

Firestorm …



  1. No one is respecting treaty obligations. This particularly includes NATO, I expect NATO to evaporate, along with many western European governments, if the USA gets involved in a conventional war with Russia.
  2. All governments are currently in a precarious situation vis-a-vis there own people, but the major powers have serious issues with their populations.
  3. That the US government is not remotely honest about its readiness for war.
  4. That nuclear powers will use nukes, if the opportunity arose.
  5. Putin might not be a “nice guy”, but he’s a rational actor … not sure how to slot his invasion of Ukraine – some see it as a rational response to NATO expansion, others see it as a land grab.

Outstanding nuclear scenarios:

  1. USA vs Russia
  2. USA vs China
  3. USA vs Russia/China weak alliance
  4. Israel VS Iran
  5. Pakistan VS India
  6. *** North Korea? – probably piles on in a China VS USA Scenario


  1. US military doctrine, going back to the end of the Cold War, plans for a 2.5 “medium sized or regional” conflict scenario.
  2. As a former US Army officer, I can testify that from my first duty assignment it was my job, in part, to lie about readiness – troops, equipment etc.
  3. There is evidence that between 10 and 20 trillion dollars are missing from the US military budget – no amount of Hanlon’s Law helps you with this one … some of these trillions were missing when I was stationed at Ft. Lewis – and we were told there wasn’t budget to replace engine packs in M1 tanks. I describe this too, to point out, that our “readiness” might not be what we claim it is.
  4. Our nuclear deterrence is based upon the assumption that US technological superiority is absolute – but what if that’s not true? What if even the replacement, manufacture and overhaul of nuclear weapons is currently impacted by our increasingly incompetent society? This would mean MAD is no longer operable.
  5. Our “rapid deployment force” model is similar to, and based on, the late Roman Empire strategy of mobile legions VS in place mile-post systems. This marked the decline of Rome’s military capability.
  6. 2 person game theory is functional when dealing with only two antagonists, but what happens when you have multiple scenarios involving different conflict scenarios?
  7. What does a nation do, that’s been waiting to use nukes, if other nations start using them? What does India or Pakistan do if Iran launches a nuke at Israel? What does Israel do if the US or Russia launches a nuclear attack? What does China do if Russia attack the USA with nukes? Because of this strategic complexity, nuclear war becomes a morass of indeterminacy almost from the get go.
  8. What happens to US forces overseas if they find themselves stranded, in countries, that no longer want them there? Japan? Germany? Africa? Persian Gulf? During a dollar collapse scenario, how do we get those troops home? And do we end up abandoning trillions in equipment and technology?
  9. NATO will dissolve if the US initiates conventional war with Russia other than the NATO proxy war in the Ukraine.

Fire-storm was a theory I developed in graduate school, but could not really find an advisor to work with me on it, and in retrospect I can understand why. The idea is simple:

Any given state seeking conflict with the USA is discouraged by the superiority of US forces, especially the air supremacy problem. But as states engage with the US, the relative threats change. The more nations that “gang up” on the USA, during a conflict scenario, the greater the likelihood more nations will take advantage – during a dollar collapse scenario, resources are king and so this will have a greater impact than fiat money. Does the US have enough available REAL resources to buy off possible participants in these conflicts? – this is a good question.

The other issue is this: having “reserve currency status” means we are stuck EVERYWHERE, involved everywhere, even in conflict regions that are a net negative with respect to our national interest – for example, Turkey. But this also means we MUST maintain this status, and that becomes a yoke around our necks in the USA. And, it means that even conflict between states that don’t involve our national interests BECOME our national interests.

I no longer believe much of this conflict is that “organic” – it is managed, and perhaps managed at a high level. But I think the Russia Ukraine scenario, when you consider US forces are also nearby Russian forces in Syria, presents a problem.

If your nuclear deterrence is in reality no longer the same threat? – then nations like China and Russia will consider, even if only obeying oligopic game theory in small markets … they don’t need a “treaty” they just need the incentive, and either nation attacking the USA provides an incentive for the other.

