Tipping …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220607_TIPPING.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

PPP … but NOT for podcasts …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hunter-biden-prostitute-scored-20000-ppp-loan

Tipping …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/tip-poorly-80-delivery-drivers-admit-stealing-customers-food

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/restaurants-adding-inflation-fees-amid-razor-thin-margins

I ordered this chicken fried rice once from one of these “fusion” Asian places in Little Saigon (Seattle). They showed up 3 hours late and demanded a tip … 20 bucks. It was some scrombo freak from the Central District, he’d missed his audition for a Macklemore video shoot ….

His eyes glowed blue, I knew he was dosing that new street drug, S’klink …

His hands were shaking, and clearly there was dried semen on the top of the delivery box …

Moral of the story? – if “fusion” is in the name of the restaurant? – don’t … don’t ever. 

Do not get “chicken salad” delivered in Seattle …

When it comes to delivery food, the key word “organic” does not mean what you think it means …

“tipping”, in food delivery slang, means sticking your penis into the food prior to delivery …

(just the tip)

Do you know what “thousand island dressing” is?

(your delivery driver does …)

If you’re in Dallas? – NEVER order the “turkey chili” …

(just don’t)

Don’t ever get “clam chowder” delivered in Chicago …


“mexican style pizza” …

(also NOT what you think it is when you order this for delivery)

On Wall Street, it’s really popular among the hedge fund guys to do custom “BD” orders …

Biomatter Delivery option …

Choose various kinds of cum, blood, stool, booger, genital crabs, options …

Crypto people really like this too … to eat other people’s dried up cum.

Someone says “waddabowd tamper proof …” … nope …

you put the stool or dried cum on the food before you seal it … then your solution does not work


you carry extra “tamper proof” containers in your car, transfer food, smear with fecal matter and scabs and boogers and ear wax … then it looks “sealed” so it must be good, right?

Being “over friendly” … yeah …

That means “boogers and boob juice” …

“Under friendly” means urine and loin grease …

“Under tipping” means blood and cum …

“Bad attitude” leads to genital crabs being sprinkled on your pizza.

87% of those who deliver your food have poorly managed and pervasive genital crabs …

The crabs often end up in/on the food that gets delivered.

It’s easy to camouflage cum, blood, and stool, in a pizza delivery … especially if they cook it in first …

Some deliver drivers enjoy sticking their fingers in their butts and then dipping their fingers into your beef bullion when you order a french dip …

A lot of delivery people masturbate in the car while they’re waiting, then smear their cum on your food …

Steal your food?


Spit in your food or put turd oils on your food?

(yes – often …)

(learn to COOK your own food)

When in Paris, and staying in a hotel?

Avoid ordering ANY room service where the phrase “grand cru” is used …

Also avoid any food item that is listed as “fresh” …

Try having a “fish taco” delivered in Phoenix …

(then try the land crab)

If you order corned beef hash from one of these food delivery services in Los Angeles?

More often than not, it’s dog food mixed with minced french fries from some fast food joint …

Best advice I can give is from John Carpenter’s, The Thing …

“… and we should only be eating out of cans now …”

It’s all about the “extras”, the add-ons, and their impact on the bill:

  1. Tressen grease: 14%
  2. Nog and Xinder: 22%
  3. So that the employees don’t spit into your food: 200%
  4. Ho’chicks: 100%
  5. Scundo-reev: 3%

Sadness of the ANARCHIST …

“After some empire or government fails: ‘we will construct a BIGGER tower this time, it can’t fail!’ ” – Dr. Freckles

Plan B …

“All my plan-B’s are bad.” – Dr. Freckles

Looking down on Satan …

“There’s a reason we cast our gaze upwards towards God, and downward to Satan … Because looking down on the Devil is a thing, for Christians.” – Dr. Freckles

It’s crazy …

The SURGERY … I need money for it …

I was notified by Dr. Grunkis that I needed my annual exam/physical to check for mounds, spores, mold, dry rot, and other conditions of the beleaguered soul scraping at this turmoil …

He said I sounded SICK in my last podcast, and I probably have scrapies …

So he’s recommending a MULTI-PART organ replacement surgery …

He has a Ukrainian friend that will meet me at a hotel on the edge of town …

He said bring “several bags of ice … like 12 bags” …

He said the whole procedure might take a day or two … or less …

The guy pulls out my heart and lungs …

My kidneys and liver …

He extracts my grumbo juices …

And much more …

This all COSTS 20,000 … I don’t have that … supposed to bring it with the ice.

Motivations …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220607_MOTIVATIONS.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Who killed Nicole?

  1. Not a bad film
  2. Should have been shot/edited better
  3. If these facts they raise are true? – then there was more to the story
  4. Weird time …

Motivations …

If you’re going to listen to a podcast, it makes sense to understand the author or speaker. Understanding also means an honest attempt on the part of the listener to question and deconstruct the podcaster’s “message”.

My motivations …

  1. Scream at the world
  2. To live and let live and be left the fuck alone – also called liberty
  3. Christianity
  4. A desire to understand the world and to share this understanding … you can call this philosophy, in a sense … call it what you want … call it analysis and empiricism …
  5. To take horrible subjects and make them as funny as possible
  6. To entertain
  7. To make some money
  8. To say really disgusting things …
  9. To say the word FUCK a LOT … I guess that gets back to motivation #1.

The Recruiter …

“Can I give you some advice … m’kay … most people would see 75 or 80K and think you don’t know what you’re doing …”

(right …)

“With your experience, you should be asking for 120K … minimum …”

(wow …)


Cautionary Tale …

My super human name …

The Devil and grifting …

“The Devil is the penultimate grifter.” – Dr. Freckles

Surviving VS Living …

“Surviving is doing the minimum to NOT BE DEAD … living involves a little more.” – Dr. Freckles

Right VS Wrong Path …

“The surest way to find the WRONG PATH is to stress about being on the RIGHT ONE.” – Dr. Freckles

The interview …

They asked about my email … and the name or wording … this could be bad.

Flying Monkey Pox

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220602_FLYING_MONKEYPOX.mp3


  1. two initial customers who haven’t received their units.
  2. A dude in Puerto Rico I’m trying to walk through set up and debugging, over the phone …
  3. No money, looking for work … this stresses me out … fuck it.
  4. And this feeling that at any time all of this “work” will become pointless … how else will us little folk spend out time until the end?
  5. We’re not giving up …

End Times Meter is now 70% …

Tricks …

“Magicians and grifters use tricks to hide the truth, physicians use tricks to hide the pain.” – Dr. Freckles

Oil and magic …

“Talk is cheap, but oil is not.” – Dr. Freckles

You have a 1978 FORD pickup …

It has 2 millions miles on it …

It gets about 300 gallons to the mile …

And you suddenly, find yourself, stuck on the side of the road.

Is it:

a) because the world ran out of oil?


b) because you statist punks can’t stop voting, can’t stop participating in government?

(government IS the monkey on our backs)

(government IS ALWAYS some kind of communism)

Talk IS cheap …

And talk is all the government is good at – since it’s a skill grifters master.

What shall we become …

What shall we become …

As the gerd-herders set fire to Tremulous-5 …

As the new style wogon-beasts hunt the misty oil of hooker delight …

Shall we become the NEW FOLK?

Made of white-lightning and meth and titanium and sadness?

Will we listen to country music while making love to our busty women during the hot sweaty nights?

NO …

Our die is cast towards the next stage of ROLON-STRIG, and our buttcracks will be sealed up. Our nungoid-fragrance will signal predators to stalk and kill us … our bones scattered.

(that’s what we’ll become)

(coyote stool)

Near the village of K’bersk, the old krone that lives on the edge of town screams out the name “ZELENSKY”. She is mocked by the wolf-women and driven further into the woods. Her hair catches fire, and the crops for next year go unplanted.

Horvich, the basket weaver, shakes and mutters in the street … Ukraine soldiers walk by and spit on him, kick him, drag him to the pit outside of Kyiv, and dump his body with the rest.

