MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220622_OPERATION_BARBAROSSA.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Barbarossa …
A GREAT BOOK on this topic: https://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-Panzers-East-World-Reinterpreted/dp/0806125810
“Drang nach Osten …” – a Push to the EAST …
Link: https://www.britannica.com/event/Operation-Barbarossa
NATO membership for the UKRAINE would be like Hitler achieving his initial Barbarossa objectives without firing a shot … putting NATO force missile seconds from Moscow, or 8 driving hours from Moscow … more or less … putting the world on the edge of WW3.
In 2014, when the Obama administration authorized a coup attempt against the elected government of the Ukraine, our nation, for reasons I could not understand, pushed the world closer to war with Russia. In the early 90’s we promised NATO would not move past Poland … I guess the Russians should consult “native American ghosts” concerning promises from WA DC.
This is me, my view of the Ukraine situation, in March of 2014:
MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction
All of Game Theory is predicated on the assumption of “rational agents” pursuing “optimal goals” – and what is optimal is assumed from a cultural or historical context. Wars of Religion rarely have optimal goals, and yet these make up a big part of human history … so in order to apply Game Theory, you need to make several assumptions concerning the nature of human reasoning – and many of these might not always be true, but only mostly true.
Prisoner’s Dilemma: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma
MAD: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction
I’ve spoken about this in a couple podcasts, but I just wanted to summarize the danger …
However: to believe there is a danger you have to believe that Putin is an independent agent, and rational, and operating simply in the protective interests of Russia and that there is no collusion with western interests to “have a little war”.
In the cold calculus of nuclear war, the following is true:
1. MAD only works if you have a deterrence. There is a lot of evidence, including my own experience in the military, that the US defense complex is in decline, and perhaps our nuclear weapons capacity is NOT what TPTB claim it is … and the Chinese and Russians know this.
2. MAD only makes sense in the context of 2 person game theory, it becomes unstable in n-person problems (like the current nuclear world) Even if you think point 1 and 3 are false, I think this is self evidently true, and won’t change.
3. MAD only works if your opponent believes you are sane … but how could China or Russia believe that our society, or leadership, is sane at this point?
Given the following:
It simply makes sense for the Chinese, the Russians, or both to launch a preemptive attack on an insane and potential nuclear belligerent, that no longer has first strike capacity … or second strike reliability … I would guess it would be surgical, but you still don’t want to live in or near WA DC in a scenario like this.
A rapid conventional defeat of US forces would likely lead to a US nuclear option scenario – why would an enemy even let us get to that decision point? – The answer is: they won’t.
Basic Preemptive CHINA/RUSSIA Attack plan:
I don’t see the Chinese and Russians launching a massive preemptive strike, but rather a targeted strike using 3rd generation nukes (neutron bombs), with an initial EMP swarm, and hitting mainly C3I type targets … so WA DC, bunker systems, submarine yards, etc …
They decapitate the US government, and then negotiate for peace, as the Prussians did in 1871, with whomever is left …
They do not invade …
But the USD is dead at that point, and all US forces will be heading home, abandoning military equipment overseas.
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/night-rage-flyers-spotted-dc-ahead-roe-v-wade-decision
I told the people of Seattle that there would be a 3RD HOOKER REPUBLIC of CHOP-CHAZ …
They mocked me, but wait for it … they’ll be harvesting their crops in the park, in view of the 400K condos that pay property taxes so that Seattle City employees and King County employees can seal in the juices …
LORD RAZ, and his 45 nubian wives, with their onyx hustle and their lightning stares? As if the cocaine of the river were in their blood? As if their children suckled on COOLAID and used restaurant gum?