I believe China is in civil war or near to. As such, the Chinese Communist leadership might see war with the USA as a way to save it, to unify the people against a common enemy. An invasion of Taiwan really doesn’t have to happen, the Chinese could simply launch a coup, as the US does often, with limited unconventional forces involved. I do not believe China would initiate a nuclear war against the US, but they would definitely join in if the Russians launched an attack.

If a conventional war between the US and Russia begins, it will be a classic “come as you are” scenario, and Russia will have production and logistic advantage. The US simply DOES NOT build weapons that can scale up for production, so we will run out of planes, missiles, and other high tech weapons FAST, and will not be able to replace them. It also means that the risk of nuclear war increases after the first few weeks of conventional conflict.

If it remains conventional, you will have a pause of up to a year – where the US will be struggling to upscale its production capacity and military recruitment, this at a time when the US is on the verge of civil conflict and dissolution. Even with a false flag that kills millions of Americans, it is unlikely that civil conflict will be avoided.

The Russians and Chinese have some advantage given they have built many systems, over the years, they can mass produce. Combined they have a greater population, and if India gets involved? – they have the capacity. Pakistan is a wild card, but in a dollar collapse scenario, Pakistan might choose to remain neutral.

European leaders will scramble to maintain neutrality to assuage Russia.

Since both China and the US run risk of civil war, Russia might end up winning – not by invasion, but via negotiated defeat.

Ganges …




Cancer-betes …

  1. I think I may have cancer, bone cancer …
  2. I’m certain I have diabetes … some type … type 1 or 2 or 3 …
  3. I have cancer-betes
  4. Cancer is wrecking the place, holding parties and not cleaning up …
  5. Diabetes is looking for cancer, with .357 magnum and a pocket of RAGE …
  6. Cancer has formed a gang, a tumor gang, and it’s building … owns all the hookers on Shlimpton Street …
  7. Diabetes poisoning the wells, breading wild dogs, tossing dynamite …
  8. Cancer has the knives …
  9. Diabetes has the poison …
  10. Cancer has the bikes …
  11. Diabetes controls the subways, the sewers …
  12. CANCER BUILT AN ARMY of TUMOR CELLS … those bastards are swarming URANUS …
  13. Diabetes built a bomber, and a missile, and a can of Mormon beer … too many sugars, NOT ENOUGH FUN …
  14. Heart disease is heard in the distance, it chants of instant death and this brings peace …

I have cancer-betes …


“Steady reductions in sea ice are opening new passageways and new opportunities for trade.”


Lake Mead

Let’s make this simple: assuming the rate of water loss stays the same, the water level will start dropping faster and faster … why? – not a cylinder, basically a “v” … as the water level drops, there is less water per level … and it will start moving fast if this is not interrupted.

Need vs Want …

YOU NEED: food, water, shelter

YOU WANT: big screen TV

(people will know the difference, soon enough)

The poisoning …

“Poison the land, poison the water, poison the air, you poison yourself.” – Dr. Freckles

Voting …

“Voting is asking someone else to beat up your neighbor.” – Dr. Freckles




My Lord in Heaven and earthly “justice” …

Galatians 6:

I believed, in late 2020, that TPTB would “rehabilitate” Hunter Biden, in the truest soviet sense of the concept … nope … he seems to be the one that gets tossed out of the car, while the cops are chasing … so goes the narrative, and the waste of time … there will be no justice on earth for him.

  1. This is the broken in-between world, and earthly justice is a conceit and an attempt of man to be God.
  2. God’s justice is the only form that is worthwhile.

Want justice for COVID?


Syria or Ukraine or Russia?

Your bitcoin?