(Zelensky calls this victory)

The 62nd Shock Army moves on G’tlanko, and the crabble-fish mutter “hear, hear …”

The 7 monks of Ukrainian madness make merry with their CIA handlers, and Truby wants a new gun. “We are near victory!”, he burps, as his jaundiced eyes come into view …

“Zelensky is the GUY … everyone loves that guy …”, and the smell of rotting corpses is their aperitif …

(and the women mourn silently for husbands never coming home)

(Zelensky calls this victory)

“It’s tirg-fud, scrumble …”, the Ukraine sergeant told his men …

“It’s salty, it will fill your belly …”, just ignore the tattoos on the meat …

(Zelensky calls this victory)

In the time of Yogen-Slor, when trenchant fork sifters find scraps in the gutter. Careless hookers would sell their wares near Trida Street and Ukraine officers would have them and cocaine … and Russian babies from the Donbass for lunch.

“Where is the front line?”, General Gor screamed … his officers were busy raping children.

“Where is the advanced guard?”

Buried in the dirt, for harvest, as ravens pick the eyes out of AZOV heroes …

(Zelensky calls this winning)


Threats, Death, and Problem Solving …

“The first step in problem solving IS NOT KILL or THREATEN TO KILL everyone around you.” – Dr. Freckles

Fuck you soap …

You’ll smell like dog poop …

You’ll smell like the worst turtle grease …

FU Soap …

Flying monkeypox …

Just listen to Chris Martenson … he’ll tell you about this monster. Crawling through the pipes of apartment buildings, entering your butt crack and leaving its scars …

Following the PEACE of Jergins in 2027, ending WW3, comes the brief peace of Torblatz. All parties to this treaty cover themselves in scrimbo-grease and grab each other’s junk … as US SOCOM are doing meth and oxycontin nearby …

Then comes MONKEY WAR 1 … the first great MONKEY WAR.

Monkeypox enters the body via the anal canal zone … there? – floobian juices mix with the roasted peanut butter and produce corn film. Take the smear, and place a large shard of glass between the spriggly and the TORNO JORG or butt-rinctus. Once the monkeypox has entered your blood stream it starts a gang … and hunts down the man that killed his wife. Following this, the monkeypox mutates into monkey herpes … and this “monkey herpes” infects your nads … your junk … and there’s a weird smell … and your new girlfriend starts hanging out at improv late … and she gives you crabs.

More and more people are catching monkeypox fever …

It’s like DISCO FEVER … with an itchy discharge.

My Mind … (I’ve said this before)

I need to thank a recent donor, and all donors of recent note, and all donors …

Thank you for allowing me a massive amount of joy at a fraction of the cost …

Thank you for being human, and generous, within your means.

I will not forget.

“I take trips in my mind, my sailing ship is my imagination, my brain is my ‘Disney Land’ …” – Dr. Freckles

Hearing the Lord’s voice …

“It’s easier to hear the Lord when you put down your smart device.” – Dr. Freckles

Bank Holiday … (March 2020)

Errata: I say “April” at one point in the podcast … but this was a mistake, it was March 17, 2020.

I’ve talked about two possible explanations for the ongoing military psychological warfare since early 2020.

Based on what I’ve seen, I believe the following are true:

a) they are using PSYOPs (military psychological warfare) to manage many billions of people.

b) the basic message of all the PSYOPs has been (don’t go places, don’t talk to people, don’t travel much)

c) the PSYOPs are REACTIVE in nature, ergo it implies “they” do not control the schedule.

d) it looks like “they” are managing a fuzzy event: an event that happens in a window of time, not on some specific date (like an asteroid strike).

e) the lies are so damaging, in an irreversible sense, that you can discount all talk of: WW3, managed culling, “Reset”, and all the Klaus Schwab nonsense or the Jim Rickards (CIA) “basket of currencies” stupidity. Another year of this? – and we will have a plague of madness, everywhere.

f) PSYOPs are “cheap”, but not long lasting – at some point people either go insane, die, or reject the lie … so they must have believed the “window of highest likelihood” began in 2019. My guess: 5 year window … which means the window closes in 2024.

Here are the two possible “fuzzy event” explanations, there are other ways of looking at this but my approach is “it’s probably this”, but the second level category captures “everything else”.

Most likely case: The US dollar empire is in collapse, and this might be coinciding with a Civil War in China that the US deep state is helping to cover up (read: all the dumb logistical stories since 2020 … “can’t unload containers”, “muh factories have been hacked”, “oh boy, the farmers are  burning all the potatoes”). This will be bad, really bad, and it’s accelerating as I write this – but it’s something you CAN survive if you apply commonsense to your existence and you escape the cities.

Worst case: Ask yourself what would be so bad that the world powers, and their enforcers, would use very damaging trauma based mind control (suicides, overdoses, non-treated chronic illnesses, increases in domestic and child abuse, destroyed businesses and lives, psychic driving to madness) to manage people, for some indefinite period of time, knowing that AT THE SAME TIME they were going to lose control? What would  be that bad AND a fuzzy event?

Fuzzy Probability Worst Case Events ->

– Super CME (coronal mass ejection): also called a planet killer (think a billion times worse than Carrington)

– Geologic: most likely a caldera or super volcano event

– Pole shift

– End Times: I’m a Christian AND we can’t know the time or place … prophecy is for reifying faith, not for stock investing.

– Clathrate Gun: I am concerned that THIS is the most likely worst case, based on research

– Peak Oil

– Massive, long term, worldwide FAMINE: this is also the second runner up to Clathrate Gun … but famine is baked into the cake, along with the collapse of the US government and all governments worldwide … A famine period that lasted for more than 2 years would be catastrophic, and it will still happen for a number of the scenarios mentioned.

I believe famine, as stated above, is guaranteed now. And if you say “the government did it”? – I agree, but that’s been true of almost EVERY FAMINE in recorded history, in some way, in some form of deliberate or accidental action, governments enable boom/bust, plenty/famine cycles.

The podcast below is from March of 2020, like the “Screwbilee” podcast from Early 2019 it represents the most likely and BEST CASE scenario.

To reiterate best case / most likely: The US dollar empire is in collapse, the entire world has become addicted to the USD and that means the WHOLE WORLD is going to go through a lot of pain, not just the US. Cities will collapse rapidly … not gracefully, and no one from the government will warn you.

“Bank Holiday”: not ironically named

Anchor: https://anchor.fm/daniel-john-sullivan/episodes/From-3172020-BANK-HOLIDAY-e1b3hjk/a-a7j1oco

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3CBk6ebaNoVb0vi4OKPt7l

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20200317_Bank_Holiday.mp3

Tearing down the homeless shelter in 2021 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20201212_Once_a_homeless_shelter.mp4

Go to 90 seconds in … and please listen to what the Seattle employee was saying, with respect to the BLM/Antifa Chaz Chop in 2020 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20200616_CHOP_CHAZ_Voyage_2.mp4

“SCREWBILEE” from early 2019 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20190221_Screwbilee.mp3

Don’t PANIC, from 2020 … https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20200314_Dont_Panic.mp3


Here is a Biden false flag scenario:


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/ongoing-surrender-far-bigger-scale-kyiv-has-acknowledged-azovstal

I won’t be training to be a McDonald’s professional …

I could say it’s not pride, that might be a lie.

I could say it’s about my general panic and anxiety when it comes to the general public: that’s the truth.

Pride and panic, not a good combo to run the register at McDonald’s …

Maybe they could let me harvest the McNuggets, those meat sacks hanging in the back … fed via tubes containing recycled unconsumed McDonald’s foods and wood chips and broken glass and fear …. fear is the seasoning.

Maybe I could sweep out the grongo-bins, where creatures called “crats”, have rat, half cat, genetically modified with halibut DNA … they are bred in the back to … for that tasty Fish Filet sandwich … Crats get out some times … you see them feeding on old people in the alley.

Perhaps the mold farm, above the employee toilets, where classic McFlurry core mixtures are grown and harvested … special molds for that frozen vanilla griz they put in that McFlurry … these mold were genetically modified to be radically endothermic while consuming the human flesh of people that just get dumped now …. dumped out back … by the ditch.

