Bouncy Castle: A discussion of EMPIRE, or a random walk around it …




Implode or Explode —

Implode vs Explode is NOT all or nothing, it’s always a hybrid.

Implosions: tend to be less catastrophic in terms of EXTERNAL war, and more catastrophic internally.

Explosions: tend to be bad internally, but as bad or even worse in terms of neighbors.

Short, incomplete, list for discussion.

*** empires can also be destroyed by BIGGER empires … “consumption” or “subsumption” … this is a different topic …

  1. Explode: Austro-Hungarian
  2. Explode: Ottoman Empire
  3. Implode: the USSR
  4. Implode: the Spanish Empire
  5. Explode: Alexandrian Empire
  6. Implode: Roman Empire (multi-century implosion)


JAR-MERGENCY (I am sorry)

I reported that a particular jar of spaghetti sauce went from $2 a year ago to $6. Upon returning to the grocery store, I could see I misread a badly placed advertisement for “buy 4 for $6” for another sauce … this is my bad.

However, I propose other theories:

  1. demons
  2. you kind of expect it now … so there is a bias towards error
  3. spaghetti, because of chaos in the causality sphere, is in super position … this also means you can move between realities by going to the grocery store, finding food-club sauce, standing still in aisle … humming … and clicking your heels … maybe?
  4. That prices are changing so rapidly now, I just was there at the wrong time …

The Italian American foundation has issued a statement:

“That mamaluke Dan … he’s gonna get his …”


*** Jar of tomato sauce … $2 a year ago, $6 today … 200% inflation? 4/17/2023




  1. Stray Dog
  2. Sky Painting
  3. Stone Soup
  4. Where are the operators?
  5. Skid Row Chalice Queen
  6. Mineral water bath
  7. Lesbian Sky Navy (again)
  8. Alien butt force
  9. Blue
  10. Castle
  11. Fish
  12. Bird
  13. Nuke
  14. Mountain home
  15. Lake Fish
  16. Antichrist
  17. The End Times
  18. Sad dumpster man
  19. dead wife
  20. Bigfoot
  21. that weird cat
  22. home

Boomer and Shaggy:

Hard vs Hopeless:

Hard versus hopeless …

“Doomism isn’t about the future being hard, doomism is about believing the future is hopeless.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. They told us in economics classes that FOOD was an inferior good, and basically garbage.
  2. They told you the SMART GUY leaves home, and you left home … and then you returned one day to find home destroyed.
  3. They told you “you gotta be happy, if you’re not happy you’re a shit head”, and some of us suffer from actual severe depression, from time to time, and we’re just not going to be fucking HAPPY about any of your wretched bullshit …
  4. The wars, the prisons, the slaves …

But it’s not hopeless …

Yeah – life has become dreary and ugly, but it’s still life.

We were sold a SHRIMP SALAD MASTERPIECE that turned out to be a turd sandwich van Gogh surprise …

But life goes on – my view of the future hasn’t really changed. I’m just trying to break out of that “what the fuck am I in that future” funk …

I’m an old man, being chased by coyotes …

(and that’s pretty fucking lit)

“Doomism is being trapped in fight or flight … that’s what you have to break out of, even if it means fighting.” – Dr. Freckles

“Fear is the mind killer …” – Dune

I’m beginning to think …

I’m beginning to think the approach I’ve been taking with JS8 call is a bridge too far – and that I would be better off learning to compile the code, and just create my own branch. Make the changes I want in C++ to include interop with websites that are accessible on some given network using standard REST calls. Also, allow it a scripted response model so that any given JS8Call app can act as a “radio service” taking messages, and replying. Also, add in flexible topology and multi-app running instances on the same computer. Who knows, add in a built in connector for MYSQL for data logging and event logging for outside of process coding and scripting by other consumers … so I don’t know if I can, I’m 53 and burnt out and believe the world could explode, figuratively, in a few months.

