The great commune will be filled with love. Love-juice will spring forth from each Slavic hooker as Che spice fills the air and Trotskyite fur merchants sell coke to Sally Jesse Rafael. And after the 44th War of Immensity the STAR CHILDREN will return to harvest the scuzz-ruddle.

The GREAT COMMUNE built potato guns to fire a missile to the Moon, sending spew-funk to the edge of the universe and leaving Kubrick a way out. J-HAWK masters massaged the wooden staff and brought forth hydrazine for the making. And the engine glowed red then white hot, love hot.

THE GREAT COMMUNE will have a 24/7 salad bar, the freaks will hangout all night drinking and shoving kale down their throats and talking about the proletariat. The TRADE REPS will squabble about their “steel to sugar” ratios, as the diabetes eats away at their brains and their souls ooze away into the storm drains. The waitress will refill your basket of cheese-bread and clean the vomit off of the sneeze guard. And tickler-spen critters will break down the droppings that fall easily from each chair, through a hole in the bottom.

The GREAT COMMUNE built a STAR CRUISER called the MONESTRA and she was big and bold and covered in glass. She had copper tube engines and asbestos filter life support, her two stroke uranium engines emitted a stink-color-green and caused the itchy tumors. Sig-sect dealers would trade their banjo spice for a ride on this great SPACE BATTLESHIP, but nobody made it past the abandoned factory where she lay. Just eggs for gray clatter squid and the monthlies checked in early for the booby girls.

My commune leader gave me permission to leave the compound and forage for brazzle-berries and gabe-fruit. I found a lost jib, and removed its skin to inculcate the untoward British crone. Skizzy, my ass mistress, went to town – opening four toenail parlors outside of Brooklyn Heights. The submarine fleet monitored our wanderings, and we finished the day sunbathing near the reactors.

THE GREAT COMMUNE will use snig-niggets for most work – these are dwarfs and midgets that are bred to clean homes and take care of toilet grease and scrape away the dried urine. They would work the fields and pull the comrades about on a rickshaw. When the midgets get too old they are fed to the wild pigs and then the pigs are slaughtered because you can make a great BACON with them … seasoned.

You spend time in the COMMUNE meeting the phone booth cadres covered in mongoose stock and regal splendor. Your DICK HEAD BOSS is COMMISSAR FRED and his new boss just won the Worker’s Award for Total Dedication. You grabbed a spazz nugget from Michael, and sought after the fire burdens of TOOLEY and BRIM. The food that is fed to you comes from the abandoned stadium, and old hot dog chunks keep you company by the gallows.

The great commune has:

  1. free body flushing
  2. enemas
  3. scoob-slice pizza
  4. jindo-nurses
  5. hot cider Tuesday
  6. wooden princes
  7. log cabin heroes
  8. tomato sausage
  9. color TV
  10. mudflats
  11. forbidden pastures

And so we return home again, to the COMMUNE.


Our last bastion …

Our only hope.

UNCLE TED (Kaczynski)



Zero Hedge: Headlines

Remembering TED:

  1. We mostly have urban myth: a crazy dude, lived in a cabin, sent little crafted artisanal bombs to various technology and science and math folks … he had a manifesto. He was opposed to technology, yadda, yadda, yadda …
  2. There is evidence that I’ve not verified that TED was MK-ULTRA … that he was experimented on while he was at Harvard.
  3. After 2020, it seems like many of his views, understood superficially, were manifested in obvious ways.
  4. He killed some people.
  5. I’m not convinced people need to do anything, at this point: I think our system is on the verge of collapse …







When is the hyperinflation?:

Daniel Penny (George Floyd Part Two):

Money free inflation …

“Funny thing about inflation: it doesn’t mean much if you don’t have any money.” – Dr. Freckles

Yes – there’s been inflation.

No – I can’t say that the amount of free cash out there has been very extensive. Seems like poor folks still don’t have any cash – so if you have nothing, it’s kind of irrelevant what the price is.

When is the hyperinflation coming?

“The hyperinflation already happened, the wheelbarrow was your home.” – Dr. Freckles

THEORY: that the US, and much of the developed world, has already experienced the “hyperinflation” phase of monetary collapse, but because the US economy is planned at this point, the money was directed towards mechanisms that impacted “expected value” without resulting in the expected increase in money velocity or consumer prices. Simply put: the Federal Reserve discovered a set of money-dumps that allowed them to forestall the inevitable, but the inevitable is still coming … the Great Depression will look like a “soft landing” compared to what is coming.


US GDP in 2021 was 23 trillion in $USD and change … US homes are valued, still, at two times this amount …

Apply just a 10 times derivative product valuation on top of the present home “value”, you’re looking at 1/4 of a QUADRILLION $USD …

(now tell me about hyperinflation)

… there were other money pits too, other ways to hide the hyperinflation …

  1. wars
  2. China
  3. cryptos – basically a big make-work Keynesian project
  4. stock buybacks
  5. healthcare
  6. education

Lots of money pits, or black holes, to dump inflation into …

But I think we had the hyperinflation …

What’s coming next is going to be different.

It didn’t work like Weimar because the cash was targeted, not random distribution …


  • Jerome is running from a Bear and chasing a Tiger (sort of impossible long term)
  • The regime operates like a form of Austerity that began in 2020 and continues in various forms. But the money-pump, in many ways, must continue in some form … you can’t afford to blow out the bouncy castle, but you can’t afford to let it implode either … conserve that gasoline, save the pump, notice the holes in the castle … GREECE was one of their test programs.
  • When the “hyperinflation” does hit, per se, it will be so fast that you will simply end up at shortages and nothing, you will wonder about the wheelbarrow …
  • Your home was always the wheelbarrow.
  • You will get very little warning when the worst of this hits, and then it will seem like the world flipped over.
  • Inflation will “creep” until the end …
  • Don’t expect a signal for when you should sell your home … just get out of the cities.
  • This austerity regime matches the general strategy of “keep the plates spinning” until the end, and then let ACT 3 take care of the rest … What’s ACT 3? (we’ll find out together)