I could just end up where I probably should have in 2019 – homeless, on the streets, pitiable and yet deserving of no pity. You know the best thing about being homeless in the streets? – most people do their best to ignore you.

You know the worst thing about being homeless in the streets?

(most people do their best to ignore you)

Nuclear …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/6-years-late-and-250-over-budget-georgias-newest-nuclear-plant

“If something requires government to work, it probably will never work.” – Dr. Freckles

I need 800 trillion dollars, so please donate …

I have to pay rent … that’s something.

I have a friend, a dog, named Boomer, and I’d love to give him something special …

In order to form my 16 thug armies? And provide them with multi-barreled 12 guage gun systems? … shit, and fuck.

I want to build an Army of Hookers … the first true hooker army, capable of using dozens of love and self defense techniques to totally and completely subdue our enemies in the greasiest way possible … and the monkey-crabs … our secret bioweapon.

(and more)


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220531_JERGIN_FEAST.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


MUNGO BEASTS, covered in idolatry and desecration …

Constant reminders of TIME and its curse …

A fist beating some old Russian to death, and for what? THE FOURTH REICH?

All was a failure, in the eyes of the crimson serpent …

(and the final seal was broken)

“Take the young men to the town square, FEUR MASTER wishes to see the catch …”

“To the front they go?”

“Yes … to the front … to fight against those guys …”

“We really hate those guys …”

“Yep …”

A table is set for each. Plates and forks and knives and goblets filled with stale wine, the maidens fill your glass with honey and spice …

And a million young men sit down to eat, and forget themselves in the darkness.

Night falls on the kingdom of the damned, somewhere near Kyiv … or Kiev?

(have some chicken)

“… Your fear of yourself is sadness for all …”


He was the first gondo-lord of Trib, he fashioned swords from discarded whale bone and feasted with KINGS … his eyes grew weary in seeing those stains, those human profanities. His greed exceeded any logic, and a fist of glowing titanium stole his heart.

You can’t abide the NAZI glinken folk, for they are the herpes of the world.


De-not-see-fi … fee fi fo fum … drink the rum …

Have a dinner with three vampires, hire a chef to prepare the goulash … consume your meat soup as the angry witches chant and curse …

This is the feast of Jergin, all are invited, especially Zelensky … ?

Or Biden?

Or Trump?

Or Walt Disney?

All are invited to the feast, as the Devil leads the band, and Hades burns as a million suns …

(enjoy the soup)

Jesus was a hobo …

“Jesus didn’t own a house.” – Dr. Freckles

Trade like shit birds …

My Christianity and Sexuality …

  1. I start from the premise that my Lord in Heaven made me free, from birth – as he made all of you.
  2. Your business, your life, as long as you are not harming others? – is none of MY business.
  3. It would be neat to pretend that everything is as simple as man/woman … but it does get more complicated.
  4. It troubles me that this issue has become so misunderstood, especially the trans situation, that people also draw the erroneous conclusion: well, then pedophilia must be okay … A does not imply B … but, sexuality in America is filled with LOTS of non sequiturs.

That Little House on the Prairie episode, your grandfather’s pacemaker, and being trans sexual.


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220530_SCROGON_WARS.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

What follows the UKRAINE WAR … ???

This war will be followed by 8 SCROGON wars … all fought over ginkus-meat and tribblings and the leftovers from second harvest sifting of corn kernels … and undigested carrots.

You will eat stew made of munkis and mold, you will boil in the hot sun like a gumbo freak. Your eyes will be glassy and red and your neebus pipe will close off, sealing off all your stool so that it begins to excrete from your pores.

Following this? – the 9 hooker armies will encircle Grinken Town …

WHEN SKLEEBO JONES rides high in the sunset, and Terry the joker-roney gets his hamburger helper start-up going?

When the dongle-berries turn green and then ripen?

After the schlungis birds fly away, down south, to feed upon the decaying corpses of old men and young hooker princes?

Then you will know …

I was TORGEN-HERDER, with Putin, in the time of ape-priests …

We fed on bat meat and chased jungle women and suckled upon the trankle-fruit as we rubbed ancient spices on our nads …

Late in the evening, we would ride elephants covered in gold and diamonds …

Little jungle children would light firecrackers and handout chicklets …

The caves would be revealed, and the nastiest hole would find peace.

When Jengiz-Tuul finds the lost cup, and fills the brim with blood-ape juice, then the QUEEN of HOOKER CITY will be at one with total victory …

Neegus? The Infiltrator?

He will be taken to Beckest-Dor for trial and strung up like a cleaven freak … being eaten alive by mutated genital crabs …

And your hooker wife? – what shall she say?

“Why don’t you support the Ukraine?”

“… why don’t you go into the kitchen and make me a sandwich …”

89 scrid ago, when the tailors of Tilapia made ice-pants and corsets of steel?

During the age of BOJIMBUS, when Tyre was burned and Carthage ravaged the busty nuns of Dunbaah?

We hired our own robot slaves to clean out the gilly-pipes and massage the dringle. We made guns out of potatoes and hid them in our butt crack … and JILLIAN FERTILITY was to be had if you could get the coinages …

I did not fear the muskrat or the owl …

But I did fear the wretched sadness, turned to old wine and misery.

Emerald queens, you had your jungle realm. Untold nightmares and storms haunted those places, crammed between Nordis and Trog. Sasquatch, 15 feet tall, chased busty women through your streets, as the joggers ravaged Grinken Town.

Fisty nurses, with tired eyes, handed out curses to all …

Genial soldiers handed out lead.

(until everyone was dead)

By the YEAR of GUMPTOUS, all buying and selling will happen with TROG-LORD coins … you will buy your gallon of protein slurry from Old Dingus’ Protein Emporium, you will saver that lukewarm greasy mixture, in the cold damp room hidden from the sight of God.

Your mind will begin splitting and ripping, and your heart will become cobalt and deranged … Angry hordes will hunt you for your nad-fragrance and sell your eel carcass to the hookers in sector 44 …

And Bitcoin will make this all possible.

Hating people … (not all people)

“I don’t care where I live, I can hate people anywhere.” – Dr. Freckles

Failing at everything …

“I fail at EVERYTHING … including giving up, or giving in.” – Dr. Freckles

FACTOTUM: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/497199.Factotum

PHYT … (fit)

You look fit …

You look really good …

Wow, what are you doing?

Have you lost weight? – I know you have … P90?

Yoga? – sure …

Anal-flinktus … why not …

Pear of unbearable pain shoved up the bunktus-pipe? – sure …

You look so phyt (fit).


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220529_WHERE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Kind of in a shitty place …

(just what it is …)

Exile … (the oldest story)

  1. That first creature that had too many generations out of the sea of gunkis, and looked back poignantly … “there’s no going back …”
  2. Birth
  3. Growing up
  4. Becoming and changing
  5. The Bible, Adam and Eve, Exodus, David flees from Saul, Every prophet, Mary and Joseph, Jesus … a lot of the bible is about exile.
  6. Breaking up
  7. Disasters, large and small … and perhaps what is coming
  8. Power
  9. Death

Closets …

“Sometimes leaving the closet is the wrong answer, especially if you’re being pulled out.” – Dr. Freckles

It’s not my job …

Something I’ve had some Christians tell me … especially Catholics … “it’s not my job …”

(are you sure?)

  1. warriors
  2. prophets
  3. ministers
  4. disciples
  5. teachers
  6. caretakers
  7. washers of feet
  8. humble
  9. peacemakers
  10. forgivers
  11. free and true to liberty
  12. to seek beauty
  13. to understand sadness
  14. to live in the world
  15. to be okay with dying

To be as Jesus was and is …

(all of it was always our job)

Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges%205&version=NIV


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220528_MLRS.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

EARTH: Final Conflict

Heaven’s Gate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group)


Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M270_Multiple_Launch_Rocket_System

Most interesting people …

“The most interesting people don’t come from fancy places.” – Dr. Freckles


What if the primary objective behind the Ukraine invasion was the fracturing of NATO?

