MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220715_Paradise_Island.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Just random … sovietologically speaking …
Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01868-9
Paradise Island
From 33 years ago …
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_and_execution_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceau%C8%99escu#Execution
7/11 day …
I saw some wild dogs in a small group wandering the neighborhood, hungry and crestfallen … drunk with animalistic rage and self loathing … the dogs were looking for a horgon-feast, and some old people to take out behind … in the alley. It’s 7/11 day, and the dogs are getting anxious …
Grunglin folk, fleeced by financiers and tech-gurus, are hitting the nightclubs. Getting MIND WHACKED on S’klink and grizzle … eating out cosmic holes and vibrating their chingus. Weird oils leak from the walls, and tin star BATS curry favor, but are denied a meeting with HOOBERMAN the WHALER … because it’s 7/11 day … and apples are on sale.
Haglamite WITCH TRIBES focus on the lost cats, and dogs left to wander Scroton Land. Jingus-spleege leaks into the main water supply and the families of Scompton get sick, and go mad with brain herpes. Gangs of shirtless men chase women down the street, covered in greases …
I went to see the doc for my physical. He looked at my charts and my dials and the gauges and he picked up a vial of acid and threw it at my face!
“WHAT THE HELL DAN … your systems are askew and filled with parasites and broken glass … you have all the cancers … every kind … you’re autoimmune is at war with your stomach worms ….”
The doc then punched me in the stomach, and bashed my head with a skull he had on his desk …
It’s gonna be great. Happy 7/11 …
“Yes Lord Vrool …”
“Is that the sound of the Kuntic-Gangs?”
“Yes, they oil themselves in the sacred lesbian pools, preparing themselves for the feast.”
Lord Vrool stood there, looking into the burnt out city. He had the men, but was he ready to violate Empress Listra’s sacred oil pact? … or would it be the mud pit for all?
Great … 7/11.
We need to start stockpiling oil for the Slebic-Wars. The East Side Hoolies are moving westward toward Scompton. They are packing .357’s and glocks and lighter fluid and bike chain. Their officers wear a titanium codpiece and their left hands are armed with a mini-chainsaw gauntlet. Their opponents are skewered and barbecued and sold as street tacos to Italians on Wallstreet …
… but it’s 7/11 FUCKER …
Version 1 ROBOTS are serving protein slurry at the cafe off of Blimpton. Young harlots, rowdy and mad with jimble-floosh, masquerade about in their mini skirts … handing out free samples … The robots will wash all the crevices, and we’ll be clean and ready …
The labor market is cooling, the robots are getting angry.
Happy 11th of JULY DAY ASS BIRD … FUCK …
Maverick …
The movie review of a random anonymous listener:
You saw Star Wars in 1977? Yes. Ok. Exact SAME plot. USA has to blow up an underground nuclear weapons facility of an “un-named” foreign power. They have to fly technically inferior F-18’s at very low altitude through a canyon maze and then deliver two missile strikes into this small “air vent” to blow up the facility. So, the majority of the scenes with the aircraft are basically the same bullshit as from the Star Wars when they are flying inferior aircraft beneath the superior weapons defenses of the Death Star. Tacked onto that main plot is the typical leftist diversity propaganda; Tom Cruise AKA, Pete Mitchell is brough out of retirement to teach the new class of America’s best fighter pilots the lost art of aerial dog fighting. Pete, despite his lengthy 40 year career in the Navy has only achieved the rank of Captain due to his “Maverick” ways, but he remains the only pilot with any dog fighting skills. So, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky (Ted Kazynski), who has been keeping Pete from being kicked out of the Navy all these years, summons Pete via a series of text messages to return and teach the youngsters at the Top Gun School. A brief encounter with Iceman, is like Luke Skywalker with Yoda. As you know in real life, cancer has turned the 80’s heartthrob, Iceman, into a troll like creature who has to talk only by closing a hole in his throat. He sounds like Yoda and has to keep sentences very short, so he is reduced to saying things like “you must not think, you must only do.” Iceman dies shortly after overriding all the other Navy commanders who want Pete booted. The current Top Gun commander is Vice Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson, also known as Homer Simpson, played by legendary ad man, Jon Hamm.

