“Treat your fellow man with respect, they will treat nature with respect.” – Dr. Freckles
Satan gives you an endorsement …
Fukushima and JAWS …
“The Fukushima disaster is a ripped off version of JAWS.” – Dr. Freckles
Tipping Points …
“A tipping point is something you recognize in the rear view mirror.” – Dr. Freckles
A ticket to ADVENTURE!
“Whether it’s a chimpanzee, a dog, a parrot, an octopus or a crow: consciousness, self-awareness, are tickets to ADVENTURE.” – Dr. Freckles
“Could there be, in our universe, a sun surrounded by an ocean of water the size of our solar system? Kept warm enough, so that you had a super ocean, billions of miles in diameter, with a frozen outer crust and ring system …” – Dr. Freckles
<<<short story rant coming soon>>>
Calculus …
“What’s the difference between ZERO and almost ZERO: a limit process.” – Dr. Freckles
“Consciousness is its own pain voyage.” – Dr. Freckles
The internet …
“I remember telling people the internet would be mainly used to control people, and they laughed at me.” – Dr. Freckles
Shortwave receivers and transceivers …
“Shortwave: every radio is special, and that’s for reasons that suck.” – Dr. Freckles
I started working on a project with my friend Justin in 2022, we were able to put several months in and conducted a lot of experiments.
To learn more about what we have been trying to do: RADENGINEERING.TECH
We haven’t given up on the project, but we both have to make money, to get by, and we don’t have the time to put much more into it …
In order to promote this project, I was asked to build a simple RSS newsreader, operating using JS8 protocol, accessing some of the software’s API and using log files for monitoring. Not a lot of code allowed for a pretty cool experience, where headlines were being sent using CB RADIO, 11M, 27.245 MHZ.
Do with it what you will.
SQL Code (for MySQL): https://planetarystatusreport.com/RSS.TXT
#Daniel John Sullivan, CEO, Rad Engineering, 3/23/22 #This is a news agent/script, a prototype #Service, utilizing JS8 as a proxy agent #to encode messages and decode from our #transceiver #JS8 Callsign for this service - N3W5 or NEWS ... #1. monitor directed file for requests #2. respond to new requests #3. grab RSS feed data #there are a few python modules that need #to be installed: maidenhead, feedparser, bs4 # anyascii, and perhaps one or two others # just be comfortable using pip3 to install # these other modules / libraries from __future__ import print_function import os import feedparser import os.path, time import json import math import time import maidenhead as mh import urllib.parse as pr import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS from requests import get from os.path import exists from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from anyascii import anyascii import mysql.connector ### globals ### DPath = "/home/pi/.local/share/JS8Call/DIRECTED.TXT" # server/port info for connecting to the JS8 Call application # while it is running, it can act as a message server/proxy # for your radio kit ... we are still figuring out the API # so right now, it's just 'send' capabilities we are using # - DJS, 3/19/22 JS8Server = "" JS8PortNum = 2442 #make sure you open port 2442 prior to opening JS8 application #ubuntu command: sudo ufw allow 2442 server = (JS8Server, JS8PortNum) servern = "localhost"; portn = 3306 usern = "DBUSER"; passw = "DBPASSWORD"; dbn = "DBNAME"; #mode 1: just top stories from each feed, sent just once #mode 2: active engagement mode #mode 3: just one service newsServiceM3 = "ONION" newsMode = 3 bigSleep = 90 ### end of globals ### def from_message(content): try: return json.loads(content) except ValueError: return {} def to_message(typ, value='', params=None): if params is None: params = {} return json.dumps({'type': typ, 'value': value, 'params': params}) class JS8Client(object): def __init__(self): self.PttON = False self.LastPtt = datetime.now() def process(self, message): typ = message.get('type', '') value = message.get('value', '') params = message.get('params', {}) if not typ: return if typ in ('RX.ACTIVITY',): # skip return if value and typ == "RIG.PTT": if value == "on": self.PttON = True self.LastPtt = datetime.now() print("PTT ON") if