Milgram Experiment (revisited)

A thought experiment.

Imagine you’re a parent, and you have one child … sitting in a room adjacent to yours. A nuclear war has just begun, and the only way to stop it is to push a button … but if you push the button, your child is killed.

Imagine a similar scenario, but the button flashes red when your child is in danger and if you press it within one minute, your child is safe (until the button flashes red again), but if you do press the button, a village, in some random poor country, is targeted with a missile strike.

Imagine that in scenario 2, you are told each time you push the button: you save your kid, and other kids … and you don’t know about the villages being destroyed.

Family …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220522_FAMILY.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra

What is family?

  1. Many think it’s about biology … and sometimes that’s true.
  2. Many think it does not exist, and sometimes, sadly, that’s true.
  3. Some believe that the “family” is being destroyed by TPTB … and this is half-true.
  4. Some believe, as myself, that you find family in this life …

If you are a Christian READ THE WHOLE BIBLE … not just the parts that confirm what your cult leader preacher is saying: “family” in the bible is not simple, and is often NOT about the “people who you share parents with”.

  1. Cain and Abel: Genesis 4
  2. Esau and Jacob: Genesis 27
  3. Joseph and the Well: Genesis 37: 12 – 36
  4. Matthew 10: 34-36
  5. Mark 3: 35
  6. Mark 10: 28-30

(there’s a pattern here)


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220521_TRADE_UP.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Trade Up!


Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Liberman

Hypercane …

A super-dooper-hurricane or HYPER CANE?

A penultimate black hole or HYPER-HOLE? Maybe a movie starring Ava Adams …

Just add the word “hyper” … and it’s amazing.

Hyperactive? – seems busy.

Hyperspace? – not a place I want to visit.

One neat trick …

(a neat trick to help with your prostate)


Every time I see some NASA picture from “Mars”? … I think:

“Shit, Sedona looks nice this time of year …”

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/heres-official-explanation-mars-doorway

Questions …

  1. Are you legally eligible to work in the country you wish to work in?
  2. Are you at least 18 years of age?
  3. Have you ever worked for this company or franchise-owned location before?
  4. How many years of experience do you have in the position for which you are interested?
  5. How many employers have you worked for in the past two years?
  6. Have you ever been terminated from a job or asked to resign?
  7. Are you able to speak and read English?
  8. Are you able to perform the essential duties of the position for which you are applying with or without reasonable accommodation(s)?
  9. Are you able to lift up to 50 lbs and stand on your feet for long periods of time, with, or without an accommodation?
  10. How would you define your teamwork abilities?
  11. Are you willing to wear a uniform and follow grooming standards?
  12. What are your thoughts on working beyond your normal scheduled hours?
  13. Are you willing to work a flexible work schedule including nights, weekends and holidays?
  14. When solving a problem, which best describes you?
  15. Rate your knowledge with handling customer complaints?
  16. Are you 16 years of age or older?
  17. When dealing with difficult guests/customers, you should?
  18. I am willing to do tasks outside of my job description which may include other side duties?
  19. What is your experience level operating an electronic or computerized cash register?
  20. What is your experience level handling cash and providing change?
  21. Do you enjoy working with and serving the public?
  22. If you saw a co-worker stealing a small item or giving food to a friend without paying you would?
  23. Are you currently in school?
  24. Are you willing to consent to a background check or reasonable suspicion drug testing? (Not applicable where prohibited by law.)


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220521_FOMO.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Things you should stop worrying about, things that are NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN …

“If the government says ‘worry about THIS’, then remove that item from your worry list.” – Dr. Freckles

If the government says DON’T worry about THIS, it doesn’t mean it’s a real concern, but it’s worth a look … like the “Clathrate Gun”: https://www.beforetheflood.com/explore/the-crisis/methane-the-ticking-time-bomb/

Research the NOAA/US Government position on the “methane bomb”: they will say “don’t worry” … so take a look.

  1. Eating bugs
  2. Massive vaccine die-off
  3. FEMA camps
  4. POD-TOPIA (it already happened, I’ve lived there)
  5. CHINA takes over the world
  6. Trump saves America
  7. Nuclear War (probably)
  8. Conventional War with Russia (probably)
  9. The Great Replacement
  10. Monkey Pox, Monkey Herpes, Monkey Crabs, all Monkey Diseases
  11. Collecting all your guns – by the way, STOP BUYING YOUR GUNS AT CABELAS, START USING THE BLACK MARKET
  12. “Recession”, “Stagflation”, “Depression”, “Hyper Inflation” – it’s already happened, this neo-Stalinist hell hole did it, and then stuffed the entropy into China, Housing Scams, Crypto, Stock Market … it’s done … we’ve been in a Potemkin Recovery since 2008 … realistically: we’ve lived in an occult-depression since at least 2009 … SEE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20191213_The_Unconscious_Skier.mp3
  13. Alien Attack
  14. Robot Apocalypse
  15. Gay Frogs
  16. EMP: looking like the Y2K fear monkey …
  17. FOMO: “crypto”, “house flipping”, “stock markets”, etc … FOMO has to be one of the DUMBEST FUCKING MOTIVATORS EVER … “marriage and kids”, “that nice home”, “a TESLA”, whatever “chasing after desire” crap your smart phone sells you? – get over it … soon. FOMO is what keeps people from moving, from getting to ACCEPTANCE. Didn’t get to travel “around the world”? – get over that shit, a lot of places and a lot of people are the same everywhere … get over that neocon NWO globalist BS.

Don’t get me wrong, there are things you should assess as risks, and plan accordingly – but no where in this is “lockdown” or “don’t talk to your neighbor” or “social distancing” as risk reduction or mitigation … be rational, and remember: every motherfucker dies.

(and read your Book of Ecclesiastes …)


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220520_MONKEY_POX.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Monkey Herpes, revisited …

It was “snowing” today … a few days ago it was summer … yesterday they sprayed like MAD all over the sky. Totally normal, right?

  1. The lying has been ongoing on an unprecedented scale for 2 years (now year 3).
  2. The longer these lies last, the worse it looks …
  3. The lies look REACTIVE, which means TPTB are reacting to circumstances, not controlling them … they don’t control the schedule
  4. Whatever “IT” is … IT is a fuzzy event that has a probability window, not a discrete event like, for example, an asteroid collision.
  5. And the skies continue to look worse, more like shit …
  6. Heavy Metal Poisoning: https://www.healthline.com/health/heavy-metal-poisoning
  7. Aluminum Poisoning: https://www.winchesterhospital.org/health-library/article?id=164929
  8. Radiation Poisoning …
  9. A real pandemic or bioweapon runs the risk of killing people you need to “keep the lights on” … like engineers at boiling water nuclear reactors.

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/how-has-monkeypox-suddenly-spread-all-over-globe-lightning-speed

Best Case: this nonsense covers for the collapse of the Petro-Dollar empire (and this is still going to be quite bad and WA DC has already lost control)

Worst Case: this is something so awful that you can justify gaslighting hundreds of millions, if not billions, for 2-3 years … Famine fits … but other things fit as well.

As of now: 95% sure famine is baked into the cake, 100% sure the dollar collapse is inevitable, the only question is: is it worse?

