Introduction: How we got into this, the story of RAD ENGINEERING. WHAT IS THE RAD TERMINAL? (5 minutes)
Hardware: a) radio, b) computer, c) linkages and wiring … history of the radio tech and how it’s being used. JS8 (20 minutes)
Software: history of WWW, what happened to TECH in the 70’s … why couldn’t we hook up TRS-80 / C64 computers to a CB in 1983 … what are bulletin boards? – how is radio LIKE a bulletin board … encryption strategies … encoding … ARS: Amateur Radio Services … what is an ARS? – remote procedure calls over CB radio, hitting python-agent receivers, hooking into actions … >sendto: >email: >payment: … command tags … EDI for radio? – small compact messaging AND payment services using voice recognition (20 minutes)
“Want to know one difference between a grifter and a business person? – grifters don’t get nervous when they take your money.” – Dr. Freckles
Pairing …
They paired the COVID with the RACE WAR …
The Trump Trauma Drama with 1/6 …
They are currently combining Ukraine with TRUCKER BOMB MADNESS …
If this was always about global austerity and “collapse control”, then it does seem like we’re reaching the bottom of the barrel …
(this is fun, right?)
(like pairing wine with food – you pair PSYOPs …)
(still doesn’t tell you why though …)
(could very well be more “you can’t get your new thingamabob because the containers can’t be unloaded … cuz globalism failed, even though we said it never could” bullshit)
“Is it reliable, is it FAST … I would add is it cheap? – but somewhere in reliable cheap lives.” – Dr. Freckles
Ontology …
study of being or existence
theory of knowledge
categorization scheme
“Zeitgeist, like Tesla and ontology .. have been hijacked.” – Dr. Freckles
Did you see that clown?
“If you ever see Dr. Freckles, it’s too late.” – Dr. Freckles
M.I. soldier and LARPING ….
ARMY weight standards … and PSYOPs …
Another SOVIETOLOGICAL observation …
“MORNING at MIDNIGHT!” … (coming soon)
Happening in the near future …
An evil cabal takes over the world, and implements the ONE KNOWN PERFECT TIME …
They pick Los Angeles, CA, for this ONE SPECIAL TIME … and the ONE SPECIAL CLOCK was in Hollywood …
Battles fought, being fought, over perfect time …
The hero, Jingus Godfrey, was a red headed middle aged fat man, who could still wield an axe and brain some guy …
Of tigers, murder, and 9/11 …
Scenario: you hate someone … you want them dead. You can’t do like King David and just hire an assassin … nope. So what do you do …
You raise a tiger, you stop feeding it for a few days … maybe a week.
You leave it at your “friends” house, so that when they come home? – the tiger will, likely, attack them … but it would likely attack ANYONE that enters the house …
This is how I think of the “what if the terrorists did 9/11, but our government helped them …” argument … and it’s very similar to the “covid is kinda real Dan” … and it makes the same error in reasoning: assuming that calling something “mostly wrong” is the same as knowing that THING is a LIE (100%, no part is true).
The dude in the scenario: I didn’t kill my friend, the tiger did …
We are forming an LLC, assuming trademark search criteria are met, RAD ENGINEERING: the frequency is the limit … we are going places … (want porn and immersive gaming: find laser)
As amateur sovietologists, this is what we can say:
maybe there is a methane event
they are lying to you about its nature
so what kind of methane event would they want to lie about?
see: “Clathrate Gun” – and how it has ZERO to do with “climate change” nonsense.
(left over transaction from the last ice age)
(buckle up)
QUESTION: will they use a nuclear war to cover up a massive methane release event? Maybe even as a insane way of dealing with it: “Nuclear Winter”.
“The enemy is not that smart, and the time is nigh.” – Dr. Freckles
What I’ve learned from my project so far …
One thing: a LOT of people are being exposed to man-in-the-middle hacks, and aren’t noticing … why?
Most sites, pretty much everyone, track IP address only for purposes of security … but state in the application is maintained through the 3 basics: cookie, query string, hidden variable …
"If it doesn't work, we don't give up, we try something else." - Dr. Freckles (or someone he ripped off that said the same thing)
I’ll get this out of the way – the ideas presented below are not SPECIAL or even original … I dunno … I don’t think I’m a dummy, but I’m certain many dummies don’t think they are … I don’t think I’m special, I’m just tired of the LEARNED HELPLESSNESS. I think we have a right to dream and do, as we have a right to breathe.
