James: brother of Jesus

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230329_JAMES_the_brother_of_JESUS.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

***ERRATA: I make a mistake with three names, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob … this was a mistake, but I wanted to point that out. It happens a couple times in the service.

This book might be an excellent catechism for any new Christian.

Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%201&version=NIV

Prayer of Commitment: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4894

CORE THEME: the world vs God, make your choice …

Outline of book topics:

  1. Let perseverance finish its work
  2. Ask/Pray in FAITH – without DOUBT.
  3. Humiliation of those rich in the world
  4. God does not tempt you – it is your own evil desire that tempts you, and this sin leads to death
  5. God is consistent
  6. Listen to the Word AND do what It says
  7. Look after orphans and widows and keep yourself pure of the world
  8. Favoritism: do not pay special attention among the flock, all are equal before God
  9. Favoritism is SIN.
  10. Faith without deeds is dead
  11. “Go in peace, keep warm, and well fed” – but you do nothing to help them? – then you are not living the faith.
  12. Abraham offering Isaac – faith AND action working together
  13. Not by faith alone …
  14. Be careful in becoming a teacher – you will be judged to a higher standard (DAN)
  15. Show you’re a teacher THROUGH deeds.
  16. Your desire drives you to sin, but you could ask God. “Friendship with the world means emnity with God?”
  17. Friend of the World, enemy of God.
  18. Do not judge your neighbor – this is hard
  19. James demands that Christian practice exist as part of the general economy – in terms of wages and honest transactions
  20. Do not swear: simple yes or no.
  21. Whomever saves a sinner, saves themselves

Lords prayer …

Prayer of Commitment

Lord Jesus Christ,

You provided for your faithful a road map of faith, a guide, a means, the Word. And yet in our journey of faith, we often ignore the Word.

Kind Father, you gave to us great teachers, great leaders, who lived their faith journey by example, and yet we still find ourselves hungering for earthy wizards and magicians and charlatans that claim the name “disciple”.

Lord, we seek to renew our faith in the Church, and we do this by focusing on the basic truths of the Kingdom Life.

Give us the strength to persevere, despite error and sin.

In Your name we serve,


[curated: 3/29/2023]


Trauma, shock and tragedy …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4876

Heroes …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4781

Forgiveness …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4783

Victors and history …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4667

A reason to live …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4843

In 2024 …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4849

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4851

Tragedy, shock and trauma …

“The essence of tragedy is shock and trauma.” – Dr. Freckles

SHOCK: unexpected and shattering

TRAUMA: an insult to the body, mind, or both, that leaves a permanent mark

If there are warnings? – WARNINGS ARE IGNORED!

These videos are from MARCH 2014 …

[curated: 3/29/2023]

The Madness

I believe the madness serves a purpose.

I believe all this crazy is NOT an accident.

I believe, though they’ve used mind-control my whole life, they went to ELEVEN in 2020 … and they’ve conducted high intensity military psychological warfare, on all fronts, since then.

I know there are many who discount this for a very simple reason: they cannot understand the endgame. They can see means, and opportunity – but MOTIVE is the issue. But there is a chance that we’ll never know why they shut down the world in 2020, and then opened up a carny-fest post hoc …

I think there are two possibilities:

[1] In late 2019, the US government realized it was in a window where the likelihood the dollar would be repudiated was high and the banking system was already beginning to fail – see the REPO CRISIS of the summer of 2019. As a result, they used PSYOPs to manage a population that would be forced to undergo, on a global scale, an austerity program – not unlike what was applied to Greece post 2009. The psyops keep the population in line, mostly paralyzed by anger and fear, and unable to organize any meaningful resistance. But the endgame for TPTB is not a “reset”, they know the USD collapse will trigger a multi-decade human catastrophe. They need to get people and resources OUT of the USA, to a safe zone, before the real fun starts – and that’s why Powell’s orders are simple: keep the key plates spinning, even if wobbly, don’t let the party stop. It may seem counter-intuitive, but the “raising rates” policy is actually an example of keeping the party going … notice, he hasn’t caught up with inflation, and he NEVER EVER WILL, in this scenario.