value == "off": self.PttON = False print("PTT OFF") def send(self, *args, **kwargs): params = kwargs.get('params', {}) if '_ID' not in params: params['_ID'] = '{}'.format(int(time.time()*1000)) kwargs['params'] = params message = to_message(*args, **kwargs) self.sock.send((message + '\n').encode()) # remember to send the newline at the end :) def GetStationStatus(self): self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect(server) self.connected = True try: self.send("TX.GET_TEXT", "") content = self.sock.recv(65500) message = json.loads(content) typ = message.get('type', '') value = message.get('value', '') if typ == "TX.TEXT": vt = value.strip() if len(vt) < 1: return "OPEN" else: return "CLOSED" else: return "CLOSED" except: return "CLOSED" finally: self.sock.close() def SendToJS8(self, JS8Message): self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect(server) self.connected = True try: self.send("TX.SEND_MESSAGE", JS8Message) content = self.sock.recv(65500) print(content) except: print("Error sending message to JS8 via API.") finally: self.sock.close() def close(self): self.connected = False #### END OF CLASS DEFINITION FOR JS8 API INTERFACE #### def GetArt(number): # Connect with the MySQL Server cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn) qry = "select ARTICLE, SOURCE, LINK from RSS where ID = %s" % (number) cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True) cur.execute(qry) retRes = cur.fetchall() cnx.close() return retRes[0] def GetTopHourly(source): # Connect with the MySQL Server cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn) qry = "select ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED, SOURCE, length(ARTICLE) as LOF from RSS where SOURCE = '%s' order by PUBLISHED desc limit 1" % source cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True) cur.execute(qry) retRes = cur.fetchall() cnx.close() return retRes def GetTop(source, number): # Connect with the MySQL Server cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn) qry = "select ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED, SOURCE, length(ARTICLE) as LOF from RSS where SOURCE = '%s' order by PUBLISHED desc limit %s" % (source, number) cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True) cur.execute(qry) retRes = cur.fetchall() cnx.close() return retRes def AlreadySaved(link): # Connect with the MySQL Server cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn) qry = "select ID from RSS where LINK = '" + link + "'" cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True) cur.execute(qry) cur.fetchall() rc = cur.rowcount cnx.close() if rc > 0: return True else: return False def SaveRSS(source, title, link, published, article): tit = title.replace("'", "''") clean_text = anyascii(article) art = str(clean_text) art = art.replace("'", "''") if len(art) > 5000: art = art[0:5000] cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn) cur = cnx.cursor() qry = """ INSERT INTO RSS (SOURCE, LINK, TITLE, PUBLISHED, ARTICLE) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) """ val = (source, link, tit, published, art) cur.execute(qry, val) cnx.commit() cnx.close() def GrabRSS(RssURL, SourceName): hdrs = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'} NewsFeed = feedparser.parse(RssURL) for na in NewsFeed.entries: try: print(na.title) print(na.link) print(na.published) print(na.published_parsed) except: continue if AlreadySaved(na.link): continue print("*************************") response = get(na.link, None, headers=hdrs) print(na.keys()) soup = BS(response.content, 'html.parser') txtChunk = "" for data in soup.find_all("p"): txtval = data.get_text() txtval = txtval.strip() txtarr = txtval.split() if len(txtarr) == 1: continue if "posted" in txtval and ("hours" in txtval or "days" in txtval) and len(txtarr) == 4: continue if txtval == "No Search Results Found": continue if txtval == "Terms of Service": continue if txtval == "Advertise with us": continue if txtval == "Media Inquiries": continue txtChunk += " " + txtval + "\n" tyr = na.published_parsed[0] tmn = na.published_parsed[1] tdy = na.published_parsed[2] thr = na.published_parsed[3] tmi = na.published_parsed[4] tsc = na.published_parsed[5] ptms = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (tyr, tmn, tdy, thr, tmi, tsc) SaveRSS(SourceName, na.title, na.link, ptms, txtChunk.strip()) print(txtChunk.strip()) def debugHere(): input("Press enter to continue ...") def clearConsole(): command = 'clear' if os.name in ('nt', 'dos'): # If Machine is running on Windows, use cls command = 'cls' os.system(command) def TopStoriesFrom(news, numof): s = JS8Client() ti = GetTop(news, numof) for t in ti: pubarr = str(t[2]).split() pubdte = pubarr[0] ct = t[1].replace("''","'") # ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED, SOURCE, LOF lof = int(t[4]) moreLink = "" #if lof > 40: # moreLink = "4MORE: N3WZ [ART]: %s" % t[0] #headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s %s" % ("@ALLCALL", pubdte, ct, t[3], moreLink) #headline = headline.strip() headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s" % ("@ALLCALL", pubdte, ct, t[3]) print(headline) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(2) s.SendToJS8(headline) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(2) time.sleep(bigSleep) def TopStoriesFromAll(): s = JS8Client() ti = GetTopHourly("INFOWARS") tn = GetTopHourly("NYT") tz = GetTopHourly("ZEROHEDGE") ty = GetTopHourly("YAHOO") tc = GetTopHourly("CNN") tb = GetTopHourly("BBC") tops = [] tops.append(ti[0]) tops.append(tz[0]) tops.append(ty[0]) tops.append(tc[0]) tops.append(tn[0]) tops.append(tb[0]) for t in tops: pubarr = str(t[2]).split() pubdte = pubarr[0] ct = t[1].replace("''","'") # ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED, SOURCE, LOF lof = int(t[4]) moreLink = "" if lof > 40: moreLink = "4MORE: N3WZ [ART]: %s" % t[0] headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s %s" % ("@ALLCALL", pubdte, ct, t[3], moreLink) print(headline) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(2) s.SendToJS8(headline) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(2) time.sleep(bigSleep) def TopStories(messageInfo): s = JS8Client() try: #2S5: N3WZ [TOP]: NYT, 1 mp = messageInfo.split(':') if len(mp) < 3: return callsign = mp[0].strip() step1 = mp[2].strip() step2 = step1.split(',') rn = step2[1].strip().split() src = step2[0].strip() numberOf = rn[0].strip() print("Handling %s request ..." % src) print(messageInfo) print("From: " + callsign) print("Top: " + numberOf) tops = GetTop(src, numberOf) for t in tops: pubarr = str(t[2]).split() pubdte = pubarr[0] # ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED ct = t[1].replace("''","'") # ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED, SOURCE, LOF lof = int(t[4]) moreLink = "" if lof > 40: moreLink = "4MORE: N3WZ [ART]: %s" % t[0] headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s %s" % (callsign, pubdte, ct, t[3], moreLink) print(headline) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(5) s.SendToJS8(headline) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(5) time.sleep(bigSleep) except: print("An exception occurred: getting top stories") def handleArticle(messageInfo): try: #K7IAC: N3W5 [ART]: 237 ♢ s = JS8Client() mp = messageInfo.split(':') if len(mp) < 3: return callsign = mp[0].strip() step1 = mp[2].strip().split() number = step1[0].strip() print("Handling article request ...") print(messageInfo) print("From: " + callsign) print("Article: " + number) recd = GetArt(number) art = recd[0] src = recd[1] lnk = recd[2] if len(art) > 150: art2 = art.replace("\n", " ") art2 = art2.replace("''","'") print("bigger than 150 chars") if len(art2) > 500: art2 = art2[0:500] pts = math.ceil((len(art2)/150)) buffr = "" part = 1 for c in art2: buffr += c if len(buffr) == 150: artInfo = "%s ART_%s %s #%s (%s/%s)" % (callsign, number, buffr, src, str(part), str(pts)) print(artInfo) s.SendToJS8(artInfo) buffr = "" part += 1 time.sleep(1) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("NEWS SERVICE TIME: " + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(1) time.sleep(60) if len(buffr) > 0: artInfo = "%s ART_%s %s #%s (%s/%s)" % (callsign, number, buffr, src, str(part), str(pts)) print(artInfo) s.SendToJS8(artInfo) buffr = "" time.sleep(bigSleep) else: art2 = art.replace("\n", " ") art2 = art2.replace("''","'") # ARTICLE, SOURCE artInfo = "%s ART_%s %s ... (MORE @ %s)" % (callsign, number, art2, src) print(artInfo) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(5) s.SendToJS8(artInfo) while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED": print("Waiting to send ..." + str(datetime.now())) time.sleep(5) time.sleep(bigSleep) except: print("An exception has occurred: getting news article") def NewsCycle(DirectedPath): prevDLineNo = 0 newsl = "news_line.txt" if(exists(newsl)): tf = open(newsl, "r") tfs = tf.read().strip() if(tfs != ""): prevDLineNo = int(tfs) tf.close() readerf = open(DirectedPath) CALLSIGN = "" UTCDTM = "" MSGINFO = "" dirLine = 0 uploaded = 0 try: # Further file processing goes here for x in readerf: #0 UTC,1 FREQ,2 OFFSET,3 SNR, 4 MESSAGE recd = x.split('\t') UTCDTM = recd[0] OFFSET = recd[2] SNR = recd[3] FREQ = recd[1] MSG = recd[4] dirLine += 1 if(dirLine > prevDLineNo): if "[ART]:" in MSG: handleArticle(MSG) if "[TOP]:" in MSG: TopStories(MSG) wf = open(newsl, "w") wf.write(str(dirLine)) wf.close() finally: readerf.close() def CycleFeeds(): infowars = "https://www.infowars.com/rss.xml" zh = "https://feeds.feedburner.com/zerohedge/feed" yahoo = "https://news.yahoo.com/rss/" cnn = "http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss" bbc = "http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/us_and_canada/rss.xml" nyt = "https://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml" onion = "https://www.theonion.com/rss" bb = "https://babylonbee.com/feed" print("Grabbing Babylon Bee ...") GrabRSS(bb, "BB") print("Grabbing ONION ...") GrabRSS(onion, "ONION") print("Grabbing INFOWARS ...") GrabRSS(infowars, "INFOWARS") print("Grabbing ZEROHEDGE ...") GrabRSS(zh, "ZEROHEDGE") print("Grabbing YAHOO ...") GrabRSS(yahoo, "YAHOO") print("Grabbing CNN ...") GrabRSS(cnn, "CNN") print("Grabbing BBC ...") GrabRSS(bbc, "BBC") print("Grabbing NYT ...") GrabRSS(nyt, "NYT") # FEEDS: # 1. INFOWARS: https://www.infowars.com/rss.xml # 2. ZEROHEDGE: https://feeds.feedburner.com/zerohedge/feed # 3. YAHOO: https://news.yahoo.com/rss/ # 4. CNN: http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss clearConsole() time.sleep(2) print("Starting NEWS Server .") time.sleep(1) clearConsole() print("Starting NEWS Server ..") time.sleep(1) clearConsole() print("Starting NEWS Server ...") time.sleep(1) clearConsole() print("Starting NEWS Server ....") time.sleep(1) clearConsole() CycleFeeds() if newsMode == 1: TopStoriesFromAll() if newsMode == 2: ptime = datetime.now() while True: ntime = datetime.now() print("NEWS SERVICE: " + str(ntime)) time.sleep(1) clearConsole() NewsCycle(DPath) clearConsole() tdiff = ntime - ptime if tdiff.seconds > (60 * 5): print("Grabbing RSS feed info ...") ptime = datetime.now() CycleFeeds() if newsMode == 3: TopStoriesFrom(newsServiceM3, 4)
Link: https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/robotic-lifeguard-changes-water-rescues
Link: https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/new-robot-lifeguard-will-save-people-from-drowning
Robot lifeguard … at pools.
So if your kid falls in, they don’t drown if you’re not around.
(wake me when that happens)
(it seems like a trivial problem – or is it?)
Think about the swimming pool scene in the movie “Caddyshack” (1980), how does a robot navigate that scenario? – lots of kids screaming, superficially they seem like they’re drowning.
A heuristic database might include a rule that says: “must be below the surface, this long …” … That’s a simple rule. As long as the robot can determine if a child has been below the surface too long – but this too gets harder as you add children to the pool, or other objects.
It’s not a non-trivial problem.
- threat detection
- spoofing
- belligerent human
Twitter: script to UNBLOCK all blocked users …
Link: https://lucahammer.com/2018/08/09/unblock-all-blocked-twitter-accounts-at-once
- Go to dev console in browser on settings page of twitter, for blocked accounts, in focus.
- Open console for javascript.
- Paste in the scriptlet below and press enter.
let autoUnblock = setInterval(function() { window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight); document.querySelectorAll('[aria-label="Blocked"]').forEach(function(account) { account.click() }); }, 1000);