We support RIGHT-TO-REPAIR at RADENGINEERING.TECH, everything we design, we document, software or hardware, will be OPEN … we can’t control our suppliers … but we can foster NEW freedom friendly suppliers …
What you see below is not our companies vision in any complete or limited form … we reserve the right, as we succeed or fail, to add new dreams to our list.
Is it possible others are working on now or have solved the problems listed below? – I HOPE THEY HAVE … and if they have, they should consider the open source and right-to-repair philosophy … it isn’t communism, it is human understanding. You can’t enforce this philosophy, but that’s ok … there will always be assholes. We want to make money, but we also want to change the world.
… finally …
We reserve the right to fail and try again.
We reserve the right to dream.
Here is what we dream of doing:
THE RAD TERMINAL: this will begin as a home-brew movement, but we have the goal of building a ruggedized all-in-one terminal, with antenna deployment pack and DC battery power, within 1 year – version ONE of the RAD TERMINAL … RT-1. This system will be designed with right-to-repair features, to include simple, swappable, modules for components that have high variability within radio or computer design. As of this writing, 2/25/22, we are still in home brew phase.
We talked about RTR (right-to-repair) already in terms of all our component designs and documentation.
Rad TRUCK: this will be a self-sufficient (as possible given power features) communications node that would be useful in connection with WiFi based MESH networks AND as a local internet hub for folks that want their own local game nets, email, etc … and they don’t need to be connected ANYWHERE else.
Project RTR #1: Local source all non-cpu, non-ram electronic components.
Project RTR #2: Design and build a 3D printing system for CPU and RAM.
We want to do #1 and #2 simultaneously, and that leads to project FREEDOM.
Project Freedom: a project to build a 100% local sourced (within a few hundred miles, up to 2,000 miles) computer that is capable of running LINUX. It would be 100% right-to-repair friendly, to include a PDF describing how YOU TOO can build a system for 3D printing CPUs … and as much useful knowledge as we can share.
Project Freedom has a sister project: Project RADIO: to design and build a 100% local sourced right-to-repair friendly radio system. We want to optimize component layout to make some parts of the radio optimized, stationary on the board (still repairable), and other parts in RTR-friendly component boxes that fold out, from a cube or cube-like module, where anyone can work on those parts too … but, perhaps certain intrinsically different radio components can be placed in a swap module component box – and that would mean switching bands/frequencies/wavelengths, event to include WiFi, would be as simple as swapping out a plastic plug, with an easy pop button.
Project Tesla: a remotely controlled drone for radio-repeater operations. This will allow the use of microwave technology for data exchange, at high altitudes, and this system LINKED to ground RAD TERMINAL devices for even higher rates of no-nonsense communication.
Project Space Diver: this will be our first foray into aerospace and tourism/entertainment/travel. We will run a “you can jump from the edge of space” business, where we design a very safe “pod” that is lifted to 20 miles, and has a velocity reduction/control multi-stage parachute system. Plus, we want to design a reusable/rechargeable balloon system, for hydrogen at first … the dangers from combustion are vastly reduced as you go up in altitude. This will be a way for people to see the “curve”, and I think we can reach a price point of around $1000.00 per dive. Again – they will be in an aerodynamically sound pod, with a pressure suit on in case of decompression. We will have as many safeguards against accidental harm as is feasible – but we’re talking about 20 miles up … so it’s dangerous, no matter the pod.
Project S’klider: this will be our second foray into aerospace. This will be a tourism/entertainment like “Space Diver”, but we’re hoping ordinary people will be able to buy them, here’s the concept: design a lightweight glider, for high altitudes, that can fold into a gondola for a blimp type hydrogen balloon system. At say, 15 miles up, the balloon deflates and is pulled back into the glider, and the glider can then proceed, folding out its wings, like a well designed glider for high/medium altitudes. The S’klider should be able to repeat this maneuver, even in mid air, but slowly filling the balloon back up with stored hydrogen. The idea: you could glide a LONG WAYS, especially if you have atmospheric thermal mapping hardware and software, with a well designed glider … perhaps thousands of miles with AI computer assistance for optimal thermal altitude gain.
Project FAST: quantum radio … I think IBM has been sitting on this … it would be hyper-bandwidth powerful, hyper-de-centralized, hyper-liberating … the internet would be dead after this … pretty much everyone would use a quantum radio … and encryption? – that gets fun using synchronized noise for message embedding … or quantum steganography …. fun …
Project View: a high altitude array of dirigible micro-observatories … astronomical in nature. We would like to take high resolution pictures by combining many smaller high altitude drones into one large array optical telescope. You could have these all around the globe. They could assist in the early detection of dangerous near earth objects.
