Prayer for Readiness: Lord in Heaven, Jesus Christ, on this Day You have Risen, and on this Day all the pain of the world is washed away, and on this Day ALL of Our sins are FORGIVEN. But You, our Lord, will Return one Day. You have given us a road map in prophecy, You have given us instruction as the Son of God on Earth and in Your Apostles. It is now up to US, your Church on Earth, to be READY, to avoid the snares of false prophets, and to simply BE READY at all moments, because We do not know the Hour of Your return. In Your Name We Serve, AMEN.
It’s funny, maybe not so funny … If you wanted to prepare the human race for the arrival of the Anti-Christ? – the last few years are about perfect, everything since 2001 … but definitely everything since 2020 …