“Everyone has a style … my STYLE is having no discernible style at all.” – Dr. Freckles
You can travel deep into the Earth and find WORLDS within worlds. Like attraction to the ZONE 4-FLEX, where the magma heats your WOMAN SPICE and the tree-scar relents before the ROD. I saw that world, and met the uniformed belly dancers, and sought after the rock cocaine.
When you work in the below place, you do it in stages of PRESSURE … high pressure, low pressure … metal casements and concrete and steel.
It takes 3 days to get to your destination – 30 miles below the surface of the Earth …
30 miles down, in the dark heat of the Earth, where people drink wine fermented from brown recluse spider venom, and they slowly go blind.
I met HALDOON, a JING-JIT-BEING … down there.
I met that rock man, and looked into his silicon eyes.
He would tell me stories of the last YORT-Queen, and how his men fought wars against the MOLE PEOPLE to control the MAGMA FARMS of T’limpf and FROH.
Haldoon told me to follow this path:
- Steep-man gave me 3 flasks of TORG-WINE.
- A woman dressed in slacks with a dead head t-shirt and sandals.
- Four weird pit bulls …
- Your impacted bowel and the hardest poo EVAH …
- Kelp garden near Astoria where the last sea lions make love.
- Honest Joe and his rotten bow and the lost stag, he wouldn’t brag.
- Lost little Mary-Francis, taken to a farm in Kansas, told to make a basket straw, now her dead baby calls from afar …
- A microphone preacher in VEGAS, calling after the blonde hooker Debbie.
- Hoard plastic forks.
- Learn to make friends with ravens.
- A smoky redress of grievances, as STEVE MCQUEEN races against time, and your mom gets lost at the pharmacy.
- Hell is lost to the STRANGER DANGER, somewhere in Jamaica
- Greek goddess frets, no one lets her breathe, the vapors rise up to her dress, and her sleeve is covered in goat’s blood.
- Pack your WOUNDS with dirty rags and dead pigeons …
- UNSEAT the MORGANITE GENERAL, sell his sword to David.
- Big Foot and the Wookie people prepare the last bastion, and there armies are coming, and your women will wail in pain.
Your family will hustle and run from the fright, but the night won’t let go, and your world won’t stop spinning.
Because he is winning, for now …
And he is the MASTER of CONFUSION.
So said Haldoon.
My favorite PHILOSOPHER …
“Asking me about my favorite MOVIE is a lot like asking me about my favorite PHILOSOPHER … but scratch that … the philosopher problem is easy – Jesus.” – Dr. Freckles
Jesus showed me the way …
“I didn’t ‘save Jesus’ by doing the right thing … Jesus SAVED ME by showing me the right path.” – Dr. Freckles
3 Stages of Consciousness …
The three stages of consciousness:
- “Holy CRAP, I’m here.”
- “Fuck, I’m here, and I don’t know enough.”
- “Shit, no one else knows enough EITHER ….” – GRIFTER
Calling it: Covid-19 is now a RELIGION …
“You know that covid-19 is now a RELIGION, when you see them wanting statues and memorials.” – Dr. Freckles
I am not a prophet …
I’m not a prophet.
But if I were?
I would be like JONAH …
I would EVENTUALLY do what God wanted me to, with a lot of hassle, and being swallowed by whales.
And, stubbornly, after bringing God’s word, I would sit on a hill near Nineveh, waiting for them to fail God again.
From November 2019:
Irish talk to God, we don’t just pray …
“I talk to God, I just don’t pray – I’m an Irishman.” – Dr. Freckles
Kindness vs Communism (vol 6)
“If a human can learn the difference between kindness and communism? – that’s a HUGE first step in their evolution.” – Dr. Freckles
When I was a kid I had a bicycle.
My sister cried to my parents “let me ride Dan’s bicycle”.
I was angry and I told her “I hope you crash”.
She crashed, and had to be taken to the ER, chipped tooth.
That’s a CURSE. That’s CURSING.
When I was a boy, my “evil sister” was pissing me off …
She was standing on the deck of our second house, being a bitch.
I took the hose and sprayed the hornets nest in the cedar stump.
The hornets went after my yelling, EVIL, sister …