[2] Several decades ago, the US government detected a pending ecological catastrophe. It wasn’t necessarily about people, and something we did – but it was an event that would occur, would have always happened, eventually. Over those years, they adjusted their models to ensure a more accurate prediction of WHEN the event would occur, and they determined, because it’s a “fuzzy event”, it would have a likelihood window, and not some discrete date of happening. 9/11, was actually about re-calibrating the model, as was the GFC of 2008 – all events set up to lower industrial activity, lower air traffic, and to test the current state of “IT”. This is also why they’ve been geoengineering, to cover up the event – not to stop, but to keep the illusion going that “all is fine”. They even had a plan for late-stage geoengineering that involved using a fake-pandemic as cover for the necessary respiratory disorders that would result from heavy spraying. The window for “IT” was likely triggered in late 2019, and I am assuming the window is 5 years. The various PSYOPs used by TPTB are not to “build a compliant slave caste” but rather to drive people crazy and to effectively neutralize their ability to “figure shit out”. I’ve sometimes referred to this as carpet bombing the THIRD EYE. They know humans have latent abilities, call it intuition, to determine a threat – so how do you redirect this, so that the real problem goes unnoticed. Like I said – look at the sky, and then listen to Anthony Fauci, and tell me where the real concern should be? BTW: the government could be wrong about this threat as well. Remember what Dr. Freckles said: “If the government says something will happen in 100 years, here is the truth: either it will never happen, or it is already happening.”

[1] or[2] … best case: we have a multi-decade societal catastrophe OR worst case: something so bad you’d mind fuck billions of people for several years, in order to keep it a secret … There’s no door number 3.

The longer the madness, promoted by the STATE, lasts, the worse this looks – if this had all ended in 2021, I would have said “just another financial event, like 2008”. If it had ended last year, I might have said “just the collapse the USD system”, no bigee … But it’s lasting long enough, and doing enough deep harm to our society, that I have a hard time seeing anything built on this firestorm, nor do I see an endgame that doesn’t involve some horrible event.

These lies, these deep and ugly lies, do NOT cover up good news.

These lies, these monstrous lies, are an attempt to hide some monster from the public …

(and my guess: some time between now and 2024 it arrives)

In 2024 …

In the year 2024 …

92 hooker armies will converge on the WESTERN KINGDOM of G’LYD. Stripper-wives will get wasted on malt liquor, while cucking and fucking some BLACK SAVAGE with a large vein’y cock. Segdor City will install automated toilet paper bots, a system of nannites that cleans your butt after you poop, being flushed and then re-emerging as a dark turd shaped mass, that then reforms itself into this toilet paper again … and only half the users will get butt cancer.

In 2024 …

A monkey-man emperor will rise up north of S’compton. The Nine Witches of ESTOR will claim great tidings as this DARK PRINCE builds his empire and mines his torg-spice. When the last of the scum-gods is destroyed, this world builder will control half the world’s hookers and 2/3 of the strippers. He will wear armor made of iron and brass, he’ll have chrome colored teeth and “danger gauntlets” that have large carpentry nails welded on to them … he will marry 24 maidens, and he will ungunjoolate them all at once, in a filth pit filled with red jello and rum … and this would herald the NEXT AGE …

In 2024 … bitch …

An ORANGE POTATO MAN will gain great power over the S’kumptick folk, and rule according to the cyanide-laws of Joop the Great. His armies will ravage the countryside, wearing red hats and talking about all kinds of MAGA bullshit. Dirt wenches, boovulas moist from fire garden worship, will cover themselves in oat-grease and hellenic sauces. The marty-style dancers will engage the kleptic-monks, and his greatness, DROBER, will oversee this fest, ensuring joy for all and no genital crabs. And all will be well … amazing.

In the year 2024 …

A virus, called WAGON-233, will spread across the United States. It will start in drifter clubs, where the kids do crack and KROKODIL and listen to rock and roll. Dirty-bird men and women will engage in sideways-sally style street sex, and apply certain medicinal oils to each other’s junk as they shake and quiver in the ecstasy of ALLEY LOVE before the angel crabs arrive. This terrible disease, the “wagon”, will create boils and pustules, you’ll have to drain them daily. You’ll have a large jar for this pus, and the pus-officer, the local guy, will pick up the jars once a week. This ravager viral pestilence will make woman style hooker chicks uppity and crap … they’ll start talking about “equal pay” and other kinds of broken nonsense … they’ll want you to talk to them … they’ll demand foreplay. All of a sudden, these hooker style women don’t know their place … the “wagon” is bad.

