MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220602_FLYING_MONKEYPOX.mp3
- two initial customers who haven’t received their units.
- A dude in Puerto Rico I’m trying to walk through set up and debugging, over the phone …
- No money, looking for work … this stresses me out … fuck it.
- And this feeling that at any time all of this “work” will become pointless … how else will us little folk spend out time until the end?
- We’re not giving up …
End Times Meter is now 70% …

Tricks …
“Magicians and grifters use tricks to hide the truth, physicians use tricks to hide the pain.” – Dr. Freckles
Oil and magic …
“Talk is cheap, but oil is not.” – Dr. Freckles
You have a 1978 FORD pickup …
It has 2 millions miles on it …
It gets about 300 gallons to the mile …
And you suddenly, find yourself, stuck on the side of the road.
Is it:
a) because the world ran out of oil?
b) because you statist punks can’t stop voting, can’t stop participating in government?
(government IS the monkey on our backs)
(government IS ALWAYS some kind of communism)
Talk IS cheap …
And talk is all the government is good at – since it’s a skill grifters master.
What shall we become …
What shall we become …
As the gerd-herders set fire to Tremulous-5 …
As the new style wogon-beasts hunt the misty oil of hooker delight …
Shall we become the NEW FOLK?
Made of white-lightning and meth and titanium and sadness?
Will we listen to country music while making love to our busty women during the hot sweaty nights?
NO …
Our die is cast towards the next stage of ROLON-STRIG, and our buttcracks will be sealed up. Our nungoid-fragrance will signal predators to stalk and kill us … our bones scattered.
(that’s what we’ll become)
(coyote stool)
Near the village of K’bersk, the old krone that lives on the edge of town screams out the name “ZELENSKY”. She is mocked by the wolf-women and driven further into the woods. Her hair catches fire, and the crops for next year go unplanted.
Horvich, the basket weaver, shakes and mutters in the street … Ukraine soldiers walk by and spit on him, kick him, drag him to the pit outside of Kyiv, and dump his body with the rest.
(Zelensky calls this victory)
The 62nd Shock Army moves on G’tlanko, and the crabble-fish mutter “hear, hear …”
The 7 monks of Ukrainian madness make merry with their CIA handlers, and Truby wants a new gun. “We are near victory!”, he burps, as his jaundiced eyes come into view …
“Zelensky is the GUY … everyone loves that guy …”, and the smell of rotting corpses is their aperitif …
(and the women mourn silently for husbands never coming home)
(Zelensky calls this victory)
“It’s tirg-fud, scrumble …”, the Ukraine sergeant told his men …
“It’s salty, it will fill your belly …”, just ignore the tattoos on the meat …
(Zelensky calls this victory)
In the time of Yogen-Slor, when trenchant fork sifters find scraps in the gutter. Careless hookers would sell their wares near Trida Street and Ukraine officers would have them and cocaine … and Russian babies from the Donbass for lunch.
“Where is the front line?”, General Gor screamed … his officers were busy raping children.
“Where is the advanced guard?”
Buried in the dirt, for harvest, as ravens pick the eyes out of AZOV heroes …
(Zelensky calls this winning)