LORD RAZ, as KING of the 3rd HOOKER REPUBLIC, will have a staff of diamonds and steel, a car pulled by 32 old white men, covered in their own feces and unrelenting in their tears and their sadness for all they did … whatever it was …
The THIRD HOOKER REPUBLIC will be ZONE of total LESBIAN domination …
Lesbians, and heglamites, and scruncheons will be seen blooviating their nog-fur, and tunctulating their yoozoo … as the ancient greases flow …
The lesbian armies will form up east of VOORG AVE, not far from Old Pappy’s Pap Smears … next door to the Take Out Roast Beef Emporium …
They will cover themselves in super glue and broken glass and street fury … they will be coasted in creosote and regret … their fingernails will be broken, their legs covered in hair, their minds on fire from old stale wine, their hearts fluttering for total lesbian oneness … in the wading pool.
The TAN-WHALES? – they too will be UMBRUMULATED by norgen-sauce and RAZ and the LESBIAN QUEEN will rule the first ALL NIGHT ABORTION MALL … 50% off for first time killers …
(all trans males will be invited to have an abortion)
A magician, a witch, a mistress of DARK ARTS named OLESTRAAH will be nominated first QUEEN-EMPRESS-THINGY of CHOP-CHAZ … all the strinkle-folk will come with offerings of fetus and munktis juice … they will cover themselves in old dead dolphin wax and the covered ivy of the cemetery off Broog Lane … not far from Old Shimbly’s Real Nice Kidney pies, which is next door to the night clinic, across the street from Last Stop Motel and Kelly’s Bulk Bags of Ice …
Power …
“If you have the power to turn off the world, what more power do you need?” – Dr. Freckles
The Killing Season …
The Biden’s “Recovery Summer Tour” 2010 … and Aurora AVE, Seattle …
Luke 7: 36-50 — https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+7%3A36-50&version=NIV
About LISK and other contemporaries committing similar acts in Long Island, NY.
If you are an OPTIMIST …
Are you an optimist?
– stack physical gold/silver in historic ratios
– stack ammo and guns
– stack long term food stores, rice, beans, etc
– have water purification and LEARN HOW to purify water
(assuming you are an optimist)
If you are an optimist …
- learn to raise pig and chicken on those “dark ugly acts” you might have to commit in the depths of this coming eternal night …
- hold counsel with the rat and cockroach, make allies with the crow and the monkey …
- Hook yourself out … become a gigolo … make up fliers, for the old person’s home, and sell your body to dying old men and women … if you are optimistic about things …
- Stockpile SPAM and TURKEY SPAM … make sure you have PROTEIN …
- Rumpulate your inner drelg-skoob, and rub your splinctus with rosy read harlot sauce … that’s if you have a real positive fucking attitude …
- Set fire to your home, your car, your land … boil the cactus and drink muskrat tea … kill time by the whiskey dreams sea … and hunt old whale-goat near Scompton … if you think things are FINE …
- Jorg-slig, of sector-55, is selling snake-piss-wine and old curdled cat milk … his eyes are burning with the fury and the hunger and his lips are covered in herpetic sores … if you are an optimist …
- A space ship named love is parked at NASA, the captain is Lord Yurgen of the last NAZI cadre, the co-pilot is XINDER, first order demon … the DEVIL is the commodore, the Commodores are entertaining … on the LIDO DECK … if you have that “hope and change” Obama-Shlama talked about … happy …
- 1002 separate nugget kings, ruling various lands between here and GRINKEN TOWN, they carry swords made of anger and ice, they snort the coke and run the hooker armies of the east … if you are an optimist …
Oil …
The Darkest Point
- Sodom
- Times of Noah
- Lord’s Message
The truly evil state of affairs, the darkest point, is when a government FORCES its people to commit evil … it starts out with patriotic intention, and ends up mandating pedophilia and the sharing of children with strangers, adults.
It starts out with mandating everyone wear coffee filters, perhaps more than one … forcing their children to be poisoned with who knows what … you don’t know, neither do I.
But in the end, it is the STATE demanding you rape your own children to prove you are “inclusive” …
(we’re almost there – let’s hope the state collapses soon)
Link: https://kfor.com/news/in-your-corner/snap-benefits-disappearing-to-skimmer-theft-across-country/
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/crypto-exchange-ftx-bails-out-blockfi-250-million-revolver