In January 2020 … before the “Monkey Herpes” pandemic, before the COMMIE BLM/ANTIFA street larping, I did a podcast called “Popping Smoke”:
One of the things I said in “Popping Smoke” is AT THE END they will TOSS REVELATIONS, like smoke grenades, at you … it will be true … the horrors, the scandals … etc. All true – also, it won’t matter at that point. In fact I proposed that the VOLUME of TRUTH that is shocking and divisive probably correlates to how CLOSE we ARE to the “big WHATEVER” that I’m certain is coming … NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, but something ugly is slouching towards us.
But they (the elite) are grifters and liars too – so even IF you get some nugget that is true, to some extent you can never know for sure … what you CAN DO, as an amateur SOVIETOLOGIST is keep your eye on the ball, and ask deeper questions: like WHY do I see this story? how is it boxed/displayed? what is the GESTALT of the story? who are we supposed to fear? who are we supposed to hate? who are we supposed to love?
So here’s how we arrive at “JEW TUNNELS”: a story, in the “news”.
It irradiates all the old prejudice, it embodies the “Protocols” and the anti-Semitism and all the fears … it’s a story that leaves you with the question: what are those “Jews” doing in the tunnels … it’s a story that’s more about FEAR than knowledge.
Is there a tunnel? – I don’t know.
If there is a tunnel, are they doing something BAD down there? – I don’t know … early Christians hid in catacombs which were basically tunnels … so I have a hard time saying “good” or “bad” based on location.
But here’s my angle: whatever the “truth” of the story is, it is something that gives people nothing but anxiety or a sense of frustration and rage. There is no resolution. You will probably never know the FULL TRUTH about the “Jew Tunnels”.

I can fix her, she’s my dream woman.