In the strag zone …

  1. Noob and szlib TUG ger soldiers, making their way to Nelly’s Bar for some gromulack tea.
  2. 98 separate incidents of outrage are recorded, every day, in the STRAG ZONE. Every act of outrage must be marked and recorded so that REVENGE IS TAKEN, and more acts of outrage and atrocities are committed, so that the great chain is not broken and all are made humble before outrages, and atrocities.
  3. STRAG ZONE merchants carry wallets on chains. Sideways drifters will reach into your pockets of pain and pull out worms and dried out used stamps covered in pubic hair … old wrappers from bazooka gum … residue of bbq sauce and crusted semen. They worry about their precious protein and the STREET HUSTLERS don’t care, they just drift onward toward the final victory.


Refrigerator parasites,
living in a hole,
smoking a bowl,
losing your broken soul.

Tired of the sky pain,
living in the toxic rain,
the MAN says I’m insane,
but he ships in crack cocaine.

I pedaled on my trike,
undeterred by the slog,
and roaches chased my ass,
as I swallowed broken glass,
and the sun was nowhere near,
my urine filled with beer,
the old duded called me queer,
and his insults? – they did seer,
in the juices,
for the gooses,
stepping out, on, truces.

Your mind laser did a thing,
and then my cell phone rang,
“Charlie McGibbons gets OUT TODAY!”,
We’ll have a spread,
where they bury the dead,
crazy ZED will cook up the meat,
in your seat,
staring at the bacon heat,
and living on jizzle-gases and grease.

I sped by with cherished ease,
the sleaze followed me,
beyond the sea,
beyond the hills,
tormenting me and my bell bottom spirit.

And candy man nightmares stare,
dithering bad boys lay siege to Grinken Town,
the mayor frowns as desert winds blow,
and you are on the go,
not too slow,
with your trike – one gear, never fear.

The dark soldier lurks nearby,
you can hear his horrid sigh,
a slouching beast of iron and smoke,
he ain’t no friendly bloke.
You think you’re broke?
wait till the deals are made,
wait for the KOOL-AID,
wait in the musty cave,
it will be your grave,
and the soldier will give a speech,
storming that final breech,
Nordic whores stand at the gap,
sitting on your lap,
you tired old sap – it’s crabs man.

said Sadie Bintz.
Her heart is clotted,
her mind engrossed,
a book left open on her desk,
some paper written,
soaked in cow’s blood and glitter,
she doesn’t litter,
she takes those bodies to the landfill,
after she and her cat have had their supper,
then she takes an upper,
and passes out,
massaging her boovula.

The TRIKE sped on,
from old burnt tree,
to New London Town,
a gaping wound,
an out of tune song,
you long for the stew,
of dead cat and mold fern,
a stern goo,
that you eat on your feet,
and you stand blindfolded,
on the edge of the WORLD,
a heart spun too fast,
a dandelion in the grass.

The frontier is dead,
the tires are melting,
the snow is haunting,
a grease is spilling into the stream.

A mind BEAM glows,
as coastal cities swarm with rats.
And the BAT KING stands tall in BOSTON,
as cast iron critters deal cards in VEGAS,
and the last of the sewer monkeys builds his rocket,
something in his pocket,
labeled: “LOVE”.

cried Milly Stamp.
She ruled the final quorum,
she had a hopped up forum,
her spirit was geared for dance,
but her enemies road black horses,
they whispered tired old lies,
they wandered mystery courses,
and had ships of jelly and sawdust.
Some rusty old MONK,
slunking to the docks,
drunk on muskrat wine,
looking for a good time,
sees Milly and stops …
For a night,
for a drink,
till he sinks below the waves.

I fell asleep by the stream,
reflecting eyes of darkness seen.

I cursed my land,
I fed on sand,
my jaundiced heart could not start,
so YOU left me to die,
in the snow,
far below,
and yet I still crawl towards the fight.

I filled my cup with forest green,
and sent the poet three more notes,
lost in noise,
hanging with them boys,
too many broken hearted,
too many fierce hounds,
sleeping on the ground with our hooker lovers,
not too hard,
pull that shard from your windpipe.

Smoking …

“After 2020? – I don’t need any speeches about cigarettes, I know they’re bad, I know I’ll quit again and perhaps forever … but my ‘good wolf’ and ‘bad wolf’ are both smoking now too …” – Dr. Freckles

Spotify: looks to be on the road to banning your FRIEND DAN …

Spotify has banned (“took down” – lots of euphemisms) one of my episodes/podcasts.

Banned episode:

UPDATE (9:38 AM: TWITTER (which I’m paying almost 20 bucks a month now), is also on the road to banning me –

I have been podcasting, in one form or another, for about 10 years. In those 10 years, right from the beginning, I’ve had positive feedback and an audience.

I’ve never had more than 100 people listening at any given time – in the world of podcasting, I’d say that’s a pretty small number … not a number for anyone to be concerned about except ME.

… and yet …

In those 10 years I’ve experienced banning, shadow-banning, and the outright theft of my intellectual property, prepaid fees, domains, etc, by Go Daddy in late 2021. YouTube has canceled me so many times I’ve simply given up on their bullshit …

Before you tell me “Dan, I know about this NEW NEW podcasting site”, just shut the fuck up for a minute: I’ve been down that road, and even sites that don’t immediately ban me at first have one thing in common – not so many eyeballs or ears … not much of a user base.

Am I giving up on Spotify? – no … I’ll keep posting there.

What do I expect to happen next? – in 90 days or less I think Spotify cancels me, completely.