LEO and Rhonda

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230830_LEO_and_RHONDA.mp3

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  1. “Corky does magic, I only do tricks.” MAGIC (1978)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_uXeqjjkPU
  2. Nasty young hippies, in many cases, became nasty old people – mean, brutal, uncaring. Who could have seen this happen?
  3. I have a plan now … to kill Hitler. TE(X) = ROOT(entropy/spacetime), Given A(X) = entropy/spacetime, A(X) is therefore also the measure of the “causality field”. The Causality Field represents the general combination of space-time and entropy with general choice theory, and one could say the DENSITY of TE(X) is also significant to what is called the trailing edge of the “now” or the present. There is no multiverse, but there is a multi-present. Only in extreme cases of low-entropy causality fields could one say “a moment is a moment”, but in reality, most non-trivial causality regions have a trailing edge of the now that goes back some distant, with a restriction of ROOT(A(X)). We have a multi-present, or an unresolved now, until the trailing edge of the present crosses the events location in time. Only at the moment the trailing edge crosses the event can we definitively say “Schrodinger’s Cat” is dead or alive. Until then, it is in a super-position with respect to the NOW. There may be places on EARTH and in the universe where the TE or Trailing Edge of the Now or Unresolved Present, goes back a hundred years or more. Let’s assume you can either a) locate a region of chaos in the general causality field OR b) generate your own entropy within local space-time to create this noise or chaos within the general causality field. Now you just need a machine to “slip back” in time – traveling forward, using relativity theory, is already known and proven – but going back is the issue. Using a free-positron laser, one can project into an object an equal distribution of negative-energy per the molecular structure of the object – emitting wavelengths and energy that would allow distribution, without shearing or destruction to the subject or time traveler. Of course, you could think of this as inverse holography, but in all the depth of 3 dimensions of matter. Such that the system must be tuned to produce frequencies functional and non-destructive, or likely to cause cancer. This same method can be used to achieve relativistic effects, while holding [X,Y,Z] of the spatial vector constant, while only impacting, in relativistic terms, [T] or time. So the time traveler drifts or slips or sinks back to the 1920’s, and decides to go to Germany to kill Hitler. Fine … you kill Hitler. Problem is: in the 1920’s there were MANY potential “Hitlers”, and we might have ended up with the one that would be easy to defeat. The other issue is this: our present model of super-position is not connected to a multi-verse cosmology, so if you go back in time any distance you are cutting off all future branches of causality in space-time. If you simply go back to Germany in the 1920’s, you will be worse than Hitler or Stalin or Mao or any mass murderer. You will be annihilating every life going forward and replacing it with a new chain of causality. YOU as a time fractor will be conserved, but your “future self” might never exist, or your family, or your friends …. all destroyed. Because you wanted to kill Hitler.
  4. We have neighbors at our camp site in Grinken Town, WA. We don’t know their names, they have a super nice looking bus style RV … they look nervous … kind of suspicious and nervous … as I’m staring at them … just sitting in my chair, in the open, staring at them. We have some theories about LEO and RHONDA … it’s what I call them, and here are my theories about them: A) Mexican pharma drug retailers … they drive down Mexico way, hitting the pharmacies there for major drugs … then truck back up to WA state, to service the “elder crowd” and get them WALMART deals on chemo drugs and OXY. B) Really well designed meth lab, better than Walter White. C) Mobile suicide bus, they have this crossover they drive around, pick up old people, and shuffle them off while harvesting their flesh for bio diesel. D) FEDS … they’re FEDS watching me … spying on me as I spy on them. E) Satanists F) mobile slaughter house because they are harvesting human flesh for taco meat … kind of like what happened to Collin and Benji. G) EXOTIC pet sales, tigers, python, alligators. H) stealthy, camouflaged, IRBM nuclear weapon delivery system … they have that angry, depressed, USAF look to them. I) TERRORIST … F) they’re normal people, keeping to themselves, and they get freaked out that I’m staring at them.
  5. STARING INTENTLY at someone, with a blank face, and try not to blink – this is a very basic kind of mind control, manipulation. It can raise a person’s blood pressure, make them nervous and angry and anxious and even violent. Drones, police helicopters, one way glass interrogation rooms, spy satellites, and ubiquitous cameras add to a general patina of paranoia surrounding us in contemporary society.

I have made a decision to move to a place where there is a place available – this is as much as I want to say right now. I do, however, need to raise some more money for a bus or train ticket, coach. I’m not into flying any longer – too dystopian, too fucked up.

I’ve done some basic analysis, and the price of a bus ride is the cheapest option for me, all other options are unrealistically expensive, given the amount of stuff I have.