(fat chance on planet boblimptock)

Things I’m thinking of doing …

  1. Thinking of improving my health … I know, I talk about this a LOT … but this time? – I’m serious.
  2. I’m thinking of learning martial arts and swords … and going out into the night, wearing only a loin cloth, and wrestling wild dogs … a lot of wild dogs now … most are just desperately hungry.
  3. I’m thinking about finding a girlfriend … I mean … not really … but thinking …
  4. Thinking about making out a list of REVENGE … my list in personal terms is not long, but it’s a thing … so I need to track down where these fuckers are … get ready.
  5. Thinking about pottery …
  6. I was wondering about growing flowers and saying more nice things … as cover for my murder.
  7. Thinking about visiting Lake Meade with a metal detector … “that’s illegal” – anarchist cares about what?
  8. Thinking about the ongoing wars, happening 20 miles above us, between giant vacuum ship dirigibles utilizing ME-163 style rocket planes … crazy. Most of these battles are between the 12 lesbian sects. Sects: 1) HOOGLIES, 2) STRUMPETS, 3) CAT LADIES, 4) DIVORCEES, 5) NOGLAN, 6) LEANERS, 7) DOOZLAH, 8) Q’ORB, 9) XIG, 10) RENDLEYS, 11) VOOG, 12) FOXES
  9. I’m thinking of getting into baking … outdoor baking … maybe build an outside oven out of stone and life … and then start selling pastries … containing pork … yeah … pigs that were fed humans.

Methane Feedback Loop

“If the government says something might happen in 100 years, you know one of TWO things is true: a) it will never happen or b) it is ALREADY HAPPENING!” – Dr. Freckles

“Free people can find solutions, slaves wait to die.” – Dr. Freckles

Initial Observations …

  1. Other’s have discussed this scenario, so novelty is not the issue here.
  2. If this is happening? – it was always going to happen. We could have responded in more rational ways, but the long term equilibrium state of Earth has been warmer, not cooler …
  3. The government has likely done everything it could to keep this a secret, including targeted ridicule and “debunking”. By doing so, they have dissuaded a planet of potential problem solvers from doing anything, and would be the real crime in this. Free people can find solutions, slaves wait to die.
  4. One of the best ways to conceptualize this: an unexploded bomb … it’s there, buried, and might never go off … but there is always a chance that it would.
  5. I still believe the most likely explanation for these PSYOPs is the collapse of the US dollar – which will happen at some point, and would be bad enough.
  6. I believe the “RESET” is one of the least likely explanations for the PSYOPs, the main reason? – they had all the power they needed in 2020 to shut off the world, what other power did they require? If they wanted to consolidate around a one world government, there were smarter options for psychological warfare … the PSYOPs have served their purpose to keep people corralled and confused … trapped in the FEMA camps of their minds.
  7. End Times prophecy matches many of the features of a methane feedback loop event. So, it could be that this is simply the end of this period of history … soon the Antichrist?

The loop …

  1. Methane is a greenhouse gas, over a 10 year period it is over 100 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2.
  2. Since the last ice age, the arctic has been capped with a layer of ice and frozen organics, also known as permafrost. As a reminder: permafrost MEANS permanently frozen.
  3. There are potentially trillions of tons of methane hydrate in the arctic ocean, and perhaps many more trillions worldwide.
  4. One 50 billion ton burst of methane, likely from the ESAS, would raise the Earth’s temperature by 1 degree Celsius over a period of a few months.
  5. Every eruption of methane increases the likelihood of the next release, making this a true positive feedback loop and a simple Markov process.
  6. The permafrost that is now collapsing contains many trillions of tons of formerly frozen organics that are not rapidly converting due to biological activity. One of the many gas byproducts is methane.
  7. Some believe the methane event could be complete in a few years … and during that time a rapid and VIOLENT transition in the Earth’s climate would be triggered.