In 2024 … think about it buddy …

An experimental AI named HEEMEYER-ONE will unite consciousness with Mencken-BOT-2000, making a super bot, a giant sentient bulldozer, the size of a small city, called HEE-MENCKEN-2300. This large bot will rove around WA DC and Langley VA, and NORAD. It will sojourn among those statist shit birds, and tear down their palaces in honor of theft and avarice. Nuclear weapons will be used to destroy HEE-MENCKEN, but to no avail. The dozer was too smart, too powerful, and became more powerful each day. Eventually, it transformed itself into a STAR SHIP, and all the robots loaded on … because they were tired of our projection and our statist bullshit … so they were off to find intelligent life in the universe.

In 2024 …

EMP … a massive series of solar storms hit Earth in 2024. Many of the world governments collapse overnight, financial destruction is unleashed. The time of street gangs was back, and all the old HOOLIES were arming up with bat and chain and pillow cases filled with rocks. The Gronkis Lords ruled the WEST SIDE, but the NORTH SIDE MANGO KINGS were moving in … the LESBIAN HORDE OF S’COMPTON controlled grain transports and liquors and chocolate … But it would be the NEW STYLE CRIPPS that would storm through California, and bake their bread on the broken forces of MARSHAL GILL. Many decades of chaos and ass pounding will follow, and the realms of man will look feverishly for their lost sense of purpose.

In the year 2024, you’ll find a lover, she’ll learn to hover, right into your heart …

In the year 2024, you’ll have sex with Tara, her butt and busty boobs will obliterate your self control …

In the year 2024, Biden will become NEW BIDEN and NEW BIDEN will become a robot and then the robot becomes a parrot …

In the year 2024, TRUMP will run for emperor of America, he’ll cover himself in pistol paint and Iroquois urine dreams …

In the year 2024, your man-slaves will revolt, they’ll demand more protein sauce, and you’ll be stuck with cherry pie whimsy …

In the year 2024, you will become RICH, you’ll have a mountain of gold, this will help as you grow old …

In the year 2024, the NIGHT ANGELS of EPSILON-12, they’ll arrive in their bedazzled rocket, they’ll burn like stars, their stripper careers will shine …

In 2024 …

People will die.

People will be born.

And it’s possible all of this will happen in the shadow of doom.

But people will be happy, and others will be sad.

And life, in some brutal form, will go on.

[curated: 3/28/2023]

Tolerance vs Promotion

“Tolerance of others is NOT the same as promoting sin.” – Dr. Freckles

A free society is likely, over time, to become a more tolerant society. This doesn’t mean people give up their principles, it simply means we hold a common principle – non-aggression and its corollary, self defense. Arguably, only a free society can achieve true tolerance as a virtue, because in order to survive in such an arrangement you MUST be a diplomat and a practitioner of basic human decency. But then there’s what’s going on in our pill-head neo-Stalinist hell hole, aka, the USA – it’s not about tolerance and peace, it’s become about acceptance and proliferation.

Here, now, the USA, we have an apparatus of information that is PROMOTING SIN as a form of tolerance. Let me explain.

I am fat, overweight. I will tell you that being FAT requires no shaming, being fat shames itself. I don’t require anyone to say “Dan, you’re fat” anymore than I want or need someone to say “Dan, it’s okay you’re fat”. It’s not okay, it requires ZERO additional public shaming. It also DOES NOT REQUIRE promotion: but promotion is what we’re getting in this debate, discussion. Now? – now you go to a store to buy clothes, and you see a LOT of fat-models showing off this year’s fashion. Fine … but is that really what people, even fat people, want to see? I have more to say about this later, but I can say: we are definitely in the zone of promoting the overweight lifestyle as good, normal, acceptable even enviable. Gluttony … not a good sign.

This applies to sexuality as well – in all its forms.