Pete proceeds to school and embarrass all the young hot shot aviators, which in 2022 are now hispanic and Chinese females, black men and one white guy we all love to hate the “perfect jock” guy plus one lovable white guy who is a boob and goes by the simple call sign of “Bob”. oh, forgot, Goose’s son, Rooster, is now a Top Gun aviator as well, and Pete has stood in his way for years trying to prevent him from becoming a pilot. Rooster looks like Goose, wears the same dumb Hawaiin shirts, plays the piano and sings Great Balls of Fire for the entire bar.
Simpson hates Pete and mid-way through the movie boots Pete out of the Navy demanding his discharge, but Pete manages to steal an F-18 and runs the gauntlet course which is shown in the Top Gun classroom on a live feed and Homer relents and makes Pete the Team leader of the mission.
Pete eventually is forced to choose the six people who will go on the mission. Have to make sure to get at least one female and one black guy as well as Rooster, who starts out hating Pete, but grows to love him like a father.
After successfully bombing the site, Pete gets shot down and ejects over enemy territory. Rooster, despite being ordered to return to the carrier, turns around and shoots down an enemy attack helicopter just before it shoots a running on the ground Pete. Rooster then gets shot down and fortunately ejects and parachutes within 100 yards of Pete. Pete and Rooster then run to a nearby enemy air base and steal an old F-14 that just happens to be fueled and ready to fly. While flying back to the carrier, they are forced into a dog fight with two enemy 5th generation fighters, but Pete Skywalker summons the force of Iceman and Goose Gossage and shoots down both. But Pete’s plane is now out of ammo.
Now it’s smooth sailing back to the carrier. Wrong. Another enemy fighter shows up and Pete begins to fly straight up into the atmosphere towards Heaven with Rooster in the back seat, just as the enemy plane gets missile lock, BOOM, he gets shot out of the sky by the pilot we all hated, the young jock, who defied orders and launched his plane from the carrier to save them.
They all return to the Carrier. Pete does a crash landing into the net and everyone gets a trophy and dances around on the deck cheering.
Also, there is no re-kindling of the romance with Kelli McGillis as she is now too fat and ugly. So the in-between Romance filler is now with Jennifer Connelly. Pete fucks Jennifer in her house and gets caught by Jennifer’s teen-age daughter, who convinces Pete to also fuck her.
Jennifer …

new Iceman Jock

Hispanic Diversity Pilot

Goofy White Bob

Rear Admiral Iceman Yoda

Pete “Maverick Skywalker” Mitchell

Hot Kelli

Not hot Kelli

Pete Mitchell on the Deck of the carrier USS We are the World, after saving the world

Vagina scented fire …
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/men-fire-gwyneth-paltrow-goop-store-hamptons
Freedom and bravery …
“Land of the free, home of the brave? – no … You have a land of the free ONLY if you are brave.” – Dr. Freckles
(otherwise you’ll be looking for bullies to tell you what to do)
Pain …
“Pain exploits itself, it needs no help.” – Dr. Freckles
The Killing Season …
The Biden’s “Recovery Summer Tour” 2010 … and Aurora AVE, Seattle …
Luke 7: 36-50 — https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+7%3A36-50&version=NIV
About LISK and other contemporaries committing similar acts in Long Island, NY.
If you are an OPTIMIST …
Are you an optimist?
– stack physical gold/silver in historic ratios
– stack ammo and guns
– stack long term food stores, rice, beans, etc
– have water purification and LEARN HOW to purify water
(assuming you are an optimist)
If you are an optimist …
- learn to raise pig and chicken on those “dark ugly acts” you might have to commit in the depths of this coming eternal night …
- hold counsel with the rat and cockroach, make allies with the crow and the monkey …
- Hook yourself out … become a gigolo … make up fliers, for the old person’s home, and sell your body to dying old men and women … if you are optimistic about things …
- Stockpile SPAM and TURKEY SPAM … make sure you have PROTEIN …
- Rumpulate your inner drelg-skoob, and rub your splinctus with rosy read harlot sauce … that’s if you have a real positive fucking attitude …
- Set fire to your home, your car, your land … boil the cactus and drink muskrat tea … kill time by the whiskey dreams sea … and hunt old whale-goat near Scompton … if you think things are FINE …
- Jorg-slig, of sector-55, is selling snake-piss-wine and old curdled cat milk … his eyes are burning with the fury and the hunger and his lips are covered in herpetic sores … if you are an optimist …
- A space ship named love is parked at NASA, the captain is Lord Yurgen of the last NAZI cadre, the co-pilot is XINDER, first order demon … the DEVIL is the commodore, the Commodores are entertaining … on the LIDO DECK … if you have that “hope and change” Obama-Shlama talked about … happy …
- 1002 separate nugget kings, ruling various lands between here and GRINKEN TOWN, they carry swords made of anger and ice, they snort the coke and run the hooker armies of the east … if you are an optimist …
Oil …
The Darkest Point
- Sodom
- Times of Noah
- Lord’s Message
The truly evil state of affairs, the darkest point, is when a government FORCES its people to commit evil … it starts out with patriotic intention, and ends up mandating pedophilia and the sharing of children with strangers, adults.
It starts out with mandating everyone wear coffee filters, perhaps more than one … forcing their children to be poisoned with who knows what … you don’t know, neither do I.
But in the end, it is the STATE demanding you rape your own children to prove you are “inclusive” …
(we’re almost there – let’s hope the state collapses soon)
Link: https://kfor.com/news/in-your-corner/snap-benefits-disappearing-to-skimmer-theft-across-country/
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/crypto-exchange-ftx-bails-out-blockfi-250-million-revolver