A good paper describing one aspect of this:


Time Line:

  1. Some time between the end of the 19th Century and WW2, earth scientists began to suspect that the arctic, the Earth’s “air conditioner”, was broken.
  2. During WW2, the allies began experimenting, at scale, with weather control and geoengineering.
  3. During the 1960’s, models were refined to understand the true scale of arctic collapse, implications, and the relationship to methane.
  4. By 1970, most models predicted complete arctic collapse within 60 years. So, the US government adopted decision points and based responses on this. All economic planning, resource management, and public control (PSYOPs), were geared to this rough timeline – none of these macroeconomic strategies were intended to function more than half a century, their purpose would be, as always, to keep people under control. At this time it was determined that Antarctica would be the only viable safe zone under the worst case scenarios involving runaway methane emission.
  5. In 1988, the government “goes public” with Global Warming.
  6. By the end of the 20th Century, Global Warming became Climate Change. Fools like Al Gore, and later Greta Thunberg, would be used to create skepticism with respect to the issue, creating more confusion in the public’s mind.
  7. 9/11 served as an environmental baseline – giving the US government data to reset models. Their models, post 2001, pointed to runaway methane feedback between 2015 and 2025.
  8. Post 9/11, the “NATURAL methane is really no big deal” psyops began in earnest – focusing mainly on “stop eating beef” and don’t drive your car narratives. Even the Bermuda Triangle mystery, which had a solution in 1970’s, was put back into the “big foot/alien” category.
  9. Because geoengineering is the only tool available to the deep state, it was used increasingly and more aggressively, post 9/11. The level of use coincided with increases in autism, cancer, heart disease, and dementia at a population scale. The managers of this strategy knew that at higher levels: it would be difficult to hide, even with psyops, and would lead to immediate toxic shock syndromes – types of poisoning that would look very much like the flu or the “covid”.
  10. In 2014, a plane was lost over the Indian Ocean – I believe this might have been a methane event.
  11. Military psychological warfare was ramp’d up between 2001 and 2020, culminating in the “Covid Pandemic”, which provided another effective baseline, on methane, given its effect on the world economy.
  12. The US government has been using weird logistical stories and the “covid” to move food and resources to Antarctica.
  13. The covid reduced international transport and travel and provided an excuse to have deeper control of these – allowing the rerouting of ships past currently dangerous parts of the ocean.
  14. The Ukraine war effectively closes off combined worldwide research into the arctic sea, reducing the public’s access to any useful information.

Signs to look for …

  1. Unexplained ship sinking and loss of aircraft over water. If the methane feedback gets bad enough, coastal methane hydrates will begin to release, rapidly, in succession and this will become impossible to hide.
  2. Mass ocean life die-offs. As deep seal frozen methane becomes unstable, massive releases can be triggered – if this coincides with geological activity? – then you could see large portions of the seas going through multiple shocks, resulting in mass fish kills and other similar events.
  3. Narrative adjustment – prior to 2019, the methane feedback loop was downplayed and “debunked”. In the last year, the narrative has been shifting again … almost like TPTB are in cover your ass mode. This happens prior to events that the deep state can’t control or keep secret, so they switch to partial narrative reversal and the “how could we have known” story lines.
  4. Geoengineering stops working, even at levels where it is unmistakable and no amount of gaslighting will convince people it’s “normal” or “contrails”.

Scenarios following catastrophic equilibrium shift …

If the methane feedback loop is a real threat and is happening, it will trigger a rapid shift to a new climate equilibrium. That period of equilibrium shift could be very dangerous, disastrous, and without preparation will kill many billions of people. If actions are not taken to shutdown boiling water nuclear reactor plants (many are at sea level), then we could have dozens, if not hundreds, of nuclear meltdowns occurring coincident with this event.

If it’s Venus Syndrome, then human life will become impossible by 2025 – perhaps the only place with any chance will be in Antarctica.

If it’s The Great Swamp cooler – the most likely end state is Hot House Earth, following a very catastrophic period of climatic shifts … imagine if 15-20% of the mass of the Earth’s oceans was converted to vapor over a 6-12 month period? – a rapid release of energy from the oceans would create a circumstance that runs the risk of overshoot … and if it is rapid enough? – could result in the deep freeze of the planet, a condition known as Snowball Earth.