Threats, Death, and Problem Solving …
“The first step in problem solving IS NOT KILL or THREATEN TO KILL everyone around you.” – Dr. Freckles
Fuck you soap …
You’ll smell like dog poop …
You’ll smell like the worst turtle grease …
FU Soap …
Flying monkeypox …
Just listen to Chris Martenson … he’ll tell you about this monster. Crawling through the pipes of apartment buildings, entering your butt crack and leaving its scars …
Following the PEACE of Jergins in 2027, ending WW3, comes the brief peace of Torblatz. All parties to this treaty cover themselves in scrimbo-grease and grab each other’s junk … as US SOCOM are doing meth and oxycontin nearby …
Then comes MONKEY WAR 1 … the first great MONKEY WAR.
Monkeypox enters the body via the anal canal zone … there? – floobian juices mix with the roasted peanut butter and produce corn film. Take the smear, and place a large shard of glass between the spriggly and the TORNO JORG or butt-rinctus. Once the monkeypox has entered your blood stream it starts a gang … and hunts down the man that killed his wife. Following this, the monkeypox mutates into monkey herpes … and this “monkey herpes” infects your nads … your junk … and there’s a weird smell … and your new girlfriend starts hanging out at improv late … and she gives you crabs.
More and more people are catching monkeypox fever …
It’s like DISCO FEVER … with an itchy discharge.
My Mind … (I’ve said this before)
I need to thank a recent donor, and all donors of recent note, and all donors …
Thank you for allowing me a massive amount of joy at a fraction of the cost …
Thank you for being human, and generous, within your means.
I will not forget.
“I take trips in my mind, my sailing ship is my imagination, my brain is my ‘Disney Land’ …” – Dr. Freckles
Hearing the Lord’s voice …
“It’s easier to hear the Lord when you put down your smart device.” – Dr. Freckles
Bank Holiday … (March 2020)
Errata: I say “April” at one point in the podcast … but this was a mistake, it was March 17, 2020.
I’ve talked about two possible explanations for the ongoing military psychological warfare since early 2020.
Based on what I’ve seen, I believe the following are true:
a) they are using PSYOPs (military psychological warfare) to manage many billions of people.
b) the basic message of all the PSYOPs has been (don’t go places, don’t talk to people, don’t travel much)
c) the PSYOPs are REACTIVE in nature, ergo it implies “they” do not control the schedule.
d) it looks like “they” are managing a fuzzy event: an event that happens in a window of time, not on some specific date (like an asteroid strike).
e) the lies are so damaging, in an irreversible sense, that you can discount all talk of: WW3, managed culling, “Reset”, and all the Klaus Schwab nonsense or the Jim Rickards (CIA) “basket of currencies” stupidity. Another year of this? – and we will have a plague of madness, everywhere.
f) PSYOPs are “cheap”, but not long lasting – at some point people either go insane, die, or reject the lie … so they must have believed the “window of highest likelihood” began in 2019. My guess: 5 year window … which means the window closes in 2024.
Here are the two possible “fuzzy event” explanations, there are other ways of looking at this but my approach is “it’s probably this”, but the second level category captures “everything else”.
Most likely case: The US dollar empire is in collapse, and this might be coinciding with a Civil War in China that the US deep state is helping to cover up (read: all the dumb logistical stories since 2020 … “can’t unload containers”, “muh factories have been hacked”, “oh boy, the farmers are burning all the potatoes”). This will be bad, really bad, and it’s accelerating as I write this – but it’s something you CAN survive if you apply commonsense to your existence and you escape the cities.
Worst case: Ask yourself what would be so bad that the world powers, and their enforcers, would use very damaging trauma based mind control (suicides, overdoses, non-treated chronic illnesses, increases in domestic and child abuse, destroyed businesses and lives, psychic driving to madness) to manage people, for some indefinite period of time, knowing that AT THE SAME TIME they were going to lose control? What would be that bad AND a fuzzy event?
Fuzzy Probability Worst Case Events ->
– Super CME (coronal mass ejection): also called a planet killer (think a billion times worse than Carrington)
– Geologic: most likely a caldera or super volcano event
– Pole shift
– End Times: I’m a Christian AND we can’t know the time or place … prophecy is for reifying faith, not for stock investing.
– Clathrate Gun: I am concerned that THIS is the most likely worst case, based on research
– Peak Oil
– Massive, long term, worldwide FAMINE: this is also the second runner up to Clathrate Gun … but famine is baked into the cake, along with the collapse of the US government and all governments worldwide … A famine period that lasted for more than 2 years would be catastrophic, and it will still happen for a number of the scenarios mentioned.
I believe famine, as stated above, is guaranteed now. And if you say “the government did it”? – I agree, but that’s been true of almost EVERY FAMINE in recorded history, in some way, in some form of deliberate or accidental action, governments enable boom/bust, plenty/famine cycles.
The podcast below is from March of 2020, like the “Screwbilee” podcast from Early 2019 it represents the most likely and BEST CASE scenario.
To reiterate best case / most likely: The US dollar empire is in collapse, the entire world has become addicted to the USD and that means the WHOLE WORLD is going to go through a lot of pain, not just the US. Cities will collapse rapidly … not gracefully, and no one from the government will warn you.
“Bank Holiday”: not ironically named
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/daniel-john-sullivan/episodes/From-3172020-BANK-HOLIDAY-e1b3hjk/a-a7j1oco
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3CBk6ebaNoVb0vi4OKPt7l
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20200317_Bank_Holiday.mp3

Tearing down the homeless shelter in 2021 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20201212_Once_a_homeless_shelter.mp4
Go to 90 seconds in … and please listen to what the Seattle employee was saying, with respect to the BLM/Antifa Chaz Chop in 2020 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20200616_CHOP_CHAZ_Voyage_2.mp4
“SCREWBILEE” from early 2019 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20190221_Screwbilee.mp3
Don’t PANIC, from 2020 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20200314_Dont_Panic.mp3
Here is a Biden false flag scenario:
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/ongoing-surrender-far-bigger-scale-kyiv-has-acknowledged-azovstal
I won’t be training to be a McDonald’s professional …
I could say it’s not pride, that might be a lie.
I could say it’s about my general panic and anxiety when it comes to the general public: that’s the truth.
Pride and panic, not a good combo to run the register at McDonald’s …
Maybe they could let me harvest the McNuggets, those meat sacks hanging in the back … fed via tubes containing recycled unconsumed McDonald’s foods and wood chips and broken glass and fear …. fear is the seasoning.
Maybe I could sweep out the grongo-bins, where creatures called “crats”, have rat, half cat, genetically modified with halibut DNA … they are bred in the back to … for that tasty Fish Filet sandwich … Crats get out some times … you see them feeding on old people in the alley.
Perhaps the mold farm, above the employee toilets, where classic McFlurry core mixtures are grown and harvested … special molds for that frozen vanilla griz they put in that McFlurry … these mold were genetically modified to be radically endothermic while consuming the human flesh of people that just get dumped now …. dumped out back … by the ditch.
I could just end up where I probably should have in 2019 – homeless, on the streets, pitiable and yet deserving of no pity. You know the best thing about being homeless in the streets? – most people do their best to ignore you.
You know the worst thing about being homeless in the streets?
(most people do their best to ignore you)
Nuclear …
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/6-years-late-and-250-over-budget-georgias-newest-nuclear-plant
“If something requires government to work, it probably will never work.” – Dr. Freckles
I need 800 trillion dollars, so please donate …
I have to pay rent … that’s something.
I have a friend, a dog, named Boomer, and I’d love to give him something special …
In order to form my 16 thug armies? And provide them with multi-barreled 12 guage gun systems? … shit, and fuck.
I want to build an Army of Hookers … the first true hooker army, capable of using dozens of love and self defense techniques to totally and completely subdue our enemies in the greasiest way possible … and the monkey-crabs … our secret bioweapon.
(and more)