Project Vacuum: the design and construction of a vacuum ship using magnetic field engineering to create an inner structure of force, whereby creating mass-free structure that can encapsulate a vacuum. This kind of ship would be “lighter than air” but in a very powerful way and it could allow for single-stage-to-orbit rocket ships.
Project Orbit: if Project Vacuum is successful, build a convertible vacuum ship dirigible system, with a gondola system designed like a lifting body glider, so that in case of vacuum envelope failure, the gondola itself could breakaway and the passengers could land safely. This ship would use a standard chemical rocket engine to achieve orbit, but would be lifted by its vacuum envelopes to an optimal altitude. The ship would be capable of maneuvering around the planet, at 20 miles, to find an optimal launch location for orbit.
Project D.B. Cooper: a jacket/pant system that, if worn onto a plane, would allow a person to have a better chance of surviving a catastrophic failure of a passenger airliner. The system would be designed with carbon fiber and kevlar structuring to ensure protection against shrapnel, and an easy to deploy parachute system. For more money? – you get the 20 lb raft/radio combo … not sure about the sharks though.
Project Mars: Orbit + synthetic gravity drive
Project Stellar: Mars + focal synthetic gravity => space time cavitation => low density space time => mole drive, basically a mole drive using synthetic, projected, moments of synthetic gravity. This would reduce space time distance, the same way a mole, tunneling through the earth does it … little bits at a time … but the attraction principles would become nonlinear as speed increased, and this is an interesting area of research. Bottom line: worm holes work, but are very dangerous … this usese Einstein-Rosen Bridge concepts, but on a micro basis
G-Ray: Build a gamma ray laser …
We want to sponsor an expedition to Antarctica … Justin might not want to go, that’s ok, I might want him to man our base station repeater system as I read AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS … from fucking Antarctica … over shortwave radio with repeaters. But we also want to map the continent, and explore it.
Freeze Ray: discover a useful and non-hazardous quantum endothermic particle that would cancel out the effects of photons
New ZTuff: design a means of constructing useful synthetic matter from pure energy …
OPEN PHP: if there isn’t an open php initiative, I want to start one … easy custom builds … transparent module viewing AND swapping for custom builds … and an ALL IN ONE deployable PHP friendly web server … other languages/APIs will work with it, but the most advanced, easy to control, PHP language and server will always be the best. We will also develop a simplified serialization and storage system that installs with the system, you can set how much memory you want it to use, both RAM and hard drive …
Temperature tolerant cheap and durable super conductive material, with the same malleability features of copper.
We want to foster the mentoring of young people in technology, sciences, math, so that our lives, though never perfect, can be far more kind and at peace and joy filled.
Messages from JS8Call CLOSE – JS8Call has been closed INBOX.MESSAGES – A list of inbox messages INBOX.MESSAGE – A single inbox message MODE.SPEED – The current TX speed PING – Keepalive from JS8Call RIG.FREQ – The rig frequency has been changed RIG.PTT – PTT has been toggled RX.ACTIVITY – We received something RX.BAND_ACTIVITY – The band activity window RX.CALL_ACTIVITY – The call activity window RX.CALL_SELECTED – The currently selected callsign RX.DIRECTED – A complete message RX.SPOT – A station we have heard RX.TEXT – Contents of the QSO window STATION.CALLSIGN – Callsign of the station STATION.GRID – Grid locator of the station STATION.INFO – QTH/info of the station STATION.STATUS – Status of the station TX.FRAME – Something we are sending TX.TEXT – Text in the outgoing message window
Messages to JS8Call INBOX.GET_MESSAGES – Get a list of inbox messages INBOX.STORE_MESSAGE – Store a message in the inbox MODE.GET_SPEED – Get the TX speed MODE.SET_SPEED – Set the TX speed RIG.GET_FREQ – Get the current dial freq and offset RIG.SET_FREQ – Set the current dial freq and offset RX.GET_BAND_ACTIVITY – Get the contents of the band activity window RX.GET_CALL_ACTIVITY – Get the contents of the call activity window RX.GET_CALL_SELECTED – Get the currently selected callsign RX.GET_TEXT – Get the contents of the QSO qindow STATION.GET_CALLSIGN – Get the station callsign STATION.GET_GRID – Get the station grid STATION.SET_GRID – Set the station grid STATION.GET_INFO – Get the station QTH/info STATION.SET_INFO – Set the station QTH/info STATION.GET_STATUS – Get the station status STATION.SET_STATUS – Set the station status TX.SEND_MESSAGE – Send a message via JS8Call TX.SET_TEXT – Sets the text in the outgoing message box, but does not send it. WINDOW.RAISE – Focus the JS8Call window
The python example below is modified from the JS8 source code available here:
from __future__ import print_function