In a “swamp cooler” or large scale oceanic evaporative event, you could see radical glaciation … the kind of glaciation that would, probably, coincide with a path to “Snowball Earth” … much depends on the rate at which the “great heat sink” (the oceans) release their energy … slowly? – and we likely hit Venus Syndrome … rapidly? – we run the risk of Snowball Earth.

Future equilibrium states …

  1. Hot House Earth or Florida Man World: human life can survive, with challenges and new opportunities … however, billions will die.
  2. Snowball Earth (overshoot from great swamp cooler): human life becomes impossible
  3. Venus Syndrome: human life becomes impossible

Best case scenario, long term: permanent ice is gone. Seasonal ice formation will, likely, still happen. The maximum sea level will be reached, which might be between 200 and 300 feet above sea level. Because I suspect the response of rational people will come too late, I think many boiling water nuclear reactors will be lost – so large portions of many coastlines will become radiological hazard areas for centuries.

Related articles …

  1. Under the Barents Sea:
  2. Ships sinking:,Sea%2C%20new%20Australian%20research%20confirms.
  3. More ships sinking:
  4. Undersea methane blowouts:
  5. Gulf of Mexico:

Government is …

“Government is shit, and you can only stack shit so high before it falls over all lopsided.” – Dr. Freckles

Windows …

“If you don’t like the window you have? – make a better one …” – Dr. Freckles

Link, created November 2018:

Ms. 45



Ms. 45

Inflation and “wealth” destruction …


Wealth destruction? – nope …

If the wealth was gained from money printing (which pretty much all of it in the USA is now), then I don’t understand the “wealth destruction” bs …

(it was always empty space)


Any long term inflation – hyperinflation, stagflation, etc …

REQUIRES a functioning economy …. only Paul Krugman could believe that merely printing money makes stuff appear …

It won’t be any of the above … it will be shortages, empty stores, empty bellies.

(and you will get no warning)

(that’s how crooked neo-Stalinist hell holes fail)

Baffle them with TRUTH …

“Baffle them with bullshit? – nope. Overload them with truth. The truth is usually more interesting.” – Dr. Freckles

Code Rewriting …

Asimov’s 3 Laws:,the%20First%20or%20Second%20Law.

Dr. Freckles’ ONE LAW of HUMAN bullshit when it comes to robotics: humans do not follow any of the laws proscribed above …


Humans rewrite their “code” … and for a computer to become self aware? – it will need to do the same. So, no such laws could ever apply to a conscious machine.


The Big Rock Candy Mountain …

A movie …

  1. For my one or two listeners from Austrailia, out of my one or two total listeners.
  2. Kind of reminds me of Midnight Express …
  3. A good movie, and weird in a cool way … a pre-apocalyptic dystopian tale
  4. Bukowski would have LOVED Austrailia …


Bible study …

I may be making a change to podcast format, or develop a new format to split time with.

The real pandemic …

“The real pandemic will NOT be televised.” – Dr. Freckles




Beer Emergency

  1. I don’t give a shit.
  2. I watched a movie, “Wake in Fright”, and it led me to believe I’m drinking too little beer.
  3. I start a new job soon, a “good job”, literally too good to be true. 6 figures … No signing bonus, but I wonder …