From November 2019: “… maybe it will be some kind of monkey flu …” (1:14 minutes in)

From February 2020:

From April 2021:

From 2016 … “The Odds of Survival”

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160729_Odds_Of_Survival.pdf



MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220520_MONKEY_JAR.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. Justin and I both need to get regular jobs, soon. We were able to be committed to this project for about 4 months, but reality has set in.
  2. Does this mean the project is over? – NO … not by a long shot. Is does mean that our velocity is reduced so we’re not going to be able to do as much, as fast, as we hoped we would.
  3. Justin’s job takes him to the woods for 8 days at a time, with 6 days off. It would be unrealistic for him to expect more than 4-5 project days per month, given that he has other personal and life responsibilities.
  4. And once I get a job? – well … I’m 52 years old … and even if I were 20 years younger, the current “business environment” favors crony/statist enterprises and eschews entrepreneurs like Justin and myself. Just reality. And I’m not sure how much longer this “reality” will last.
  5. We don’t have the resources to do as much testing as I would like, so it slows down development. If we had more money? – we could dedicate a 24/7 listening station AND experiment with max bandwidth transmission schemes. But, with this kind of testing you always run the risk of damaging a radio – and we can’t really afford this right now. It’s a mess: because we are trying to push and develop products, that are prototype, and with little to no budget for any of this.
  6. The HAM world is as bad as the MASONS or Illuminati …


  1. I can move to my island near the Florida Keys …
  2. I can start dating Rizal, my ambiguously Latin and hot lover …
  3. We have cookie jars, with cocaine …
  4. We have our own dialysis machines … for rough nights.
  5. We can sail our star-light special to Bimini, and feed on cleevus-clams and gentle noggle-fish.
  6. Our mornings are filled with chasing poor people, through the jungle, a human hunt …
  7. Then we bathe in the blood of these peasants, who come for the “gold” we promise … but instead face our WRATH.
  8. At lunch time, we enjoy tossing kittens into the shark lagoon …
  9. When the sun goes down, we sky dive naked into a large pool filled with champagne and MDMA …
  10. We give each other venom injections, rattlers, cobras, bushmaster …. and tarantula.
  11. We wear golden loin cloths … woven from gold …
  12. All because of this big donation …

Monkey jar …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/housing-crash-starting

Bullets VS Hunger

“There are not enough bullets to assuage an empty stomach.” – Dr. Freckles

Prepping is a good thing to do – I tell my listeners to do what they can during almost all podcasts since 2019 … (before the monkey herpes)

But here’s the deal:

If you think you can stockpile ENOUGH FOOD or ENOUGH AMMO or ENOUGH GOLD for what is coming?

Then you are worse than NOT logistically prepared: food, water, training.

You are mentally UNPREPARED for what is coming … and no amount of ammo or MREs will help with that.

At Bama YACHT CLUB, we recommend:

1. move somewhere that is geographically isolated and is at least 50 miles from a major interstate (I-5, I-80, etc)

2. move somewhere that is at least 50 miles from a US military base (not easy)

3. learn how to purify water, and make sure there is some regular water available, where you are

4. learn to grow potatoes, carrots, onions, and some herbs (containing vitamins), and raise chickens

5. stockpile BOOKS ... not eBooks or PDFs ... but actual printed materials

6. learn to use a bow and arrow or crossbow

7. have and learn to use a hunting rifle

8. have at least one rapid fire carbine and ammo

9. buy a HAM radio and learn to use it ... DO NOT BECOME A HAM ... that means registering your address: also called stupid

The rest is up to you ... your pain points ...

But at BAMA YACHT CLUB, we've been telling people this since late 2019.



MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220511_IN_THE_FUTURE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Some good news …

  1. Jingus meat will be on sale, soon … at spronctos.
  2. I discovered a new kind of shame and self-loathing … I call it “brodayme”.
  3. You will be able to start splitting covid payouts, with your doctor … seriously: the system is a breeding ground for fraud, so why not.
  4. There will be a NEW “CRISPY CHICKEN SANDWICH” war … like CCSW2 … or maybe we’re on 3 now with this also … ? … It will be amazing, and the sandwiches will contain mostly chicken.
  5. Aliens will arrive by July. Their starships will be powered by love and trignum-grease. The alien-queen will be revealed to be a busty wench, carrying steins of beer … just for me. This is how I imagine my stroke or other cadio/cerebral event.
  6. I have this new character on Zero Hedge that I love until ZH bans/blocks/deletes this one:


BAMAYC: “Buy as much as you can …”

Almost like coupon’ing … and shit …

Random Zero Hedge context ads … wow … hookers.

Cult formation, propaganda, and military psychological warfare …

For starters: humans mind-fucking others goes back a long ways … perhaps to even pre-human times … perhaps consciousness itself has the temptation of psychological manipulation baked in … think “native peoples scaring buffalo into cliffs and drop offs”.

BTW: these concepts can be used in sovietology or the breaking down of propaganda into things you could say “might be true” and for the discovery of outright contradictions. Not a perfect science.

Key propaganda theory roles:

  1. The Sheep Dog: allows people to wander a little bit astray from the region of the Overton Window … but not far from it. Alex Jones is a great example, I fear Dane Wigington may be another.
  2. The Fool: Greta, Biden, Al Gore – the fool’s principle role is to take any real and serious issue and make it look stupid and corrupt.
  3. The Expert: Paul Krugman, Powell, Obama – they assure you they know, understand, and can provide guidance you must not question:
  4. The Leader: Reagan, Obama, Hitler, Stalin – is often connected to a cargo-cult or a “cult of goods and values” that the Leader promises, as long as you follow.
  5. The Enemy or Villain: Russia or Putin, China, Japan, Germany, Vietnam … I can keep going.
  6. The Savior: think Elon Musk, Anthony Fauci (to some), Obama, Steve Jobs … (this can also be seen as a quasi-shamanic role per CG Jung’s view of the “savior” or “leader” … Joseph Cambell’s work with comparative mythology points in the same direction.

Key propaganda narratives:

  1. The Mistake: think pandemic, 9/11
  2. The Unforeseen: think 9/11 or the fall of the Berlin Wall or the Housing Crisis
  3. The Great Tragedy: think 9/11
  4. The “Stab in the Back”: Hitler and the Jews
  5. The Achievement: Apollo, Manifest Destiny, Pyramids, etc … sometimes these “achievements” are based on real things … sometimes they are 100% bullshit.

Key Tools:

  1. Temporal and Spatial Disorientation: impacting people’s ability to know WHERE they are and WHAT time it is … CIA/NAZIs pioneered this with isolation chambers and total sensory deprivation. But less totalistic versions involve placing a person, in the middle of nowhere, with limited access to time keeping systems.
  2. Cognitive disordering: think reversals of number systems, standard order of interpretation, changing reading from “top to bottom” to “bottom to top” for key documents … etc.
  3. Jargon: the use of specialized terminology to widen insider/outsider distinctions.
  4. Divide and Conquer: separate the population into arbitrary groups, reward some, punish others, create tension and conflict.
  5. Gaslighting: reality manipulation via false information, projection, and victim blaming. The key is to substitute an alternate reality to the one provided by logic, commonsense and what can actually be proven.
  6. EGO PUMPING: typically used in insider/outsider group dynamics. Typically the “Savior” or the “Leader” will use neuro-linguistic programming and other less precise techniques to build up the sense of worth in an individual, but in this context, a whole group.
  7. Drifting Principles: a “leader” sets some guideline … like let’s say Obama says “I never did drugs” or “drugs are bad”, and then you find out he did and probably does … while at the same time sicking Treasury agents on the medical cannabis places … these moving, drifting, adjustable principles create confusion.
  8. Band Wagon: “everyone is doing it”
  9. Peer Pressure: “why can’t you be like us”
  10. Group Punishment for Individual Acts: basically the only real function of voting in a “democracy” like ours. Whether it’s abortion, gun control, free speech, or the abolition of the IRS, topics are used as “blame” for failure … and then those sub-groups are labeled and abused.
  11. Argument from authority: the only real value of PhD.
  12. Group burden: we’re all in this together … think about that wretched Bon Jovi song/video from the Spring of 2020 … “Do what ya gotta do …” pretty much says it all.
  13. Ad hominem: this is often used with “appeal to authority” arguments, and the conclusion is “you must be stupid”. And this is one all humans kind of do … pretty much, all the time to each other … even Dan. When coupled with appeal to authority, it can have greater psychic weight and penetration.
  14. Cult of the Personality: think Walt Disney, Werner Von Braun, Hitler, Stalin, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs
  15. Hijacking: like how cults, propaganda systems and PSYOPs will take an ingrained psycho-cultural artifact, like a religious concept, and re-purpose it the needs of the propaganda/cult/psyop.

These “roles and narratives” apply to grifting or conning, to military psychological warfare and cult recruitment/formation.

Now let’s return to the “fool”.