But is it the end of the world? – no, not by a long shot …

So maybe I try.

Will it be easy? – don’t know … I think

And here’s the other thing …

JS8Call, RIGHT NOW, AS IS would allow you to build an organic twitter style decentralized relationship with other people using CB radio and this network WORKS even if the WWW is down … is it good for secrets, as is? – no … is it good enough for the public square? – yes.

You could sell eggs, right now, using JS8Call on CB Radio – just need to expand the network, more users, bigger world.

And I would think a lot of real anarchists and libertarians would be into this …


(and then we go from there)

And this is all in JS8CALL.COM right now.

With some work? – who the fuck knows what’s possible.

I feel like the world of shortwave radio, and CB, needs a revolution – and this could be the beginning.


My own hell …

“It was a dark night of the plane flight of the soul …” – Dr. Freckles

Hell is flying commercial now … this is my hell … since at least 2001.

(check the podcast archives, search the page for “TSA” back in 2015/2016 …)

Love Thee with Passion …

LORD, we must love THEE with PASSION.

In our life on this Earth, we face travails and challenges. As often as not we place the blame on God … “WHY DEAR LORD DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?”

We shake our fists, beat our chests, scream and yell and tear asunder while cursing Your name, dear Lord.

But in our anger, in our repentance, in our frustration, we still LOVE you GOD, for you gave your son Jesus, your only son, to save us – to save all of us from sin and perdition.

So I say Jesus, my Lord in Heaven, I LOVE AND WORSHIP YOU.

I will work to be a disciple of Christ.

I will wander this world, and stumble and fret, and still my heart is yours.

In your name we SERVE, Jesus Christ.





Greetings and Announcements …

PSALM 103:

2 Samuel 11:

LORD we must love Thee with PASSION!

John 15:9-17:

Discussion: the RIDDLE of David.

In Old Testament times, the Hebrews had different names, for the SAME GOD. One of his names, as I recall: His Love Endures, or something like that …

  1. I had another topic for this week – but this morning it occurred to me, the message was wrong.
  2. The dumb stuff the dogs do, and yet there is that love
  3. The dumb stuff people do, the sinning …
  4. A friend once told me, when I was still an Atheist: you can’t have a strong marriage without Jesus … and like most my irreligious friends, I scoffed … I mocked.
  5. The message of the LAST LETTER at the beginning of REVELATION
  6. HESED … His infinite Love … Lucifer, and the belief that God’s love is finite
  7. Finally: love and forgiveness …

The Lord can handle us ANGRY, SAD, and JOYFUL … and any number of other emotions, but the Lord does demand our obedience and love.

The Lord can handle an angry shout towards the sky …

The Lord has big shoulders.

Love is understanding.

Love is forgiving.

Love is passionate, with all the pain of the cross.

His Love Endures …

(moment of silence)

Lord’s Prayer

Final words of discipleship …

*** Find a congregation, a place of worship and love


“A lot of you mother fuckers don’t understand that the cricket-flour garbage food reality STARTED WITH Norman Borlaug … and it shows.” – Dr. Freckles

Consciousness and culture …

Consciousness or self-awareness, and its concomitant side effect “imagination”, are more or less doomed to create CULTURE. Maybe it won’t be YOUR culture, maybe not particularly advanced – but it’s there …

I’ve noticed it with the dogs I walk, Boomer, Bailey, Kia and even that pimp-daddy Shaggy (the Hungarian Puli) … they share behaviors, and beliefs … like the strange belief that kicking up dirt and making a circle is a way to bring forth more happiness and cheese … which is the same thing.

Whether its crows or dogs … or even the octopus with her gardens … there are these actions that do not simply reduce to instinct.

In fact, I can imagine an old angry grey and black reservation dog, somewhere up in the Uinta Mountains … in a cave. And he’s slaving away on his masterpiece:

“DECLINE of the DOG” by Oswald Spaniel

(a french bulldog is on the cover)