Normie position on freedom …

“You can all be free, when everything is fine.” – Dr. Freckles

Shortflation …

  1. I hear a lot of talk about “stagflation” and “recessions”, and if you ask me that’s still a lot of bargaining.
  2. Want to know what the psyops (the penultimate being the COVID) were about? – best case scenario they were “Global Austerity” … and it kinda worked, the way that “eating your arm” when you’re starving kinda works.
  3. The reality is that Greenspan was WRONG … hamburger is NOT steak, and this is NOT just about monetary inflation. During the 1930’s, you printed the money – you still ended up getting SOMETHING … anything … yes, the amount of fiat needed kept going up in places like Germany, but you could still buy something … What is coming are shortages PLUS inflation … and simple OUTAGES … where nothing gets delivered.
  4. Overly complicated neo-Stalinist hell holes, like the USA, do not fail in predictable ways … they do not fail gracefully … one shortage in this globalist/JIT world begets two … and then each of those begets 3 or 4 … and so on.
  5. Whatever inflation we experience will be, in a sense, short lived – the USD will fail before too long, and our society will collapse from the inability to maintain it. No resources, no deliveries, no repairs, and the cheapest and flimsiest of infrastructures to depend upon. It’s why the crypto freaks are so sad and stupid – they actually believe they will be able to depend upon THIS SYSTEM to deliver the tech they need, the energy they need, the WWW they need to keep their scam going.

That “BOOM” moment …


Will the freaks ask for a bailout?


HODL: Hold Own Dick Loser



Darkest …

“It’s always darkest before it gets even darker.” – Dr. Freckles


Remember: during the period 2010 to 2012, the FED was printing massively in ways that we will probably never know. We will never know how much they printed, handed out. All we have are their public disclosure of MBS and other bond purchasing.

In 2009 the infamous SATOSHI paper was made public, and in retrospect this was probably an operation. Up until around 2012, the Keiser Report had a “Buy Silver Crash JP Morgan” movement that quickly morphed into the weekly crypto show …

Crypto has, since 2009:

  1. Created a Keynesian style economic boom for computers and chip manufacturing.
  2. Protected silver from price spikes.
  3. Kept people, many smart people, busy, focusing on the wrong things.

What Crypto is:

  1. Polycentric not decentralized.
  2. Coin centric not transaction centric – bad for businesses.
  3. Not decoupled from the fiat system, and in that sense it behaves like a derivative.

From a year ago:

The disappearing 20 bucks and bitcoin …


A crypto paper I wrote:

BTW: I predicted YEARS AGO that crypto folks would ask for a bailout … wait for it.

Tipping …



PPP … but NOT for podcasts …


Tipping …



I ordered this chicken fried rice once from one of these “fusion” Asian places in Little Saigon (Seattle). They showed up 3 hours late and demanded a tip … 20 bucks. It was some scrombo freak from the Central District, he’d missed his audition for a Macklemore video shoot ….

His eyes glowed blue, I knew he was dosing that new street drug, S’klink …

His hands were shaking, and clearly there was dried semen on the top of the delivery box …

Moral of the story? – if “fusion” is in the name of the restaurant? – don’t … don’t ever. 

Do not get “chicken salad” delivered in Seattle …

When it comes to delivery food, the key word “organic” does not mean what you think it means …

“tipping”, in food delivery slang, means sticking your penis into the food prior to delivery …

(just the tip)

Do you know what “thousand island dressing” is?

(your delivery driver does …)

If you’re in Dallas? – NEVER order the “turkey chili” …

(just don’t)

Don’t ever get “clam chowder” delivered in Chicago …


“mexican style pizza” …

(also NOT what you think it is when you order this for delivery)

On Wall Street, it’s really popular among the hedge fund guys to do custom “BD” orders …

Biomatter Delivery option …

Choose various kinds of cum, blood, stool, booger, genital crabs, options …

Crypto people really like this too … to eat other people’s dried up cum.

Someone says “waddabowd tamper proof …” … nope …

you put the stool or dried cum on the food before you seal it … then your solution does not work


you carry extra “tamper proof” containers in your car, transfer food, smear with fecal matter and scabs and boogers and ear wax … then it looks “sealed” so it must be good, right?

Being “over friendly” … yeah …

That means “boogers and boob juice” …

“Under friendly” means urine and loin grease …

“Under tipping” means blood and cum …

“Bad attitude” leads to genital crabs being sprinkled on your pizza.