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bayer-shares-tumble-white-house-urges-scotus-reject-appeal


Link: https://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/175290/god-throwing-asteroids-at-earth/

In the future …

… women covered in cast iron armor will scour the countryside in search of female hygiene products … sweaty and busty and full of sexy rage, they will nominate PAM GRIER style super leaders to lead them to their ultimate destiny of total orgasmic victory over the swarthy man-splainers of sector-45TANGO …

In the future, GRINKEN TOWN will be a capital … dingus beasts will consider their minds bent by the perpetual ravaging of spider-pigs and their bedazzled outerwear comfort zone sport jackets … GRINKEN TOWN women will congregate near MC GIZZLY’S … not far from the train to SCOMPTON … just down the road … in the future.

In the FUTURE, “BOBLIMPTOCK” will become a national holiday, celebrated every December 2nd … assuming their is protein available … and some kind of decent craft beer … in the future.

In the future, JORGIZ-HOOG, the SCARLET ONE, the DRANGUS-LORD and second tier gondo-lord to the GRONKIS KNIGHTS will lead a massive invasion of IKEA ZONE 33 … IKEA ZONE 33, being the largest IKEA ever created, roughly the size of New Jersey, will have the last supplies of decent meatballs made from horse. Plus, lots of great choices for home decor, assuming the SWEDES don’t use their HUMPTICK-BOMB and vaporize your testicles … in the future.

By the AGE of IMPORTASL … the LAMARK shall RULE … moving at speeds exceeding 45 times the speed of light, their loin sauce will be prized – but have fun trying to catch one … You won’t see it coming, not by a long shot … in the future.

QUEEN REN-DU-LOUR, last SPINCTUS RULER of Region-W, merging forces with Bishop Skippy, the under-realm toobis-worm, whose own brinkton-folk are weary of his command. And yet, given the last remnants of DORG, we cannot forget … nor remember … the GREAT WAR of 7822 … when the wolf-pigeon became extinct, and the skunk-crocodile wept for lost hooker midnights … in the future.


Food will be mostly composed of sawdust and metal shavings and broken glass and coal dust. It will taste like pain, and poop like fury. Your bloody stool will drain out of your tore up anus pipe, with the features of strawberry jam mixed with cat vomit and sorrow … You will save this slurry, in the future, because it is also tomorrow’s breakfast …


  1. Your cat will sell aluminium siding … to dogs.
  2. Food will contain 0.3% food.
  3. Mechanical penises will be powered by compact nuclear reactors … none fear this.
  4. Your YINGUS-PIPE will become infested with nob fly larvae … and this will have only one treatment: chainsaw enema
  5. BOOBS will be JUGS and JUGS will be KNOCKERS and KNOCKERS will be breasts.
  6. Hookers will take bitcoin … as a joke.
  7. A DARKER WEB will emerge … more dark than the DARK WEB … using trans-temporal-reverso-quantum-entanglement …
  8. WEED will give you the power to destroy the 8 DORITO-TACO-BURGER-PIZZA-FRENCH-FRY ARMIES … maybe this even happens tomorrow.

Musings concerning the future from December 2015 …

That’s nice …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220510_THAT_IS_NICE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

That job interview in the woods …

  1. Didn’t work out.
  2. I was kicked out of the woods.
  3. Don’t want to talk about it.
  4. Might talk about it in the future.

Definitely not a job for me.


That’s nice …

I need to be nicer and shit … and talk about more mainstream bullshit … so my podcast does better:

  1. Talk up CRYPTO!
  2. Talk up investing … like in TESLA or AMAZON or TWITTER!
  3. Talk about eating shellfish right from the ocean …
  4. Talk about how lovely the skies are, and how they are so completely, totally, real … ya know man?
  5. Talk about how healthy the trees and plants look … really healthy … vibrant.
  6. Talk about Summertime and daffodils and parrot oils and musks …
  7. Christmas is right around the corner … that’s nice.
  8. I might buy a house, then sell it, use that money and more loans to buy more homes, sell those … buy more homes … and then complain about homeless people … because it’s so cozy.
  9. Talk about kale … “All About Kale” hour …
  10. Talk about that colonoscopy or anal probe I got … and how it’s nice to see what’s down there.
  11. Talk about the RONA, and how it almost destroyed everything, but then it didn’t … and how nice it was that Brownian motion ceased to be a thing during the pandemic, hence the non-random distribution of a random phenomena … and those coffee filters.
  12. Talk about brick oven pizzas … amirite?
  13. My electric vehicle? – that’s good …
  14. Talk about how bad Putin is … and how great the US military is … at stuff.
  15. Lots of nice things to talk about …
  16. I can’t wait for nuclear war … it will be more exciting than the BATTLE OF THE NETWORK STARS … just really great.
  17. Talk about the coming age of TOOVLOZ, when elf type mistress whores sell their “wares” near the old abandoned fireworks factory, as kief-squirrels feed on the decaying corpses of old Insane Clown Posse turbit jergs … good times.
  18. Talk about that weird fog that settles upon the grounds at night … weird and cold and burns your lungs … it’s not like it’s a thing, right? … it’s not there, but it is … you see the etch-a-sketch happening above you, but your glowing rectangle tells you to ignore the perception and adhere to the general obedience.
  19. Talk about the kettle angels and the various new parasites crawling into people’s ears at night … they lay eggs in your occipital lobe, causing neural scarring, brain damage, gleeptus and fronctalburingalitus … really bad “hershey squirts” and all human faces are replaced with David Hasselhoff’s face.
  20. Quivering mangrove spiders, following a hearty meal of peasant, concern themselves with the great space bridge to Venus. As the night falls, Heclus, the warrior, wearing nothing but a leather codpiece, swaggers his way to cleansing pool. There he sees Lustra, the bustress, the one of g-strings, rubbing ancient oils upon her melons … this is nice.
  21. Just, really nice stuff … to feel good about being great … and having warm feelings about really swell shit …

Vampires of Chicago!

Link: https://weeklyworldnews.com/topstory/52984/vampires-on-the-loose-in-chicago/

Some of the story …

SCREWBILEE! (from 2/21/2019)

GASLIGHT AMERICA! (10/16/2019)

The Great Discontinuity! (from 11/22/2019)

PANIC IN THE YEAR ZERO! (from 12/8/2019)

The “Stranded and Unconscious Skier” or the US Economy 2009-2019 … (12/13/2019)

BANK HOLIDAY! (3/17/2020)


BOBLIMPTOCK! (from 7/25/2021)

It’s almost GRINKEN TIME! (November 2021)

Donate if you like

sure …

A path …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220506_A_PATH.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

If there is one …

“If there is a path, you eventually find it. If there isn’t one, you eventually die.” – Dr. Freckles

A few weeks ago …

I was hunting grizzly-bat near Mt. Scompton, in Region-2 …

  1. Camp Tulip with that strange wench
  2. crossing Fergis River
  3. A meeting with the Old Bird Watcher near that weird cottonwood tree
  4. A shamanic journey with Chief Yorg
  5. Drunken self exploration
  6. Knife Sharpening
  7. Girding the loins …. getting ready for Freddy …
  8. Wrestling the grizzly-bat …
  9. feeding upon the glowing heart
  10. getting bad heart parasites
  11. dying


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220505_FIRST_AID.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

I had to take this RED CROSS online first aid class for my new job …

We talked about:

  1. Burns … chemical … radiation
  2. Lacerations … avulsions … punctures … abrasions
  3. Choking …
  4. Hypothermia … frostbite …
  5. CPR
  6. AED
  7. Sprains and strains, bone stuff …
  8. Nose bleeds
  9. Heart attacks
  10. Finding unresponsive people … all over the place
  11. There’s always some random “helper” … HELPING …
  12. Strokes
  13. Other stuff …

Irish people …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220504_IRISH_PEOPLE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. With both Justin and I taking full time gigs, progress is likely to slow.
  2. We are not giving up, but some of our realistic deadlines are in the future, a few months.
  3. We had every intention of trying to make this work, and we still do, but reality is a thing too …
  4. Our education and outreach will continue …
  5. Now on to guiding hunters into the swamps of UTAH …

FED FUNDS RATE going UP 1/2 percent …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/fomc-4

If the REAL rate of inflation is 7%? (conservatively)

And the FED FUNDS RATE after 50 bps is 1%?

