MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220814_Starring_Linda_Blair.mp3
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Dane Wigington (revisited)
- I don’t know him, other than his public image and his website/vlogging. I’ve listened to his stuff since 2016.
- He seems honest.
- Is he an alarmist? – maybe … is that bad?
- I do question his alarmism in connection with things like “I’m gonna sue that guy” and “let’s do handouts and wear t-shirts”.
- What if people don’t care? … what if they know the contrail shit is shit … but they don’t care … if the government gave them a choice: a) stop the geoengineering and live through the harshness of this situation or b) keep it going … “it works”. I’ve had people I know tell me they don’t really care to know the truth about 9/11 … and I am watching the memory hole of MONKEY HERPES opening right now, sucking in anything resembling the truth … I don’t think people would say “NO”… I believe they understand what’s going on. I think they’d support “reformed” geoengineering, but they would still want it.
- So, if Dane is legit, is his pursuit futile? – maybe … but it’s probably still good he’s speaking out.
Some interesting movie picks …
(all three capture much of today’s dystopian situation)
- Await Further Instructions
- 1BR
- Faults
TRS: Triumphal Revenge Syndrome …
- Imagine Hitler … but not Hitler.
- The STATE promotes this as a divide and conquer technique.
- Voting and the political engine embeds this in the subconscious of the well educated public school children …
- Pop culture feeds this as well: whether STAR WARS, MARVEL or CARRIE …
- Bully culture is not really attacked, it is further built up …
WHAT IF: there are MANY MORE HITLER TYPES than you can imagine … almost like sleeper agents … ready to be triggered, turned on.
Government and complexity …
“Government is a device for generating complexity.” – Dr. Freckles
Communism …
“Communism is the opium of the masses.” – Dr. Freckles
Flying …
“Don’t be afraid to fly, but also … don’t be afraid to crash.” – Dr. Freckles
“The money is at the AUTO PARTS STORE …” – Ferguson Riots, 2014
Ajita Wilson …
“Ajita Wilson is a poor man’s Pam Grier.” – Dr. Freckles

From [email protected] …
the authenticate-all electric space man palguy has another company. he said a few years back that you could squirt a net in your tubes, and it would unfold around the tubes of the toupee. it would make RF comm possible. you may have heard about the difficulties in the tubes suffered by people who got the ouchy... and many bizarre and unbelievable things. they figured out how to squirt something in your arm, that will then migrate to your tubes and build the net in them. for the RF comm. thats what is causing the really strange tube problems in some people when either the magic malfunctions, or some tubes just react badly to it. thats how you do bad things to lots of people and think you'll get away with it... this may be behind certain classes of suddenly that have become common; particularly the 'timber!' type. you will notice timber! is not extremely common for those types of failures, yet now it is captured on video often. if one day you notice lots of people sort of strange, you'll know what is going on. it may also just be a subtle thing that will never have a super noticeable go-live. ... and to kill those who will not worship the image. ... when you see the abomination of desolation where it should not be .... flee to the mountains...
- I have no idea who sent this
- I think I know what it means
- some “pal guy” starts businesses
- the vaccine is killing people
- stuff might be going on, or maybe not
- “something something” prophecy
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Grinkus, and the Word was Grinkus. “I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world.” https://www.technologyreview.com/2013/02/18/180015/graphene-and-the-emergingtechnology-of-neural-prostheses/ A great number of people followed Him, including women who kept mourning and wailing for Him. But Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. Look, the days are coming when people will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed!’ At that time ‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!” ’ For if men do these things while the tree is green[has sap (of the earth)], what will happen when it is dry?”
I get the tubes …
3 DROGO FREAKS told me about this 5 years ago. They lived in Scompton, ate turtle goo, and made underwear out of discarded plastic and used toilet paper.
I was also thinking about hyper tubes … and jingus pipes
As if the schlumptick folk could find her jingus.
Are ye to insplinctify,
as thwart the frostbit panther queen?
And if this nostrel of despair finds ENDINGS …
If not the fire of grumpulous …
Angry white man (continued) …
- Gaslighting from all sides concerning the weather, climate, ecosystem, whatever …
- The “RACE WAR” / “GENDER WAR” nonsense … everyone needs to get the JORK over themselves.
- HAM RADIO shitheads … not all, but many are.
- That old dude that works at JAVELIN’S GAS MART? He just talks funny and makes angry noises and deliberately slows down or speeds up, depending upon which version of HIM will annoy you more … if I had any JORKING BALLS? – I’d bury that nasty old man under the floorboards of my bedroom, so I could hear his spirit-heart beating at night, and this could drive me into a demonic insomniatic RAGE …
- the NEVERENDING MOTHER JORKING MONKEY HERPES PSYOP … the “Cult of the Coffee filter Wearers” … tired of their lame excuses and the tacking towards “ERMAGERD, the VACCINE …” … here’s a solution: YOU DON’T NEED THE JORKING VACCINE BECAUSE THE JORKING PANDEMIC WAS and IS JORKING BULL POOP …
- UBIC and the parade …
- I’m ANGRY as JORK about the HAGLAMITE WITCH CLAN, and what they did to those injuns so long ago … how they killed the man that new WHERE the LOST MORMON GOLD was … and now we have less cocaine.
- TRUMP and the Q ARMY …
- Biden limited hangout and his train wreck of a son
- Dane Wigington, talking about world ending stuff happening in the next couple years, and then also talking about suing people and handing out pamphlets and wearing thought provoking t-shirts … tired of this crap. I met another doom/gloom dude who would talk about suing people … he’d be like “world’s ending in 2 years” and … “I’m gonna sue you …” … pick a lane Dane … if you’re right about what they’re doing? – time for stinger missiles.
- Tides? … I saw the water run out when the JIMBO PRIESTS got tired of hocking old style torpedo nuggets … and they laid siege to Paris, and burned the CHILI PALACE, but no one could have seen this coming, right? SEND: scrongo troops to sector 14, once you have destroyed COL TRAN leave the bodies for the birds. Have ready the jungo-shock armies and be prepared to arm the populace with pillowcases filled with d-cell batteries.
- Angry about the weird pains in my body, the odors and fluids that cannot be controlled, will not be controlled … I’m angry about all that blood in my stool, and that greenish glowing thingy that is growing from my foot mold. The parasites? – I’m not a fan … and we ALL KNOW WHERE the parasites are coming from … Denmark … and the illegal Danish white slavery trade.
- Seattle used to be cool, but then they killed Kurt Cobain … AMIRITE?
Liars …
“Every person that believes they’re honest and truthful, knows they’re a liar.” – Dr. Freckles
Safer …
“Hiring a drunk TAXI driver is probably safer than visiting the hospital.” – Dr. Freckles
(probably WAY safer)
The Atomic Bomb
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki
Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7090178