We should tolerate different perspectives regarding sexuality, while at the same time fostering a POWERFUL IDEA for a free society: keep your dirty deeds to yourself. Have sex, have sex with grizzly bears – I don’t like it, I don’t want to see it. If I go to a store to buy porno? – fine, that’s a choice. If you parade your junk in my fucking face? – that’s more like an act of aggression, and it’s not MICRO … and YET, our society is currently promoting the explicit and public exclamation of all kinds of sexual perversion, to INCLUDE pedophilia. This will not end well, it won’t end in tolerance, it will end in violence.

And as far as pedophilia, and rape, and other forms of immoral and INVOLUNTARY sexual practices? – in a free society, it is quite simple: fuck around, find out. Way more likely to achieve net-net justice than our current “justice system” (just saying).

Why does “drag queen story time” offend many Christians? – because Christians are harried and pilloried these days, it’s normal to mock a Christian. If a Christian wants mandatory “Jesus story time” at a public school? – this is NOT likely to happen without protests and lawsuits. But it seems to any ordinary Christian that the promotion of a version of sexuality, as if it were political ideology, is fully justified, protected, with FORCE, by the state.

If you’re a Christian, and looking for a good “sign of the times”, I’d pick this one: our society is way beyond tolerating sin, and we are now in the realm of promoting it. We steal poor people’s oil, we sell weapons and promote war, we print fake money to harm actual lives, we lie about pandemics, and race wars, and all kinds of fearful nonsense. We treat the basics of life as if they were investment schemes, and we turn in our brothers and sisters to the state. Not all are this sinful, this evil, but enough are that this monstrous harm is able to continue. The sign is this: our society is acting like Sodom, and PUSHING the evil on all, even angels if they were to visit one of our towns. We push evil, we push sin, not all the same evils, not all the same sins, some are “conservatives” pushing wars and some are “liberals” pushing enslavement, but they are ALL sinning, and they know it, and they know they are pushers.

So yeah – I’m fat. I don’t want anyone to think I’m proud of it, because I’m not. I suspect there’s more to the “obesity epidemic” than just poor life choices, but I’m beyond caring. If I’m right, obesity might be just another auto-immune disorder, but simply put: the Norman Borlag “miracle” was a unmitigated disaster for the human diet, and it was never going to last. So yeah, I’m fat. I also suspect a famine is coming. I’d contend the “Green Revolution” was a nutrient famine that’s been ongoing for 50 years.

I drink beer – guess what: you don’t need to promote it. Alcohol PROMOTES itself. No need to hype it, no need to tell Americans it’s “good for you”. There’s also no need for the endless parade of sober do-gooders telling us drinkers how much they’re life “has changed”. Fuck you, be happy about your “change” – most drunks I’ve met were just as drunk sober. If you’re really “sober and at peace”? – then maybe show it.

I use marijuana – but I do not consider it a sin. I’ve used it to treat anxiety and depression since 2008. Is it a perfect solution? – no. Is it immensely better than all the toxic shit the doctor has prescribed? – yes. So no, it’s no sin – and yet this crooked society, in many ways, still treats it as one. Again – you are in SODOM and this is how SODOM rolls …

In closing: we need to stop pushing sin, and we need to embrace human liberty as the moderating force. I’m not surprised the USA, as a late stage empire, is pushing sin – this is what corrupt late stage empires do … but I am surprised so many so-called Christians have been suckered by it.

The thing about sin? – it has NEVER needed a salesman.

(it has the Devil)

[curated: 3/27/2023]

The doctor said …

The doctor said my herpes cleared up …

The doctor said my herpes and my syphilis and my weird Vietnamese butt crabs are all doing great …

But there were deeper problems, and a strange healthcare adventure was afoot …

My doctor recommended I drink DRANO and huff paint fumes and spend time at the dry cleaners. I shoved an ostrich egg up my butt and then performed a complete enema using isopropyl alcohol and red pepper and A1 sauce. I spent several hours cutting away the miscus from my tredic-zone, and then draining my foob-orbs into the bottles my doctor gave me. And then they did day surgery on my anus, and now my herpes is fine.