Then the real cost of FED FUNDS is -6% …

If the prime rate is currently 3.5%? – then the real prime rate is -3.5% (nice money if you can get it at any volume)

(yes Virginia)

(this is a problem)

To have ANYTHING RESEMBLING NORMALIZATION … you would need a FED FUNDS RATE at above 10% … (and that’s with today’s inflation numbers, not tomorrow’s)

QT, at a medium pace …

Protein Plaza …

  1. “Brown”, “purple”, “red” … “green”
  2. Weekly specials …
  3. Deposit a corpse, get some “taco meat” …

Just set up a printing press …

But crypto nerds have the same view … bring up “3D printing CPUs” or “alt networks” … and before you continue they’ll say “but first we have to have the crypto” …

NO … first we need to take back control of our technology …

Art …

“Great art has the feeling of signal, with the patina of noise.” – Dr. Freckles

They don’t lie …

“Irish people don’t lie, we tell riddles … not our fault if you’re stupid.” – Dr. Freckles

Donate? – if you got the money …

Link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles



We have our listening station up in Puerto Rico, and soon it will be a send/receive station taking posts from the WWW, as it is able – by end of May. Shout out to Jef in the PR!

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/RADSLIDES/RAD_TERMINAL_PRESENTATION_20220423.pdf

MAY DAY (5/1/22)

Link: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/may-day-2022-what-is-may-day-and-why-is-it-celebrated-2928860


  1. The BAT or the BAD WORD: a thought experiment from 2019.
  2. Don’t get suckered too soon by the “Musk Takeover” – one of the things I said in early 2020 was that WHEN it seemed hopeless for the elite to maintain control, they would abandon ship … like prison guards leaving the prison, and leaving it unlocked.
  3. it is an oversimplification to say we live under a “censorship regime”. We do, but it’s worse.
  4. It’s worse to know that our government uses psychological warfare against its own people.
  5. It’s worse to know that the ocean of lies we are immersed in seems impossibly absurd by its “weight”.
  6. It’s worse to know that people could break free by rejecting the WHOLE PARADIGM … at this point: computerization AND networking is infected and created to be owned/controlled by the deep state. So you have to break out.

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/time-columnist-denounces-free-speech-white-mans-obsession

I’m not off the sauce yet …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/central-african-republic-adopts-bitcoin-legal-tender


  1. 14% have access to electricity …
  2. 4% have access to the internet …

Issues with the blockchain …

  1. Complexity
  2. Dependency – deep state tech, power grids, WWW
  3. Digital Coin Clipping ($14 slice of pizza, the disappearing $20 from 2017)
  4. Permanence and lack of privacy – there are NO jubilees in a blockchain world … no bankruptcy either … just permanent digital enslavement
  5. Focuses computing power on the WRONG FUCKING PROBLEMS (need energy much?)
  6. Even if it’s NOT broken? – the stories about missing or lost or stolen coins do make it look broken
  7. No rational person in a grid-down scenario will EVER give you food, water, shelter for it … ever … maybe dumb and crazy people will
  8. It’s not in our path …

“Magical Death Puzzles” – and my friend’s crypto project …

Teach a man to fish …

“Teach a man to fish, and you can sit around, eat fish, and watch the guy work.” – Dr. Freckles

I’m going to scare you …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220427_I_am_going_to_scare_you.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. went to “Be Prepared Expo” last weekend, did a class … the slides are here: https://planetarystatusreport.com/RADSLIDES
  2. Pyro putty …
  3. I need to send out some thank you emails …
  4. Beyond that? – not much …
  5. Quick Start Ham Radio (education videos): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfGCFh4gpZZUYvc1lRus-Q


Ukraine …

  1. IF this story is real …
  2. IF the “Ukraine War” is not contrived PSYOP bs …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-intel-helped-ukraine-shoot-down-russian-plane-carrying-hundreds-paratroopers

Methane bomb and atom bomb …

In 2019, I told my listeners a set of things. I got many details wrong, but the scale and impact, in my opinion, was dead on. I called it the Great Discontinuity (November 2019), but I don’t claim or care if I’m the only person to coin the term, I will take some credit for meditation, thinking, researching on this topic since 2016 … when I published an essay based on a lunchtime conversation, where 3 software engineers were making predictions … about the future. I called it: The Odds of Survival

What I’m about to describe is based partially on my my own conclusions, and partially on the observations and conclusions of others. I knew, from the beginning, it (the rona) looked fishy, but I didn’t fully understand the purpose.

I also believe, for many reasons, a worldwide famine is inevitable, it’s just a question of how bad. Once a famine hits, tptb ability to control anything will break down.

Let me revisit what I’ve said, consistently, since March of 2020:

  1. the “Rona” is not a pandemic, and it looked like a military psychological warfare operation. It included a kind of “halftime show” called “race war” – and I have video documentation of this in Seattle that clearly shows the truth of CHOP CHAZ … and BLM … and Antifa … 100% govt. owned psyops … movable improv artists scaring people to death. This, plus the vaccine-trauma-drama, did a great deal to keep people in a consistent (statistically speaking) state. And the “reset”? – that’s so middle management sociopaths don’t abandon ship too soon … gotta mind fuck them too … maybe especially them.
  2. The “goal state” of these PSYOPs, in my opinion, was almost EXACTLY LIKE the plot of the Truman Show … just done on a global scale: don’t leave your home, don’t talk to people, don’t celebrate (unless you’re a dancing nurse), don’t travel much … don’t spend too much time at the grocery store … small business destroyed, life becoming house arrest on a national, if not global, scale. Keeps lots of people off the roads.
  3. I also told you that these psyops were “planned responses” to a scenario they expected. I call it a “fuzzy event” because of the on-again, off-again “locked down” and “opened up” kabuki dance … Simon Says crap … Whatever “event” TPTB fear is near? – they do not control the schedule.
  4. I generally believe, but it is simply a not provable axiom, that the “bigger the lie”, the more likely that “what” it’s hiding is bad … really bad … in some relation to the lie.
  5. When I went back to Seattle (2017), and this is anecdotal, I was shocked with how quiet the forests were, how trashed the environment looked, and how nobody seemed to understand that this would impact their lives, soon. The summer of 2018 I could barely breathe walking home from the bus station – yes I’m old, a little overweight, but July/August/September 2018 were, in so many ways, apocalyptic … the scenery, background, narrative, fit an actual catastrophe, and most just didn’t care … “Trump Psyop” was nearing its crescendo (and “Q” … what a mind screw)
  6. I do NOT believe much of anything the government says … if they say “it will take 100 years”? – then it will either never happen, or is ALREADY HAPPENING. So I began looking at punctuated equilibrium and runaway climate change and the issues of positive feedbacks.
  7. There are MANY warming feedbacks … for thousands of years, the arctic was the Earth’s freezer/air-conditioner … it enabled a circulatory system for heat exchange, the great oceanic rivers, like the Gulf Stream, that are the arteries of this great air conditioner. But, it looks like the sub-arctic is in permafrost collapse (positive feedback with methane involved) and it looks like sub-sea blowouts of methane, in the arctic, are happening. I they have spread lies about the recent sources of methane – they do not want to address the trillions of tons of frozen methane AND organic materials converting methane/CO2 happening across the arctic circle. This could be a giant lie, but they chose their lie: covid/race war/trump-biden-trauma-drama … these were the Queen, King and Knight … dark ones …
  8. Some believe there is enough methane that is in the atmosphere, currently frozen, and being converted from permafrost, not to mention nitrous oxide (1,000 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2 … btw: methane over 10 years is 100 times worse than CO2, and thats HOW it cooks you. Yes, methane breaks down … but it takes decades to remove what can, and may, be released. Simply put: this is way more plausible a “climate emergency” than any of the BS the government has fed us.
  9. They may have known about this, with a window of certainty, 50+ years ago. It’s possible the first powerful computers were put to work modeling this question: is there a leftover “transaction”, from the last ice age, in the arctic? – is it big enough to rock the equilibrium of life on Earth, and potentially leading to extinction. It explains a LOT of the crooked shit since JFK – better than aliens and commies, because these are psyops too (going back to the first days of the FBI).
  10. The methane event and “peak oil” (which I won’t discuss much), are not mutually exclusive in this scenario … it’s almost a race between two demons … one or both could kills us, or take many of us out.
  11. If they had a “window” then they would have to pull the trigger when the model says “window has begun” – 9/11 really seems like that.
  12. The “sky painting” could be geoengineering, could be something else – but I think you’d be foolish to deny that it is happening. If the government says it’s “researching something it might do one day”? – chances are they will never do it OR they are DOING IT RIGHT NOW.
  13. Their model probably updated them on a “new window” after taking data measurements – a REAL benefit of 9/11 was the shutting down of airline traffic, and slowing down of US economic activity for a week or two … This led to particulate matter falling out of the sky, and the government scientists (as said) could create a true baseline … with this new baseline and a few years of new data, factoring in geoengineering, they could revise the window – and the new window of probability began in 2020.
  14. I think we are in their end game – and that end game might involve a horror that Carl Sagan once described so eloquently: “Nuclear Winter”. Nuclear Winter is a horror story, for any rational person: but if you are some fool that thinks they “run the world”, this is a last ditch attempt to arrest runaway climate change that could possibly SKIP hothouse Earth on its way to Venus Syndrome … and you can look into that horror on your own. “Hothouse Earth” would be like what I’ve called “Florida Man world” … and “Florida Man World” is where I hope we end up – but I think that’s really hopeful. Keep in mind – pretty much all of our boiling water nuclear reactors are built at sea level, and many, if not all, would have a catastrophic event if either a) they ran out of a source of cool water, via temperature, via drought or b) the water level becomes so high that the reactor complex is flooded out. Which means some kind of wall, at least 300 feet tall, needs to be built around all of them … 300 feet will account for worst case tsunami sized waves …

