MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230824_More_Stuff_About_Things.mp3
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- Still seeing a lot of angry people – at the park, at the WALMART. Angry and frantic, as if they’re running away from something and not towards something. It’s hard to say where this comes from. Could be the general angst of the time, could be the sense of fear among the herd. Could be I am projecting my fear, angst, darkness, on to those people around me.
- I am still looking for a place to live, I’m going to talk to one guy today, and maybe that will lead to something. I know I’ve received a few other offers, but in some cases it’s just a question of how far from the West Coast do I want to be? And does it really matter?
- I’m hearing whispers around Sequim about the funktus-festival. The old droogs of region-344 DELTA link up and throw a blast. They have some kind of wretched open market where the old crones can sell their zuzz-jelly and locally grown pine-musk. A couple people disappeared from this thing a year ago, and nobody really knows what happened to them. Some think they rented some kayaks and went west to Japan, to find some kind of peace in the depths of the pacific. Others say Juan de Fuca PETE swallowed them up … PETE is an old, almost dead, sperm whale that has been in the straits since the 1970’s … feeding on radioactive waste and gumbo-paste and the still living things down below. They say if you go out on to that accursed sea, Pete will be the last thing you see … so stay away from Pete.
- Some old dudes were talking about the NAZIS at SHERMS BREAKFAST SANDWICH place. You can get a sausage mc-grizzle and some de-personified potatoes and some slug-juice, for the morning wake up call. The old dudes kept talking about how the “Germans didn’t know where London was” and “they had these jets and rocket planes”. Then one of the older gentlemen, on an EZ-RIDER scooter, started getting that weird stare … “Ya know, I stormed Normandy … we linked up with some RANGERS near Point de Goog, not far from the ruins of that old abandoned castle …. there were some Germans dug in near a school … and we had that armored flamethrower for smoking them out … it was bad … we fired that thing at the school … turned out the school was empty … can you believe that?” … it was great news, because the next topic among these men were women they impregnated in Berlin.
- The ladies were all discussing the upcoming election for ROAD LINE COMMISSIONER of CLALLAM County … the role also requires counting dead raccoon. Some say the commissioner is really just the front guy for the Sherrif’s secret blood dungeon near Guemes Island. No one really knows … it gets shady out here, grey, lots of places for those jinder-freaks to hide, in plane sight, wearing jovey-high clothes and looking for trace meth in a trucker bomb.
- One angry space ranger at the park took a look at me – he had tattoos and a subdued outfit, he had those glassy eyes of someone working on their abs and pecks …
- the folks in spot 7 were still loading their off road crossover electric cart … they had space for their munyon-pockets and their grigg-pool … they had a piss and poop bucket that they could sit on …. out came queeg skeeth and vrungis … their juice holes hot from summertime thai delight, their stomachs twisted from east coast style dungeness crab cakes … from Tokyo.
- Delta 665 gerf-realm soldiers are attacking the key points up near Port Angeles.
- Hope is to be had at 78th and Richmond, there’s a hooker named Hope and she has a dog named Freedom.
- Vorlian death cake is being shipped in from Seattle. It’s tasty and moist and melts in your mouth … it has candied crickets and ant frosting. There is a stench of lawnmower coming from each horrid bite, as if the person eating had kissed a lawnmower.
- hiker biker gerald thrudkins