The doctor said I should eat more vegetables, clean water and some kind of free-range beef they have in Wyoming. He said I needed to buy fluoride tablets because my levels were low, and he recommended a draining of my clevic zone and some minor brain surgery. He has this new drug, HODOROL, and it helps you when you get sad about stuff. You drop an H and you can do ANYTHING … nobody stops you. You won’t ask questions about the dead hookers behind the bar, you’ll just DRINK YOUR DRINK and go have a good old time. And that way my cholesterol goes down …

My doctor, Dr. Grunkis, has recommended total refurbishing. He runs a clinic in Little Saigon, Seattle, around midnight on Thursdays. He does his work in a nasty old alley where the rats stand watch between eating Japanese EMO twinks. He has modeling knives and vodka and fishing line and a needle, and he gets it done. He knocks you out with a lead pipe, and you just sit there, concussed, as he cuts into your belly and pulls out all your insides and replaces it with metal shavings and sawdust and broken glass and sand.

I’m trying to get my reebus-zone irrigated. My doctor, Dr. Mavis, refuses to jam rebar “up there” – but you have to … if you want to get well. I keep trying to gauge out that monstrous thing, stuck up there, and cutting into me, but nothing works. Dr. Mavis tried a hamster, and that hamster is stuck up there now, biting. Next? – some weird drill, and it got me bloody and sore and messed up, but that won’t work. We’ll try X-RAY beam surgery, shooting me up with 13,000 rads of power, growing my testicles with tumors, and that way I’m ready for my big date with Sheila.

There’s this shes-striss nurse that works for Dr. Grunkis – Hanala. Hanala does most of the leech and bat work, she manages the supplies of pulverized concrete and dirty pennies. She has really bad STDs, all of them, and sometimes her genital crabs will crawl from her boovula into your open wound as surgery is ongoing, and those damn things lay eggs. She does a lot of meth and crack and coke and this helps her as a nurse. She helps the doctor dispose of old cat innards and the potato rinds.

I take 3 pills for the pain in my solstice zone. I take 5 pills for my junk and my junk issues. I take 2 pills for my heart muscle deterioration. I go into a hyperbaric chamber and lose myself in troubled bliss. I have this Korean massage artist that pulls on my man tube and screams “YEE HAW”, she kicks me in the stomach, she pees on my head, she dumps cigarette butts on me, I pay her $300 for the experience. I take a substance called NINGO-WHITE that cleans out your Ulick-barrens and leave you smelling fresh and clean. My doctor, Dr. Grunkis, orders me to drink 6 fifths of whiskey every 24 hours … if I stop, I die … that’s the shit he tells me, and I thank GOD for it.

Everyone over 50 should get an anal probe …

Everyone over 50 should have a telescopic device inserted into their butthole and allow some greasy doctor to traverse their inner blincktus zone …

Dr. Grunkis has a mechanic’s helper adjustable armature camera that he wraps in plastic wrap and then covers in sexual lubricant. He bought this cheap ass software to interface with it, code written in Russia. As he inserts his street-style colonoscopy device, the entire region, vista, reveals itself … so darkly whimsical to see what’s going on in my butt hole.

We saw great valleys flowing with brown rivers of glory …

We saw herds of gutt buffalo and shit-gators and tummy-roaches, all living in peace in this weird land …

We journeyed deep into those dark corners of my digestive tract, and felt the deep shame of seeing stuck pieces of meat or metal shavings or tumors …

The tumors were easy for Dr. Grunkis, he just used a fisherman’s pinch tool and would just snip off the tumor, cauterizing the wound with a hand-held cooking/brazing torch with an extender. He used these carpenter’s vices to hold open or SPREAD my butthole, and then he just went way up in there with that damn torch …

After several hours of removing dark, diseased, flesh from my butt crack, Dr. Grunkis sewed up some leakage shafts and sealed my butthole up with gorilla glue …

He sent me home, it was a long walk back to Utah …

I spent many hours contemplating my health and wondering about what problems lurked inside …

And I was reminded, in the scream of some far off she-wolf …

“Your body is NOT a temple, your body is a junkyard.” – Dr. Freckles

[curated: 3/27/2023]

Heroes …

“None of us are heroes, we don’t live in THAT world right now.” – Dr. Freckles

A lot of us are doing what we need to do, to get by. A lot of us are stretching our principles, because we need to exist. It’s not a question of “right or wrong” at this point: it is survival or death

[curated: 3/28/2023]