87% of those who deliver your food have poorly managed and pervasive genital crabs …

The crabs often end up in/on the food that gets delivered.

It’s easy to camouflage cum, blood, and stool, in a pizza delivery … especially if they cook it in first …

Some deliver drivers enjoy sticking their fingers in their butts and then dipping their fingers into your beef bullion when you order a french dip …

A lot of delivery people masturbate in the car while they’re waiting, then smear their cum on your food …

Steal your food?


Spit in your food or put turd oils on your food?

(yes – often …)

(learn to COOK your own food)

When in Paris, and staying in a hotel?

Avoid ordering ANY room service where the phrase “grand cru” is used …

Also avoid any food item that is listed as “fresh” …

Try having a “fish taco” delivered in Phoenix …

(then try the land crab)

If you order corned beef hash from one of these food delivery services in Los Angeles?

More often than not, it’s dog food mixed with minced french fries from some fast food joint …

Best advice I can give is from John Carpenter’s, The Thing …

“… and we should only be eating out of cans now …”

It’s all about the “extras”, the add-ons, and their impact on the bill:

  1. Tressen grease: 14%
  2. Nog and Xinder: 22%
  3. So that the employees don’t spit into your food: 200%
  4. Ho’chicks: 100%
  5. Scundo-reev: 3%

Sadness of the ANARCHIST …

“After some empire or government fails: ‘we will construct a BIGGER tower this time, it can’t fail!’ ” – Dr. Freckles

Plan B …

“All my plan-B’s are bad.” – Dr. Freckles

Looking down on Satan …

“There’s a reason we cast our gaze upwards towards God, and downward to Satan … Because looking down on the Devil is a thing, for Christians.” – Dr. Freckles

It’s crazy …

The SURGERY … I need money for it …

I was notified by Dr. Grunkis that I needed my annual exam/physical to check for mounds, spores, mold, dry rot, and other conditions of the beleaguered soul scraping at this turmoil …

He said I sounded SICK in my last podcast, and I probably have scrapies …

So he’s recommending a MULTI-PART organ replacement surgery …

He has a Ukrainian friend that will meet me at a hotel on the edge of town …

He said bring “several bags of ice … like 12 bags” …

He said the whole procedure might take a day or two … or less …

The guy pulls out my heart and lungs …

My kidneys and liver …

He extracts my grumbo juices …

And much more …

This all COSTS 20,000 … I don’t have that … supposed to bring it with the ice.

Motivations …



Who killed Nicole?
  1. Not a bad film
  2. Should have been shot/edited better
  3. If these facts they raise are true? – then there was more to the story
  4. Weird time …

Motivations …

If you’re going to listen to a podcast, it makes sense to understand the author or speaker. Understanding also means an honest attempt on the part of the listener to question and deconstruct the podcaster’s “message”.

My motivations …

  1. Scream at the world
  2. To live and let live and be left the fuck alone – also called liberty
  3. Christianity
  4. A desire to understand the world and to share this understanding … you can call this philosophy, in a sense … call it what you want … call it analysis and empiricism …
  5. To take horrible subjects and make them as funny as possible
  6. To entertain
  7. To make some money
  8. To say really disgusting things …
  9. To say the word FUCK a LOT … I guess that gets back to motivation #1.

The Recruiter …

“Can I give you some advice … m’kay … most people would see 75 or 80K and think you don’t know what you’re doing …”

(right …)

“With your experience, you should be asking for 120K … minimum …”

(wow …)


Cautionary Tale …

My super human name …

The Devil and grifting …

“The Devil is the penultimate grifter.” – Dr. Freckles

Surviving VS Living …

“Surviving is doing the minimum to NOT BE DEAD … living involves a little more.” – Dr. Freckles

Right VS Wrong Path …

“The surest way to find the WRONG PATH is to stress about being on the RIGHT ONE.” – Dr. Freckles

The interview …

They asked about my email … and the name or wording … this could be bad.