Psychological Warfare
The thing about military psychological warfare, it’s about capture – capturing the minds of men and women.
If you wore the coffee filter? – you were captured.
If you listened to Ian Miles Wrong or Andy Ngo Clue and the race war fear? – you were captured.
If you think ANY of the Trump-Biden trauma drama is real? – you have been captured.
If you look at the Ukraine conflict from a superficial angle? – you have been captured.
He ruled realm-44-ZED, not far from the old border with Mexico. He kept cage-rats and elephant-bats and monkeys from the swamps of Utah. His women revered HIM and his life tube, they mungulated-their boovluzz while inguzzlating their thrinktus hole. They would be in heat for weeks while awaiting his albino sauce.
“Is the time right?”, Ned, the LAND-SURFER, asked Jenghiz.
“The time?”, Jenghiz looked up towards are dark sky of rage, and fire, and smoke, and pain.
He knew the time of TORBULIS was upon his peoples …
He knew the GORGAN-KING was organizing hooker princes and stripper queens. His mind was filled with ants, and his heart was broken by too many loves lost. The KING would form up his junket-army, arming his gangs with bats and chain … yearning for fringo-dust.
“THE TIME HAS COME!”, Jenghiz howled …
“We need to dust off our bats and chain, we need to fill our pillow cases with rocks and revenge. All french bulldogs need to be harvested to grease our tanks, all the res dogs need to prepare as hell hounds and war dogs … We cannot stop the coming of ROOG, but we can pull together the shallow corn and hurdle-beasts, and make a stew of readiness.”
And Jenghiz finished his speech …
And the people mumbled and groaned, but preparations for war were made.
It was the time of ROOG, the time of the harbingers and nerf-herders and the old style herpes soup …
And the sun went down on these lands …
And the coyotes counted their blessings.
Empires …
“Empires, at the end, implode or explode.” – Dr. Freckles
I think the US empire will implode, assuming the WW3 gambit does not work.
Life …
“Situational stupidity: that’s another name for life.” – Dr. Freckles
Solomon …
“Wisdom vs money … or gold. You can always buy as much wisdom as you want, and you’ll want more hookers.” – Dr. Freckles
Today … in nuke war …
If the Ukraine isn’t just another coordinated PSYOP snuff flick, then what happens next is critical.
– Russia does nothing, consolidates control in the breakaway regions of Ukraine, and waits for a call from Germany in November
– Russia picks a proportional target … what would that be? An LNG ship?
– Russia figures out that “not playing” or “playing by the rules” are no longer options with an insane, and possibly evil, opponent … and that means strategic and selected nuke strikes on key C2 and C3 targets, including a blanketing EMP attack to keep a lid on the pot … they don’t invade, it’s not RED DAWN. They wait to negotiate with whomever crawls out of their bunker first.
Of course, NATO could come to its senses and turn this off … but not likely.
Escalation at this point is also telegraphing your punches … and Russia has very little incentive to do a piece wise incremental movement to nuke war.
Both Russia and China would be best served to jump to the first strike, pick good targets, immobilize target nations with EMP.
Yes – there are dead man switches …
(but Biden … and then you drop the mic)
Also, conveniently …
This “Ukraine War” kept a lid on most Arctic Circle research since February …
And, randomly, this methane blowout in the Baltic is eerily similar to coastal and estuarial methane hydrate blowouts predicted by the Clathrate Gun. (and none of this is related to driving SUVs or eating meat)
We will see …
TPTB have been conducting high level military psychological warfare since early 2020 … LIES at this scale do not tend to hide “nice things”.
(not likely they’re preparing a surprise party)
Here are some upcoming events that could halt WW3.
– Zelensky government collapses, new government makes peace with Russia
– NATO fractures
– China normalizes relations with Taiwan (not likely)
I think, assuming this war is real and Putin is a rational independent agent:
Putin’s next move is to consolidate gains and do nothing. The pipeline can be fixed. I think he believes the Zelensky government will be in trouble, and he’s right.
The Zelensky government falls, a more moderate non-aligned replacement takes over, and a peace is made with Russia.
NATO could try to keep the war going at that point, but not without risking a war that has both Russia and the Ukraine fighting NATO satanists.
Zelensky is in trouble. He either uses some Epstein style “get out of jail free card” and gets resettled in Miami or Israel …
Or, Ukrainians kill Zelensky …
He could make peace with Putin, but the CIA would kill him before that.
If …
“If you’re an anarchist, practice it in your daily life.” – Dr. Freckles
Good times … Bad times …
“There are good times and bad times in all times.” – Dr. Freckles
Son of Bill
I was thinking about my writing. It’s not super well edited or proof read. And if I asked Boomer, the dog, his opinion? – he’d say it’s “ruff”.
But then he’d say … “I’m Son of Bill”
“You gonna tell me to kill Bill?”
“Nah … I want you to sell diet pills – but it’s really poorly cooked meth …”
“Okay … that’s not killing people …”
“Well … the pills will shut down their kidneys in about 4 days … not quality pills … I’m Son of Bill. …”
“So I will be killing people …”
“Yeah … it’s ruff …”
“Ruff life …”
Black Markets
“If the black markets are big, the tyranny is big.” – Dr. Freckles
Communists …
“A communist is an anarchist pending a LOT of DISAPPOINTMENT!” – Dr. Freckles
Canal Foam
A listener asked me, “what’s canal foam?”
What’s in it?
- condoms and tampons … all can be reused and sold.
- Dringus and trig
- mucous
- blood and viscera
- rotten food
- dead animals
- agricultural runoff
- chunks of dead bodies
- Coblin-Folk are hiding in their dens, sharpening sticks and dreaming of the blood harvest. The Strog-Witch is making talismans, and placing these on each fault line … to bring forth the END.
Knowing you will die …
Makes life more interesting …
- pick last words (mine will be related to some treasure map)
- nothing can silence, no fear, no prison, no cop
- if you’re a Christian? – you have spiritual faith and strength that adds even more power
- credit cards and debt? – meh
- not having all the “cool stuff”? – meh
- being alone? – we all die alone