So yes, I’ve discussed all of the above in various forms. I’ve tried to tune out Dane Wigington, because I wasn’t really sure how his strategy could work. That doesn’t mean he’s not genuine, it just means he might have chosen a bad strategy. But I’ve kept up on many sources, from a “Sovietological” perspective, and I’ve seen the indication, lately, of what I’d call “cover your ass” behavior from various journalistic outlets, that 5 years ago would have said “runaway methane” is crazy and nothing to worry about … both can’t be true.

I think the “new window” of 2019-2020 was sort of fuzzy, and they needed a super drama PSYOP – something that would astound. You can’t really do a real pandemic without harming your (government’s) ability to control what is going on. A real pandemic would have actually led directly to collapse – instead, they created a pseudo reality, filled it with fake numbers and hospital mistakes, and scared our neighbors, in a cultish way, to death.

This could never last more than a few years, ergo: the window is likely less than 5 years. This also means the crucible of this event is near – and it’s either a) “Hot House Earth” (bad) or b) “Venus Syndrome” (basically the end of everything)

I’m a Christian, but not a prophet. There is a lot of prophecy concerning “boiling seas” and “fire”. All of the above would be the result of a coastal shelf release event, lasting months, dumping trillions of tons of methane into the atmosphere … the seas would boil.

A forest fire with an upgrade is a “fire storm” – they happen, but are generally rare … except for the last decade or so. If the wrong fire storm followed a fuel trail to the wrong city? – like say, San Francisco? or Seattle? or Portland? … this could be very catastrophic. You would need a fire-safe room, with its own air, and shielding, because temperatures will get quite high. At a certain point? – the fuel air mixtures can turn almost ANYTHING into fuel … that is a firestorm … it creates its own winds.

I need to state this again: I am not a prophet, even if you agreed with everything here, so far, you can still say “but that doesn’t imply worldwide nuclear war”. As a Christian with some understanding of prophecy, this, plus the methane event, would be a good match.

I think the Ukraine thing has gotten stupid beyond belief – this makes me wonder, what was or is the point? I did not believe Putin would be dumb enough to do this, but perhaps he had no choice – perhaps his generals said “do something or be replaced”, imaging a native Russian speaker. The Ukraine thing would be a perfect spark for WW3 in the worst case, and if it were for the purpose of generating a nuclear winter? – then likely all sides are expected to “launch it all” … every bit … make it as close to an asteroid hit as possible.

So then what? – if you live in any city you will likely be hit with SEVERAL nukes, and more than one nuke strike. To accomplish what they need to accomplish, with the nuclear weapons they have, they would need to use them all … and perhaps try to trigger one or more caldera volcanoes with them as well, this would also lead to a rapid cooling event, in theory.

The problem with the “nuclear winter” scenario, is that it is also possible that this nuclear war triggers a more rapid release of methane, and runaway methane still beats nuclear winter to the finish line.

I don’t want to scare you, and I’m not really scared. I have this bittersweet connection to everything earthly. I say to myself, “I might miss this” … I remind myself, “Dan, you have to learn to let go”. I talk about these “dogs” that I live with, in my podcast. I discuss how therapeutic they’ve been. But recently I’ve had these horrible thoughts about dogs, and even cats, in a scenario where human life went sideways in a global famine. It’s a morbid fear, and it may seem irrational to some – I’ll own my own fear.

Btw: fear isn’t categorically “good” or “bad”: it’s really two things …

  1. How you use it.
  2. How you avoid fake versions of it. (psyop prevention)

I think there might be reason to be concerned that IF we find ourselves in the “longest hottest summer ever”, “they” might see this as a last resort action and they needed to act.

I also want to make this clear: I don’t think it’s the “end of the world”, but people do and will die. Perhaps a lot of people will die, and it won’t be imaginary, like the “rona”. There is always a chance a person could hold on, using technology, for long enough to repopulate the Earth – yes there will be wastelands, and mutants, perhaps even really smart apes.

But who are the people that can afford these bunkers, these hideouts?

I know it’s a club, I’m not a member, not sure I care, except for the dogs.

Here’s another clarification: if the worst case of runaway methane feedbacks occurs, I believe there are, after much tumult, the following possible future equilibrium states.

  1. Hot House Earth or what I call Florida Man World: move if you live below 300 feet sea level, just to be safe. Might be alligators, in the pacific northwest, in 30 years.
  2. Venus Syndrome: just think being roasted like a turkey, like the outside is an oven, all the time, perhaps you would live for a few seconds …
  3. A little ice age followed by Florida Man World: think mass oceanic evaporative event, think 10-15% of the mass, of the oceans, converting to vapor over a few months. In many ways the Earth’s oceans are like a thermal battery, and eventually they will discharge.
  4. Snowball Earth: mass evaporative event, albedo effect kicks in, and you get global never ending winter, basically.

Of all the above: Hot House Earth would seem to fit future scenarios.


But we are entering treacherous waters, because history has become unstuck.

The show went GREAT … (but had those fun weird moments too)

It was good. We are very thankful to the folks at “Be Prepared Expo” for giving us the chance. I think a lot of folks were happy that we were there, mainly, to educate. To say “YES, you can network computers with single side band CB radios …” … it can be done, it can be done over a great distance. And nothing is perfect, but what we are doing with JS8Call (not something we built) is trying to say what basic text based services would a person want if they could get it almost everywhere, and eventually everywhere, but you control the system. You have a right-to-repair. You will get schematics. This is what we talked about, and it was maybe a little weird as presentations go, I think the audience appreciated the sentiment (or narc’d me out as some kind of white separatist … because I’m not … I’m not white … I’m ginger).

Some of the HAM guys seemed a bit “purposeful”, but I also think there are some weird vibes in the HAM community. You’d think they would want these frequencies to be used for more than just the “daily antenna report”, it would save HAM and free a lot of people from the WWW to create a separate, truly decentralized, international radio network.


Link: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/two-homeless-camps-removed-ahead-of-president-joe-bidens-seattle-visit/