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
import json
import time
#make sure you open port 2442 prior to opening JS8 application
#ubuntu command: sudo ufw allow 2442
server = ('', 2442)
def from_message(content):
return json.loads(content)
except ValueError:
return {}
def to_message(typ, value='', params=None):
if params is None:
params = {}
return json.dumps({'type': typ, 'value': value, 'params': params})
class Client(object):
first = True
def process(self, message):
typ = message.get('type', '')
value = message.get('value', '')
params = message.get('params', {})
if not typ:
if typ in ('RX.ACTIVITY',):
# skip
print('->', typ)
if value:
print('-> value', value)
if params:
print('-> params: ', params)
def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
params = kwargs.get('params', {})
if '_ID' not in params:
params['_ID'] = '{}'.format(int(time.time()*1000))
kwargs['params'] = params
message = to_message(*args, **kwargs)
print('outgoing message:', message)
self.sock.send((message + '\n').encode()) # remember to send the newline at the end :)
def send2(self):
message = "{'type': 'STATION.GET_STATUS', 'value': '', 'params': {'_ID': '1645105873058'}}"
print('outgoing message:', message)
self.sock.send((message + '\n').encode()) # remember to send the newline at the end :)
def connect(self):
print('connecting to', ':'.join(map(str, server)))
self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.connected = True
# send a simple example query after connected
self.send("TX.SET_TEXT", "WHAT IS GOING ON?")
#list of commands here:
while self.connected:
content = self.sock.recv(65500)
if not content:
print('incoming message')
message = json.loads(content)
except ValueError:
message = {}
if not message:
def close(self):
self.connected = False
def main():
s = Client()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Vision: to build an engineering company, specializing in radio and telecommunications, with a goal of creating an integrated and SECURE network that will allow information sharing, gaming, business, and secure communications, around the world and EVERYWHERE … cheaper than the WWW today … and owned by the people … truly decentralized.
If “crypto” wants to be truly independent and decentralized — then it needs to have the technological backbone to do so … it would need to be free of the WWW …
Elevator pitch …
I am working on a project with a friend in Utah. The project involves two basic parts:
A no-logon bulletin board system, allowing users to post notes, read them, all in a GIS (geographical information systems) context.
A digital citizen band and shortwave bidirectional radio bridge that allows an individual transceiver node and operator to integrate their system with our bulletin board system and vice versa. Our “white glove” offering will include effective encryption strategies for the messages themselves.
We are forming an engineering company if we are able, and this product/service combo will represent our first offering.
The product is called “notes”, but will:
Allow journalists in difficult circumstances to file stories and reports – even when the local internet is shut down.
Enable missionaries and activists overseas to coordinate and send/receive secure messages.
Be a product that will excite young people about STEM and potentially be a great holiday gift.
Be a way to dispatch and manage resources, globally.
Integrate an EDI (electronic data interchange) system for formatted messaging between nodes.
White-glove application capable of sending/receiving secure messages and integrating them into one web-based dashboard –
Advertising space on free bulletin board.
Rad-terminal: all in one radio/computer device, 3D printed brick/clam shell form factor, small enough to fit inside a backpack and containing all needed software and gear (to include antenna).
Rad-brick: a small device that can interface your personal computer with a CB radio for digital text comms, among hobbyists, on 11 meters.
Rad-truck: a vehicle which hosts a WiFi server and the broadcast equipment to provide emergency support, or special support for events, concerts … all integrated into the global PSR:NOTES system. A complete communications node for disaster scenarios: forest fire, earthquake, hurricane … etc.
Rad-drone: a high altitude dirigible drone system for enhancing point-to-point shortwave and CB communications. A system that can be designed to provide area-wide WiFi and other services.
What do we want from you?
Enthusiasm and involvement by home brew clubs in JS8 and similar technologies. Build out a network of technical knowledge and know how.
Donors – want to support financially and be known as a founder AND have white-list access to the notes network.
Investors … we need to raise 100K in the next 3 months to continue, and for this amount we will create a share structure for 10% ownership. This is a one time opportunity, the first investor to pool or have 100K can get a 10% stake …
We are just beginning on this journey, and this is connected to the podcast in a sense …
If you are interested in investing, please contact me: [email protected]